Master the Language of Music: Essential Notes and Symbols

Decode the complex world of music notation with this comprehensive guide

Updated February 10, 2025
Orchestra rehearsing at concert hall
Kohei Hara / Stone via Getty Images

If you're learning to read music, you may be overwhelmed by the large number of musical notes and symbols that exist. Even seasoned music professionals are sometimes confused by a symbol or forget what it means. If you're struggling with understanding notes and symbols, print out this handy chart for easy reference.

Common Notes and Symbols in Music

There are many types of music notes to help you decipher a musical composition. The following table lists some of the most commonly found music notes and symbols and their meanings. Keep in mind that all note and rest beat values assume a 4/4 time signature. Scroll past the main chart to find the printable version.

Symbol Name Description
quarter note

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Quarter Note

Quarter note Note is played for one beat.
quarter rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow quarter rest

Quarter rest Rest (do not play) for one beat.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Half Note

Half note Note is held for two beats.
half rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow half rest

Half rest Rest for two beats.
Whole Note

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Whole Note

Whole note Note is held for four beats.
whole rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow whole rest

Whole rest Rest for four beats.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Eighth Note

Eighth note Note is played for 1/2 a beat.
eighth rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow eighth rest

Eighth rest Rest for 1/2 a beat.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Sixteenth Note

Sixteenth note Note is played for 1/4 of a beat.
sixteenth rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow sixteenth rest

Sixteenth rest Rest for 1/4 of a beat.
Thirty-second note

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow thirty second note

Thirty-second note Note is played for 1/8 of a beat.
thirty second rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow thirty second rest

Thirty-second rest Rest for 1/8 of a beat.
sixty fourth note

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow sixty fourth note

Sixty-fourth note Note is played for 1/16 of a beat.
sixty fourth rest

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow sixty fourth rest

Sixty-fourth rest Rest for 1/16th of a beat.
dotted half note

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow dotted half note

Dotted note or rest Add half the beat value of the note or rest. For example, a dotted half note equals three beats.
beamed notes

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow beamed notes

Beamed notes Eighth, sixteenth, thirty-second, and sixty-fourth notes may be connected in groups by a beam. This makes the notes easier to read and helps organize the music.
tied notes

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow tied notes

Tied notes A tie connects two or more notes and their beat values together. Tied notes should be played as a single note and held for the length of their combined beats.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow triplets

Triplets Triplets divide one beat into three equal beats.
grace note

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow grace note

Grace notes A grace note is an extra note added for flare and is not a necessary part of a music composition. It does not have a specific beat value but is played rapidly prior to a valued note's beat.
broken chord arpeggio

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow broken chord / arpeggio

Broken chord Also called an arpeggio, a broken chord symbol means to play the notes of the chord separate (from bottom to top) instead of at the same time.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow staff

Staff Consists of five lines and four spaces. Notes are written on the lines, in the spaces and above and below the staff. Each line and space represents a note on the musical scale.
bar line

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow bar line

Bar line A bar line divides the musical staff into measures.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Treble clef on music staff

Treble clef Also called the "G" clef, this symbol is found at the beginning of a music staff and represents treble notes.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Bass clef on music staff

Bass clef Also called the "F" clef, this symbol is found at the beginning of a music staff and represents bass notes.
c sharp key signature

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow c sharp key signature

Key signature The number of sharps or flats at the beginning of a musical piece that determines what key to play or sing in.
time signature

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow time signature

Time signature Determines the beat or rhythm of the musical piece. The top number of the time signature tells how many beats are in each measure, while the bottom number determines what type of note gets one beat. The example to the left shows a time signature of 6/8. This means there are six beats per measure and an eighth note gets one beat.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Common Time

Common time This symbol indicates a time signature of 4/4 (four beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat).

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Cut Time

Cut time Indicates a time signature of 2/2 (two beats per measure, half note gets one beat).
Grand staff

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow grand staff

Grand staff When the treble and bass clef staffs are connected by a brace, this is called the grand staff.

Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Sharp note

Sharp A sharp symbol in front of a note directs you to play or sing that note one half step higher for the duration of the measure.

Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Flat note

Flat A flat in front of a note directs you to play or sing that note one half step lower for the duration of the measure.
a natural note

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow a naturel

Natural A natural sign in front of a note cancels out a previous flat or a sharp in a measure.
piano mark

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow piano mark

Piano Play or sing softly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow pianissimo

Pianissimo Play or sing very softly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow pianississimo

Pianississimo Play or sing very, very softly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow forte

Forte Play or sing loudly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow fortissimo

Fortissimo Play or sing very loudly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow fortississimo

Fortississimo Play or sing very, very loudly.
mezzo piano

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow mezzo piano

Mezzo piano Play or sing moderately softly.
mezzo forte

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow mezzo forte

Mezzo forte Play or sing moderately loudly.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow glissando

Glissando A glissando mark between two notes tells you to quickly slide your fingers up or down the keys or strings between those notes, starting and ending on the written notes. Vocalists may also perform glissandos.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow crescendo

Crescendo Gradually play or sing louder.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow decrecsendo

Decrescendo Gradually play or sing softer.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow staccato

Staccato Play or sing the note in a detached manner, with clear separation between notes.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow marcato

Marcato (accent mark) Play or sing the note forcefully with emphasis.

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow legato

Legato Also called a slur, this symbol indicates you should smoothly connect a group of notes.
breath mark

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow breath mark

Breath Mark This symbols tells a performer to take a breath. For a violinist, it means to lift the bow.

Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Trill symbol

Trill To rapidly play two notes back and forth, the written note and usually the note above it.
repeat sign

Created by Vikki Olds Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow repeat sign

Repeat Sign Instructs you to repeat sections of music. If a repeat sign is seen at the end of the music, go back to the beginning and play it again.

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image Fermata

Fermata Hold the note for as long as the musician or conductor deems appropriate, usually at least twice the beat value of the note. Fermatas are often seen at the end of a musical piece.

Free Printable Chart

If you'd like a copy of this chart to take along with you, simply click on the image below to open the .pdf file. The chart will open in a new window or tab, and from there you can download it to your computer or print out a hard copy.

musical notes and symbols chart
Created by LoveToKnow / Illustrations from via Getty Images

Understanding the Universal Language

Music is considered the universal language because it transcends culture, nationality and traditional languages. Music notes and symbols are the foundation of the musical language. Each symbol and note adds a unique element to a musical composition and learning to read them opens the door to an unlimited world of musical opportunities and experiences.

Master the Language of Music: Essential Notes and Symbols