125+ Jealousy Quotes to Rise Above Envy & Haters

We all feel jealous from time to time. But when it becomes an issue, these quotes about jealousy can help.

Updated August 21, 2024
Upset black woman watching her ex boyfriend happy in relations with new girlfriend, looking jealous on background
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It's human nature to feel jealous every once in a while. And sure, it's not necessarily something we're proud of, but envy happens. When it becomes an issue is when you let your jealousy control you or use it as an excuse to behave badly. Our jealousy quotes capture what it's like to be human and offer some sound advice for overcoming jealousy. 

Short Jealousy Quotes

If you're fighting jealousy yourself or trying to make a point to someone else about the dangers of leaning into jealousy, you don't need to use a lot of words to get your point across. These short jealousy quotes are perfect for vague booking, make great social media captions, or are empowering personal mantras. 

Rise above resentment.
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  • Envy away.
  • Erase envy.
  • Covet no more.
  • Envy is an anchor.
  • Jealousy backfires.
  • Jealousy is a choice.
  • Release jealousy.
  • Breathe through the jealousy. 
  • Jealousy steals joy.
  • Leave jealousy behind.
  • Rise above resentment.
  • Encourage, don't covet.
  • Let jealousy go. 
  • Choose joy, not jealousy.
  • Jealous feelings breed ugly actions.

Related: Four Signs Someone Is Jealous of You & What to Do About It

Jealousy Quotes for Haters

If you're dealing with the jealous snark of haters, why not respond in kind? Sometimes, it takes snark or sarcasm to put a stop to snark. These quotes should do the trick.

Enviers goin' to envy.
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  • Go ahead, envy me.
  • Enviers goin' to envy.
  • While you're over there green with envy, I'm right here, fierce as fire.
  • Green is not your color.
  • Coveters gonna covet.
  • I'll take your jealousy as a compliment.
  • Go ahead, resent my life.
  • Jealous much?
  • Only the jaded stay jealous.
  • A jealous heart is a sign of a small mind.
  • Small people have a large capacity for jealousy.
  • Begrudge me all you want. It doesn't affect me at all.
  • Your jealousy might consume you, but it will have zero impact on me.
  • You must have needed somewhere to channel all that envy. Glad I could be of service.

Quotes for People Who Are Jealous

Do you know someone who is spending more time being jealous of others than trying to improve their own circumstance? Share some of the following quotes for jealous people to inspire them to change their ways.

How is that jealous rage working out for you?
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  • There's no joy in jealousy.
  • Jealously gets you nowhere.
  • Your jealousy is not my concern.
  • You want what they have? Then get out there and do something about it.
  • Your green-eyed monster is showing.
  • Habitual jealousy is a hard habit to break.
  • What's more important, jealousy or peace? You can't have both.
  • How is that jealous rage working out for you?
  • Indulging your green-eyed monster doesn't get you any closer to getting what you want in life.
  • Why not channel all that energy you're putting into jealousy into creating something great in your life?
  • Envy never improved anyone's circumstances.
  • Might as well face it, you're addicted to jealousy.
  • Being jealous of me isn't going to make you better.
  • Being jealous of someone brings you down, not them.
  • Your jealousy is more about you than it is about me.

Insightful Quotes About the Effects of Jealousy

It is not healthy to harbor ongoing feelings of jealousy and resentment. If someone you know needs to break free from the cycle of jealousy, these quotes might provide the impetus they need.

Jealousy is a slippery slope to a lonely life.
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  • Resentment hurts you more than it hurts anyone else.
  • Envy is never satisfied.
  • Resentment is a waste of energy.
  • The only soul you're poisoning with your jealousy is your own.
  • Jealousy is a slippery slope to a lonely life.
  • When your heart is full of jealousy, there's no room for love.
  • Jealously leads to isolation.
  • As long as you are envious of others, you will never know peace.
  • Envying what others have keeps you from focusing on the things you want.
  • Some people are so busy envying others that they fail to appreciate what they have.
  • The more a person envies others, the less that person will accomplish for themselves.
  • If you'd direct the energy you put into being jealous of others into improving yourself, you'd be in an enviable position.

Quotes About Jealous Friendships

Real friends build each other up and celebrate one another's successes. When jealousy enters into friendship, the dynamic changes entirely. At the end of the day, envious acquaintances are not true friends.

Friendship is selfless; jealousy is selfish.
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  • Jealous "friends" are toxic.
  • There is no room for jealousy in the circle of friendship.
  • Friendship is not a competition.
  • What's more important? Having friends, or having what your friends have?
  • Friendship is selfless; jealousy is selfish.
  • If you'd rather be consumed by jealousy than be my friend, then we're not friends. We're frenemies. 
  • True friends celebrate one another's successes without any thought of jealousy.
  • Friends may feel jealous from time to time, but they set it aside and are happy for their friends. 
  • A true friend is happy for you, not jealous of you.
  • The line between a jealous friend and a nemesis is a very thin one.
  • A friend who cannot take joy in your good fortune is no friend at all.
  • A friend who is jealous of your other friends is not really a friend.

Jealous Family Member Quotes

The more dysfunction in a family, the greater the likelihood that jealousy and resentment are festering below — or above — the surface. Jealousy will continue to drive wedges between relatives until it stops.

Happy families don't keep score.
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  • Jealousy divides families.
  • Unresolved jealousy in families breeds resentment.
  • When you look for reasons to be jealous of your family, you lose out on opportunities for love.
  • Happy families don't keep score.
  • There's enough awkwardness in families even before jealousy rears its ugly head. 
  • Love your relatives, don't resent them.
  • Many family rifts begin with jealousy.
  • When you trace disagreements in families back to their roots, you'll often find jealousy.
  • Jealousy within a family can be a cry for help.
  • Resentment among relatives leads to discontentment.
  • It's natural for siblings to feel competitive and jealous, so it's up to the parents to help them deal with those feelings before they become resentment that lasts a lifetime.
  • Jealousy creates rifts that cause families to drift apart.
  • Family members who feel inferior often cling to jealousy.
  • Nothing spoils a family reunion faster than jealous relatives.
  • Jealousy is often at the root of family dysfunction. 
  • Sibling rivalry can become entrenched and harbor lifelong jealousy.
  • No one wins when family members compare themselves to each other.

Quotes About Ignoring a Jealous Person

It's easier said than done, but the best way to handle jealousy is to ignore it. Give it the old grey rock. These jealousy quotes can help you gain perspective on other people's envy. 

Don't give up your power to another person's jealousy.
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  • Don't give their jealousy a second thought.
  • You can't stop someone from feeling jealous, but you can choose not to pay attention to their jealousy.
  • The best revenge against jealousy is to ignore it.
  • When you think about it, jealousy is really a compliment. So thank them for the compliment and move on.
  • Someone else's jealousy is not your problem. 
  • If someone else is jealous of you, there's nothing you can, should, or have to do about it. Just keep being your awesome self.
  • Don't give up your power to another person's jealousy.
  • If someone is jealous of you, take it as the compliment it is and keep on moving.
  • Never let a jealous person derail you from your goals.
  • Never apologize for what you've achieved or have. If others can't handle it, that's a them problem, not a you problem.
  • Another person's jealousy of you is not your problem.
  • Jealous people can only affect your life if you let them.
  • Their jealousy can't hurt you. Keep on winning at life.
  • Their jealousy is not on you. It's not yours, so put it down and walk away. 
  • A person who only grudgingly accepts you isn't worth your time.
  • They may be driven by envy, but you don't have to ride with them.
  • Another person's jealousy only affects you if you give it oxygen. Don't.

Quotes About Jealousy in Relationships

A little bit of jealousy may help keep the spark of romance alive, but too much can quickly become a problem. These quotes about jealousy in romantic relationships provide perspective on what excessive jealousy could really mean.

Jealousy: The emotion that launched countless breakups.
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  • There's no romance in jealousy.
  • Jealousy and gaslighting go hand in hand.
  • If jealousy turns into controlling behavior, hold firm to your boundaries. Don't let their jealousy control your life. 
  • There is no room for jealousy in true love.
  • Trust and jealousy cannot coexist. 
  • Just because they're jealous doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. Don't take that on.
  • In literature and movies, we've made jealousy seem romantic. It isn't. It's abusive. 
  • Jealousy is a sign of infatuation, not love.
  • Meaningful relationships are built on a foundation of trust, not jealousy.
  • Jealousy can only thrive in the absence of trust.
  • Extreme jealousy can be a form of emotional abuse.
  • Jealousy in a relationship is a mechanism for control.
  • Jealousy: The emotion that launched countless breakups.
  • There isn't enough room in this relationship for me, you, and your jealousy.
  • The jealous partner is often the one who has betrayed the one they claim to love.
  • A jealous partner wants to make sure you don't realize how easy it will be to find someone who treats you better.

Famous Quotes About Jealousy

Jealousy is such a universal emotion that people have been talking about it for centuries. These jealousy quotes show other people's takes on this emotion. 

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  • "He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind." - Buddha
  • Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ” - Carrie Fisher
  • "Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius." - Fulton J. Sheen
  • "There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy." - Lope de Vega
  • "Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” - H.G. Wells
  • "A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms" - Zen Shin
  • "Never hate jealous people. They are jealous because they think you are better than them." - Paulo Coelho
  • "The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves." - William Penn
  • "Envy is ignorance." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion." - Antisthenes

Share Sayings About Jealousy

These sayings about jealousy can make it easier to have discussions about the impact jealousy may be having on your life or someone else's life. Whether you have jealous tendencies or you are the target of someone else's jealousy, these poignant and relevant quotes might make a real difference when taken to heart.

125+ Jealousy Quotes to Rise Above Envy & Haters