40+ Burnout Quotes That Encourage Rest & Relaxation

Overcoming burnout is hard, but these comforting burnout quotes can help.

Published September 10, 2024
Business, black woman and tired with headache in office from migraine, overworked and stress

Grind culture is all well and great until it sends you into a burnout spiral. You’re not alone if exhaustion is creeping around the corner. Overcome the common hurdle with these comforting quotes about being burnt out.

Comforting Quotes About Being Burnt Out

Burnout doesn’t discriminate, and it can come for you at any moment. Take solace in the fact that you’re not alone and that this is a temporary thing with these soothing burnout quotes.

My burnout got worse after a long nap, said nobody ever.
  • If there’s one thing you can be certain about when you’re in the throes of burnout, it’s that it won’t last forever.
  • "My burnout got worse after a long nap," said nobody ever.
  • You’re not a failure — that’s the burnout talking.
  • Remember that you’re more powerful than your burnout.
  • While there’s no quick fix to curing burnout, sleeping in never hurts anyone.
  • Burnout may be a thief of time but never ideas.
  • Your creative well hasn’t dried up. You’re just in the dry season, but the rains will be back before you know it.
  • The sooner you address your burnout, the sooner you can put it behind you.
  • The first battle of burnout is admitting you need a break.
  • Busy people aren’t the only ones with the right to be burnt out.
  • Structure is the antithesis of burnout. 

Related: 9 Ways to Solve Your Academic Burnout & Ace Your Exams

Burnout Quotes That Inspire You to Take a Break

The first step to battling burnout is taking a break. Whether it’s putting a pause on some of your projects or squeezing in a few extra naps, these burnout quotes should help inspire you to get some much-needed rest.

Burnout is the body telling you it’s time to take a break.
  • No one’s greatest work was ever produced in a period of burnout.
  • Your friends don’t hate you and your work isn’t terrible — you’re just feeling burnt out.
  • It’s okay to treat yourself with kid gloves when you’re feeling burnt out.
  • Feeling stressed? You need a rest.
  • Burnout is the body telling you it’s time to take a break.
  • Treat your burnout like a toddler; give it a nap, a snack, and some playtime before sending it back to work.
  • It doesn’t matter how fast you are — you can’t run away from burnout.
  • You don’t have to burn the candle at both ends to feel burnt out.
  • Being burnt out isn’t a motivational issue, it’s a pacing issue.
  • True restoration from burnout happens in the quietest, calmest moments. 

Funny Burnout Captions Perfect for Instagram

You might find the most comfort in sharing your experiences with your friends and followers. Get them in on the battling burnout action with these Instagram-ready burnout captions.

Oh! I’m sorry, my burnout is showing.
  • I need a doctor’s excuse for my burnout, stat!
  • I told my professor I was vomiting, but really I’m just feeling burnt out.
  • Yeah, I’m totally a B — a burnt-out babe.
  • Oh! I’m sorry, my burnout is showing.
  • Burnout is the annoying roommate I never asked for.
  • Burnout is the world’s worst bedfellow.
  • I've got a case of those burnout blues.
  • I’d rather be burning rubber than dealing with this burnout.
  • I’ll show you the state of my burnout bedroom if you show me yours.
  • This burnout’s got nothing on the restorative effects of my 10-year-old mattress.
  • If the only thing you're looking forward to is your next nap, you might be burnt out

Related: Mom Burnout? 10 Ways to Get Your Groove Back

Famous Quotes About Burnout & Overcoming Its Grip

These famous quotes about being burnt out and fighting back prove that even the greats have fought in the same trenches you are. Take solace in their struggles and you try to conquer your own.

“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” – Banksy
  • “The moral of the story is: We thrive when we have a positive goal to move toward, not just a negative state we’re trying to move away from.” – Emily Nagoski
  • “Don’t think about making art, just get it done.” – Andy Warhol
  • “All great achievements require time.” – Maya Angelou
  • “When sleep puts an end to delirium, it is a good symptom.” – Hippocrates
  • “Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.” – Karen Salmansohn
  • “If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” – Banksy
  • “Everything needs a break.” – Toba Beta
  • “Just because you take breaks doesn’t mean you’re broken.” – Curtis Tyrone Jones
  • "Exhaustion pays no mind to age or beauty. Like rain and hail and floods." – Haruki Murakami
  • "Managing our stress and our rest is a sign of living wisely." – Sally Clarkson 

Burnout Is a Temporary Evil

Although burnout can feel all-encompassing, it can be a small stain in the broader canvas of your life. Everyone tackles their burnout in different ways, and if you need a mantra to help get you through, these burnout quotes are the perfect ones for you.

40+ Burnout Quotes That Encourage Rest & Relaxation