Life is a series of lessons, some of which are learned easily, while others are more challenging. There is potential to learn valuable lessons from every situation life brings your way. It can be hard to focus on what you might learn along the way when you find yourself navigating a difficult situation, but it can be comforting to remember that there is a lesson in there somewhere. Life lesson quotes can provide perspective, as well as offer insight and inspiration.
Short Life Lesson Quotes for Instagram
Whether you're looking to inspire yourself or others, Instagram is the perfect venue for sharing short and snappy quotes about life lessons.

Xiaomeng Wang / EyeEm/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Woman Standing On Lemons Against Yellow Wall
- Choose lemonade. #lifelessons
- Unique is good. #lessonlearned
- Get out of your own way. #lifecoach
- Nobody is born an expert. #lifetruths
- Life is too short to blend in. #lifetruths
- Give peeps a chance. #wordsofwisdom
- Experience is priceless. #lessonslearnedinlife
- Life is meant to be lived out loud. #wordsofwisdom
- The real you is always enough. #lessonslearnedinlife
- Persevere until you peak, then persist. #nevergiveup
Inspirational Quotes About Life Lessons
Whether you're looking for day-to-day inspiration or the motivation to follow your dreams, the quotes below can help you put things in perspective.

Hollie Fernando/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Young woman having fun on the side of a ferry
- The only person you have to please is yourself.
- You won't find your future following someone else's roadmap.
- The possibilities are endless as long as you don't limit yourself.
- Set high standards for yourself and live up to your own expectations.
- Surround yourself with people who inspire you to become even better.
- If you listen to the naysayers, you'll never find out what you can really do.
- Don't fast forward through life; you'll miss all the good stuff along the way.
- Remember the past, but live for today and strive for an even better tomorrow.
- The story of your life is in your hands. You alone have the power to write the next chapter.
- No matter where you began or what happened along the way, you have the power to get to where you're supposed to be.
Heart-Touching Life Lesson Quotes
Some life lessons touch your heart and warm your soul, even when the lessons themselves may not have been easily learned.

katleho Seisa/ E+/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Couple sitting at a table and holding hands
- Take joy in the journey.
- Empathy is a superpower.
- There is joy in the process of living.
- Sometimes you have to let go to move on.
- The fabric of life is woven from everyday moments.
- Don't tie yourself in knots trying to be someone you are not.
- No experience is wasted unless you choose not to learn from it.
- Don't sit this one out. Get in the game. It's the only life you have.
- Laughter is good for you, but it isn't always the best medicine. When you're sick, go to the doctor.
- Don't spend your life trying to fit into a round hole. Put your energy into finding the other square pegs.
Quotes About Life Lessons and Mistakes
Making mistakes is a part of life. After all, the only way to avoid the possibility of error would be to avoid taking any chances. What fun would that be?

Tanja Ivanova/ Moment/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Young woman practicing yoga in yoga class on exercise mat
- Mistakes were made for moving on.
- Nothing blundered, nothing gained.
- One error in judgment does not a life define.
- Mistakes are a powerful source of life lessons.
- Giving in to the fear of failure is always a mistake.
- The most powerful life lessons often begin as mistakes.
- Don't seek to erase errors of the past; learn from them instead.
- Your mistakes don't define you, but they can help you find your way.
- It's a sign of strength to admit your mistakes and move on from them.
- Most mistakes are minor missteps that provide learning opportunities.
Quotes About the Hardest Lessons Learned in Life
Some life lessons are particularly challenging to learn. The sayings below can help you find the right words to express lessons gleaned from difficult circumstances.

Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Young women having a good time and hanging out
- Talent isn't a substitute for hard work.
- Actions really do speak louder than words.
- Success doesn't look the same for everyone.
- Life is too short to say yes to things you don't want to do.
- Lessons learned the hard way will stick with you forever.
- Hope is important, but it takes action to change the world.
- The company you choose to keep says a lot about who you are.
- The behavior of a bully says more about them than it does about you.
- Failure isn't the worst thing that can happen. Failing to try is much worse.
- Believe behavior. The way a person acts reflects the reality of who they are.
Funny Quotes About Life Lessons
Making the most of life requires a sense of humor, but amusing life lesson quotes are still meaningful. Sometimes a bit of humor makes even a tough life lesson a little easier to accept.

Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Woman drinking coffee from large disposable cup at take away counter of cafe
- Always let them see you smile.
- Common sense ain't so common.
- I'm not lost; I'm just finding my way.
- If you hold a grudge, it will hold you back.
- Forgiveness may be divine, but forgetting is dumb.
- But why do I have to learn everything the hard way?
- I'm not the one who will regret it if you underestimate me.
- Dear life, please find an easier way to teach me what I need to learn.
- Don't take flexibility for granted. The older you get, the harder it is to bend.
- The more impressed someone seems to be with themselves, the less impressive I find them to be.
Life Lesson Quotes About Love
From learning the value of love to figuring out how to recognize true love, the concept of love is a source of many important lessons about life.

Willie B. Thomas/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Couple Romantically Engaged In A Kiss
- Love is a process.
- True love is all in.
- Gaslighting is abuse, not love.
- Don't settle for less than true love.
- Love is too important to take for granted.
- There's no room for game playing in real love.
- You're the only person who can complete yourself.
- Being in a bad relationship is worse than being alone.
- Love isn't about trying to change other people. It's about accepting them for all of who they are.
- If a person's words say they love you but their actions do not send the same message, listen to their actions.
Famous Life Lesson Quotes
Some of the most telling life lessons are reflected in lines from the world of entertainment. The following quotes from movies, songs, and poems may perfectly capture what you want to say about #lessonslearned.
- "Just keep swimming." - Finding Nemo, spoken by Dory
- "You can't start a fire without a spark" - Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen
- "Every new beginning/ Comes from some other beginning's end" - Closing Time by Semisonic
- "I am beautiful no matter what they say/ Words can't bring me down" - Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
- "You had the power all along, my dear" - Wizard of Oz (movie version), spoken by Glinda the Good Witch
- "So make the best of this test, and don't ask why/ It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time" - Good Riddance by Green Day
- "There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be/ It's easy. All you need is love" - All You Need Is Love by The Beatles
- "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - / I took the one less traveled by / And that has made all the difference "- The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
- "The new dawn balloons as we free it / For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it / If only we're brave enough to be it" - The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman
- "You can't always get what you want/ But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find/ You get what you need" - You Can't Always Get What You Want, by The Rolling Stones
Exploring Lessons Learned in Life
Every day, there are life lessons to be learned. Some days provide lessons on patience, while others focus on things like the importance of pursuing your passion or adapting to change. No matter what life brings your way, there are always important takeaways to learn and share. Quotes like the ones above make it easy for you to express what you have learned along the way, as you have moved forward in the journey of your life.