7 Senior Bio Examples to Help You Craft Your Own

With the right mixture of humor and sincerity, you can write a senior bio that you'll be proud of 20 years from now.

Updated March 12, 2024
happy students on a break
CarlosBarquero via Shutterstock

Pinning down the best quote to put under your senior portrait is hard enough, but writing a senior bio that'll stand out can be super intimidating. It's your last opportunity to leave an impression on your teenagerdom for good. You've got many years to master writing about yourself in a dry and professional manner, so your senior bio isn't the place to start. Think about capturing exactly who you are at this very moment — silly hobbies, fashion trends, popular slang, and all. Not sure how to start? Look no further than these senior bio examples. 

7 Example Graduation Bios for Every Kind of High School Senior 

Believe it or not, your adult self will look back on these words sometime in the distant future. Do future you a favor and knock this one out of the park. But if writing isn't your forte, never fear! These senior bio examples are here to help. 

Sample Senior Bio for an Athlete

Jenna Willis is a member of the varsity basketball team, track team, and is captain of the International Summer soccer team. She's been a volunteer referee for Maytown's Youth Soccer League for four years. Jenna would like to thank Coach Larsen for helping her learn the importance of teamwork and humility as these skills will carry over into her future on and off the field. Jenna plans to attend State University in the fall, on a full athletic scholarship. She is majoring in Sports Management, and her ultimate goal is to manage the nearby Waytown Wailers.

4 Personalizaiton Tips 

No two athletes are the same, and their bios shouldn't be either. Customize yours with these helpful tips.

  • Choose a quote from an athlete that inspires you.
  • Include any sports you play, as well as any elite teams you've played on or positions you've held on those teams.
  • Mention experience in working with sports agencies or local organizations.
  • Recognize a coach, player, or person who's made a significant impact on your life.

Sample Senior Bio for a Scholar

student raising hand in class
SDI Productions/ E+ via Getty Images

As President of the senior class, Geoffrey 'The Brain' Allen would like to thank the entire student body for entrusting him with their final year of high school. Geoffrey is not only a proud member of student government but has also participated in Science Club, After School Book Worms, and the Robotics Club all four years of high school. Somehow, he's found time to spend five years working as an elementary math tutor. Geoffrey credits his first-grade teacher, Mrs. Miller, with inspiring his love for learning and hopes to pay it forward by also becoming a teacher. He will attend Jackson University in New York to study Elementary Education.

4 Personalization Tips

Whether you're a traditional scholar who wants to take the university route or you find the best learning is done through doing, you can knock out a solid senior bio. 

  • Include in-school and out-of-school academic societies, activities, and clubs, like internships.
  • Give credit to someone who has inspired your love of learning. 
  • Touch on any organizations or trips you've taken that have expanded your scope. 
  • Choose a quote from a famous scholar in your favorite field of study.
Need to Know

Unless your high school has specific rules, experiment with using both third and first person in your bios. Read them over and see which one feels the most comfortable to you.

Funny Senior Bio Example 

My talents have finally been recognized with the title of 'Class Clown.' I'll miss those bricks called 'pizza' from the cafeteria as well as getting hit in the face repeatedly during P.E. dodgeball games. As President of the Sleeps On Desks Society, I bestow my responsibilities to incoming freshman, and my baby sister, Mandy Nelson. Look out world! Melissa 'Missy, Misty, Mel, Lissa, M, Bright Eyes' Nelson is headed for a corner office in the Future Couch Potatoes of America organization.

4 Personalization Tips

You'll be flying out the door soon, so there's no reason not to let your funny flag fly. Show off your brand of humor with these tips. 

  • Make light of standard high school experiences.
  • Bequeath your job as the class comedian to a younger student.
  • Include any silly nicknames or school lingo. 
  • Reference embarrassing moments that have to do with the faculty and staff.

Inspirational Senior Bio Example 

The last four years have shaped me into an optimist armed with empathy. I'll always remember morning meditation and philosophy debates in Mrs. Rain's class. I would like to thank my parents, friends, and school staff for helping me become the best version of myself. I can't wait to use my gifts and the talents I've honed to help others in life. I'm looking forward to studying psychology at St. Francis College in preparation for a future career in Counseling.

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

5 Personalization Tips 

An inspirational bio can be faith-based or philosophical — it's all about being mindful. Spread your special brand of kindness with these useful tips. 

  • Include quotes that are inspirational to you.
  • Choose memories that have deep emotional connections.
  • Give credit to those who have helped guide you.
  • Offer encouraging words for future generations.
  • Touch on topics or causes that you want to help champion in the future. 

Sample Senior Bio for a Musician

Musician playing guitar
Getty Images

First chair violinist for four years! I'm so very proud of this fact and I couldn't have done it without Mx. Donnell's training, my friends at The Strings Club, my band Crying in Velvet, and the beautiful sounds of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" that has been played to me since I was in the womb (thank you 'rents, I love you!). I remember the time I thought of quitting because school became too much, but my teachers and friends rallied and helped me catch up. I'm so thankful for all the support. My future plans include a summer of more music and playing locally with my band until I head off to the New England Conservatory of Music! I'm beyond thrilled to be a student where Coretta Scott King graduated and to continue her mission of music education and activism. 

5 Personalization Tips

Musicians and singers should highlight what they're most proud of and thank the folks who helped along the way. Treat your senior bio like a song or composition you're creating.

  • Include your favorite accomplishment.
  • Mention other musicians who inspire you.
  • Include song lyrics or anything that feels true to you with your music.
  • Note the folks who helped you get where you are. 
  • Boast your skills and what you plan to do over the summer.

Related: 21 Unique High School Yearbook Themes and Ideas Teens Will Love

Sample Senior Bio for an Artist

Wren Allen has been playing with colors since they were old enough to hold a crayon. They want to thank their mom for always keeping the pencils sharpened and having a sketchbook on hand. Wren has created an incredible collection of work, some of which have been featured at the Museum of Art, Youngstown Gallery, P.S. Art, and all over mom's house. Their current favorite colors are black and gold — the proof is in their latest collection crafted only with charcoal and gold leaf. They're proud to be taking a gap year and heading off to Berlin to soak in some new inspiration. They want to remind the entire graduating class to always be themselves because anything else is boring. 

4 Personalization Tips

Not only do you want to highlight what amazing things have happened regarding your artistic talents and where you're headed after graduation, but also the little tidbits like these that help yours stand out from the pack. 

  • Mix a bit of personal in with the professional. For example, this bio is written in the third person but does cool shout-outs to mom.
  • Showcase the events and shows that featured your work over the years. 
  • Send a message to the graduating class.
  • Mention the mediums you use to create art.

Sample Senior Bio for a Rebel

Cheerful teenage friends taking selfie through mobile phone
Maskot / Maskot via Getty Images

I'm so thankful that high school is over because I'm not a morning person — though Mr. Potter's first-period math class ruled big time. I just know everyone will be shocked to hear that I'm not going to college, but am taking time to further cultivate my wildly successful and highly questionable YouTube persona instead. IYKYK. When I'm not holed up behind my computer, I'll likely be outside skating past your window way too late with a GoPro and my super cracked phone making videos. Sorry about the noise in advance! I still love you all and hope you love me for me. Thank you and all love to Jackie, Marta, Jose, my truly awesome moms, and my cat Heartthrob who is the only being who sleeps more than me — you are the true inspiration. 

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." — Audre Lorde

4 Personalization Tips 

Don't be afraid to speak your mind and go against the grain. Senior bios are all about being yourself and being proud of getting this far. Graduating high school is an accomplishment, and you're sure to embark on new achievements every day.

  • Tell the world exactly who you are.
  • Include your personal brand of charm and wit. 
  • Dare to be honest and open about your high school experience.
  • Share a message you'd like your peers to remember.

Guidelines to Help You Write Your Senior Bio

Before you get started penning your epic senior bio, you'll want to check the guidelines your school might have in place. Some have character count limits, while others won't let you use abbreviations — proper sentences only. There are even some schools that require you to fill out a form for the exact information they want included. 

Many ask for some or all of the following information:

  • Student's full name
  • Participation in school clubs and sports
  • Extra-curricular activities outside of school
  • Favorite memories from high school
  • Favorite teachers
  • Favorite subjects
  • 'Thank you' to family and friends
  • quote
  • Advice for future students
  • College and career plans for the future
Need to Know

Some see a senior bio as a place to sum up accomplishments, which makes the tone more professional than funny. However, infusing your personality into your bio is always the way to go. Ask your friends and family to read it over if you're not sure how well you threaded the needle. 

Record Your Greatest Hits for the World to Enjoy 

No matter what kind of student or writer you are, remember that your high school senior bio is an indelible mark in the yearbook. It's the place to be unabashedly proud of all that you've accomplished and all the things you hope to nail in the future. Being exactly who you are down to the very last sentence is what makes you 2 good + 2 be = 4 gotten.

7 Senior Bio Examples to Help You Craft Your Own