The times we spend with the people we love are precious, and we have so many memories of those times. And the best moments happen when you don't plan them. Share how meaningful those memories are on social media, in scrapbooks, and in other places with our making memories quotes.
Making Memories With Family Quotes to Inspire
The time you spend with your family creates memories that will last a lifetime. Share your memories of the precious times you've spent with kin with these inspirational making memories sayings about family.

Oliver Rossi / Stone / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Making memories with family quote to inspire
- Life is not about appointments and work; it's about the moments you enjoy one another.
- Live life for those unscripted moments of sheer joy with your family.
- It's the smallest moments with family that make the biggest memories.
- If you can take the time to be present with your family, the memories will be clearer and stay with you longer.
- Each family picture is a bright memory of a year gone by.
- Cherish every moment with family, and then treasure every memory.
- Beautiful memories are a gift that only you can give to your children.
- The beautiful moments of your life become wonderful memories to enjoy.
- Family memories are the exquisitely crafted decorations added to the cake of life.
- You will not remember the mess; you will remember the smiles and giggles of time spent together.
- Every moment is an opportunity to create a handcrafted memory to be replayed for years to come.
- It's our memories from childhood that shape those of our children.
- Money and jewels mean nothing. The best heirlooms left behind are fond memories of a life well lived.
Powerful Quotes for Making Memories Together
Even when people are no longer in your life, your memories of the times spent together will mean so much. Nobody can take away your memories or make you forget them. So make the most of the time you have with the people who matter to you. You'll cherish the memories for a lifetime, as these quotes attest.

Matt Dutile / Image Source / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Powerful quote for making memories together
- The memories we make together at this moment are the strings of love weaving your heart into mine whenever we are apart.
- When we laugh together, my heart knows it's a memory in the making.
- Creating beautiful memories with you is my favorite time of day.
- I want to forever make memories with you.
- The blessing of time spent together today fuels the memories I'll hold forever.
- The most precious memories in my heart are the ones we created together.
- There's so much joy in the time we spend together and so many memories in the making.
- I want to live in the moment with you, creating memories to cherish for a lifetime.
- At the end of the day, I recount the memories that we made together.
- Living for today creates my memories with you for tomorrow.
- The sweetest memories are the ones we weren't trying to make.
- Laughter, tears, and smiles fill the memories we make together.
- Memories are made in the moment. You don't realize until later that you have a cherished gift forever captured in your heart.
Busy Making Memories Quotes for Living Life to the Fullest
We'd rather be busy making memories with our loved ones than doing anything else. In fact, we want to be so busy making memories that we don't have time for all sorts of other stuff.

Diego Rojas / EyeEm / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Busy Making Memories Quote for Living Life to the Fullest
- We were too busy making memories to capture it.
- Live in the moment; write it down later.
- All I want to do in this moment is be with you. The memories will come later.
- The best memories are made when no one is watching.
- The best memories don't have evidence beyond the picture in your mind.
- We captured the moment in our hearts forever.
- You will never regret being too busy making memories.
- We don't even realize we're making memories because we're having so much fun. But afterward, we are so happy to have the memories.
- It's the memories you didn't make together that are disappointing. Being too busy making memories is a gift.
- Every memory we create together is a footprint on the path of a life we make together.
- Memories are a gift you carry with you forever. Allow yourself to be too busy making memories to worry about the rest of the world.
Making Memories Sayings to Share
We love these shareable sayings about making memories. They're perfect for the social media pics you'll inevitably post about the good times you have with your peeps.

- It's the memories we make with others that are forever written in our hearts.
- Memories are like creating a masterpiece. Sometimes things get a little chaotic and messy, but the end result is breathtaking.
- We didn't realize it would be a memory when we did it.
- Memories are the treasure of your heart, written in your mind.
- The memories created together mold our future.
- Someday, our memories will remind us that we lived life to the fullest.
- The making and keeping of memories is by far the most remarkable human gift.
- Making memories is like creating pictures on your heart. You pull them out when you need them the most.
- Lost in the moment today. Filled with memories tomorrow.
- The sea of memories we make together is a vast and rolling ocean. It's breathtakingly beautiful.
- It's not the making of the memory we remember; it's the love we created with each piece.
- Memories are a vast precipice of beauty that carries our hearts through tomorrow.
- Moments are captured in our minds to be lived over again.
Capturing Memories in Quotes
Being together is all about making lasting memories to share when you're together again. And as you do, you'll be making even more memories for the next time. Share your love of time together through fun original quotes.