Heartfelt Poems to Celebrate Grandparents' Day

Express your love and gratitude with personalized poetry

Updated February 10, 2025
Spending Time with Grandparents
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Does the smell of warm cookies make you think of your grandma? Does Old Spice remind you of gramps? Use these thoughts and memories to create Grandparents' Day poems. Grandparent poems make great gifts, and you can use them in a variety of creative ways to celebrate Grandparents' Day.

Free Poetry for Your Grandparents' Special Day

Sweet and sentimental or slightly humorous, maybe one of these original poems says what you want to say to your own grandparents.

A Funny Grandparents Day Poem

By Kelly Roper

Dear Grandma and Grandpa
I love going to your house for sure.
You feed me so many goodies,
I leave weighing a few pounds more.

I love the way you wink at me
When Mom and Dad tell me, "No."
You pull me to the side, hand me a cookie
And silently mouth the word, "Go."

And when I come to spend the night,
Mom always says be in bed by eight.
And then you and I watch scary movies
And always stay up real late.

When Mom or Dad catches up to our tricks,
You both look so innocent.
And you shake your heads and say "No, not us"
Like you have no idea what they meant.

So here's to all the fun we have,
And here's to keeping it a secret.
Happy Grandparents Day from you spoiled grandchild,
From the bottom of my heart, I mean it!

Grandmother and granddaughter dancing together
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Haiku for My Grandparents

By Kelly Roper

Wrinkled with wisdom,
Filled with grace from living well,
Bound by endless love.

We Love You, Grandma and Grandpa

By Kelly Roper

You put the "grand" in grandparents.
You put the sunshine in our day.
You shine a light in the darkness,
And chase our fears away.

What would our world be without you?
That we do not know.
We only know how much we love you,
And we wanted to make sure you know.

Happy Grandparents Day

By Kelly Roper

To me, you're the best grandparents in the world.
You've always made me feel loved and safe and special.
You've helped my parents teach me right from wrong,
And you've shown me how people should be treated.
You've encouraged me to follow my dreams
And to put in the hard work it takes to achieve them.
You've been role models to me all my life,
And it's easy to see why Mom and Dad turned out so well.
Your love stays with me everywhere I go,
Just as my love follows your every step.
Happy Grandparents Day, Grandma and Grandpa.

Happy grandparents
twinsterphoto / iStock via Getty Images

Writing Grandparents Day Poems

If you are creative, you can always write your own poem. If you've never done it before, learning to write poetry isn't that difficult, and there are even poetry apps that can help. You could even write a simple haiku if you don't feel like you can write something longer or more complicated. Rhyme your words or don't; it's completely up to you.

Create an Acrostic Poem

If you don't know where to start why not write a phrase for every letter in the word 'Grandparent'. When writing a poem such as this, be sure to use what is personal and dear to you and your grandparent. For example:

G is for Generosity
R is for Respect
A is for Always being there
N is for Nice, and so on...

Adapt or Personalize a Poem

Another option is to put a personal twist on a poem that has already been written. Remember to write from your heart. No matter what the poem ends up like, it's sure to be appreciated since it is a gesture coming from you. Special gifts such as poems are loved not only because of the content, but because they are written with the recipient in mind.

Free Verse Poems for Kids

Free verse is the easiest style of poetry to write which makes it perfect for children. Spend some time talking with your kids about what they love most about their grandparents, take notes, and then help them write their feelings out in a verse. Again, there's no pressure to rhyme, and no requirements for syllables or perfect grammar.

Finding Grandparent Poems

If you are at a loss for words and need some help coming up with a meaningful poem, consider using one of the poems above or another poem that has already been written and matches what you feel in your heart. For example:

Using Grandparents' Day Poems

Special grandparents poems can be used to show gratitude and love in a truly meaningful gesture. There are many poems written that reflect appreciation towards grandparents and express sentiments of appreciation that often remain unsaid. A poem can sum up your emotions and can either be recited or used as part of a gift.

Reciting Your Poem

There will be plenty of great moments to share your poem with your grandma and grandpa throughout Grandparents Day. For example:

  • Read the poem before beginning the celebratory meal of the day.
  • Recite the poem while you're presenting your grandparents with a cake.
  • Read the poem as part of a moment of reflection near the end of the celebration to let your grandparents know how much they mean to you.

Giving a Poem as a Gift

Giving someone a special poem written just for them is something that they will never forget. If you plan on reciting the poem, be sure to give a copy to your grandparents afterwards so that they can cherish it for years to come.

Some ideas for using a poem as a gift include:

  • Having a child hand write a poem and then framing it to present as a gift
  • Writing a poem inside of a blank card
  • Engraving a poem on a plaque
  • Using one as the first page of a scrapbook dedicated to the grandparent(s)
Loving grandmother with her grandson
SDI Productions / E+ via Getty Images

About Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day is a national holiday observed on the first Sunday after Labor Day. It doesn't get as much attention as other known holidays, but it is an important time to thank grandparents, who are often so important to a family. Many families make a tradition out of observing the day and plan activities to celebrate the occasion, and it's a wonderful occasion for getting the family together.

Show Your Grandparents How You Feel

A poem is something that is meaningful and will be treasured by whoever receives it. Whether it is recited or used as a gift for grandparents, a poem is like nothing else. This year, try using a little poetry to sum up your gratitude and love for your grandparents.

Heartfelt Poems to Celebrate Grandparents' Day