70+ Unique Youth Group Name Ideas

Save the cheese for snack time and try these clever youth group names for your church's teens instead.

Updated October 11, 2023
Happy Youth Group
FangXiaNuo/ E+ via Getty Images

Many youth groups don't have an original name but instead are named after the home church. Youth group names should feel fun, welcoming, and unique to your awesome group of kids. Test out one of these young Christian group names with your adolescent church members. 

Ideas for Creative Christian Youth Group Names

Why call it a youth group meeting when you can call it something way cooler? Try these creative youth group names to add some extra life and excitement to your next youth meeting.

Youth Group Name Acronyms 

Teens love text talk and using an acronym for your youth group name makes it easy to remember and fun to say. Try these well-known acronyms with a Christian twist.

  • LOL - Living Out Loud
  • BTW - By the Well
  • OMG - Obeying My God
  • HTH - Headed to Heaven
  • PROPS (Proper Respect) for God

Slogan Youth Ministry Names

If your youth group has a slogan, especially one that doesn't change every year, then it might be a good idea to let it inspire your ministry's name. This is a great way to represent your church with the name without defaulting to the church's name itself.

  • The Real Thing
  • I'm Livin' It
  • Everywhere He Wants Us to Be
  • Think Spiritually
  • Cage Stage Kids
  • Youths! 
  • Iron Sharpening Iron
Need to Know

Your youth group name may depend largely on your church's doctrinal beliefs, so make sure you're familiar with those details.

Greek Words as Creative Youth Ministry Names

Greek words are seen all throughout scripture and while they are beautiful, they are also meaningful. Check out these Greek words that might make sense for your youth group ministry.

  • Agape (love)
  • Logos (reason and judgment)
  • Atoma (indivisible or unbreakable)
  • Energeia (action)
  • Axios (worthy)
  • Alpha to Omega (beginning to end)
  • Kalon (beauty that's more than skin deep)
  • Meraki (soul, creativity, love; to put something of yourself to work)
  • Eunoia (beautiful thinking)
  • Aeonian (eternal, everlasting)
  • Elysian (divinely inspired)
  • Amaranthine (undying, immortal, eternally beautiful)

Biblical Hebrew Words as Creative Bible Study Group Names

Hebrew is another language important to scripture interpretation. You might try one of these Hebrew words or terms for your youth group to communicate your goal or priority as a ministry.

Youth group taking selfie
Hill Street Studios/ DigitalVision via Getty Images
  • Adon Olam (master of the world)
  • Am HaSefer (people of the book)
  • Amidah (prayer)
  • Bet Midrash (house of study)
  • Chevra (friends)
  • Kadosh (holy)
  • Koach (strength)

Names That Describe Your Youth Group's Purpose

When clever and Biblical don't quite fit the bill, a straightforward and purpose-driven name might be what you need. You can choose from these names or think up a word that captures the purpose of your youth ministry to use as the name.

  • Radical
  • Fanatics
  • Seekers
  • Active
  • Satisfied
  • Hoopla
  • Helpers
  • Finders
  • Liberators
  • Edification
  • Discipleship

Youth Group Names Based on Bible Verses

When all else fails, turn to scripture. Since it has "everything for life and godliness," it can certainly provide some wonderful passages to inspire your youth group's title.

  • Club 3:16 (based on John 3:16)
  • Psalm 23 Teens
  • Proverbs 31 Girls
  • With All Your Heart (based on Matthew 22:37)
  • Living Water Youth (based on John 7:38)
  • Doers of the Word (based on James 1:22)
  • Faith Walkers (based on 2 Corinthians 5:6)
  • More Than Milk (based on 1 Peter 2:2)
  • B-Attitudes (based on Matthew 5: 3-12)
  • Sharper (based on Hebrews 4:12-13)

Other Creative Youth Group Name Ideas

Wit often wins with teens, so use a little to create your ministry name. You can go with the classics, toss in a pun, or run with a great alliteration.

Multi racial youth group
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  • Teens for Truth
  • Mountain Movers
  • Nu Creations
  • All for Jesus
  • Christ's Crusaders
  • Servants of Salvation
  • Good for God
  • Faith in Following
  • Faith Found
  • Mustardseeds
  • More Than Conquerors
  • Bible Belles
  • Amen Men
  • Born Again Bros
  • Devotions & Emotions
  • Teens' Elect
  • Faith Fans
  • Gospel Guys & Gals
  • Hallelujah Hang
Helpful Hack

Check your church's constitution or mission statement for name inspiration.

Ideas for Choosing Youth Group Names Diplomatically

There are many ways to come up with a great youth group title. Inspiration can come from worship songs, passages of scripture, favorite verses, books, and Christian humor. The youth pastor or the pastoral staff may determine the name, but anyone can contribute a great idea.

Deciding the name can also involve current youth group members. Use a creative activity to determine the final name of the group. Ideas include:

Vote for Your Youth Group Name

Tentative names may be listed on sheets of paper and church or youth members can anonymously vote for the name they like best or feel is most reflective of the group's mission. The name with the most votes wins.

Put Names in a Suggestion Box

A suggestion box can be placed in a prominent area, and interested people can suggest name ideas. The youth pastor can determine the most appropriate name out of the suggestion box or combine elements of various suggestions to come up with a unique name.

Host a Youth Group Naming Contest

Hosting a contest can be fun both for initial start-up youth groups and current groups looking for a new name. After you outline rules regarding what needs to be included, word limitations, and other guidelines, have youths enter name suggestions.

The name with the most votes wins, and you can give a prize to the person who suggested the winning name. Prizes might include things like fast food or restaurant certificates, amusement park passes, or concert tickets to a Christian music festival.

Use Your New Youth Group Name Proudly

Once you come up with a name, use it in church bulletins, on the church website, and in other church-related publications. Design a logo to accompany the name to set your youth group apart. Order T-shirts or create fliers to help all members of the youth group buy into the new group name and the group's mission. It's not just about the name, but having something that resonates with teens can help them have a stronger sense of connection to their group.

70+ Unique Youth Group Name Ideas