14 Heartwarming Poems From a Mom to Her Son

Share your love for your son with poems that express how much being his mom truly means.

Updated June 17, 2024
Mom and son hugging
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision via Getty Images

He's the light of your life, and he's your heart. One way to express the pure love you have is by writing or sharing a mother's poem for her son. We love sharing sweet sentiments that express the feelings behind one of the most important relationships of your life.

Mother's Poems for Her Son

Poems from a mom to her son can be sweet and sentimental or funny, depending on your relationship and the occasion.

We go together like mother and son poem

da-kuk/ E+/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow We go together like mother and son poem

A Mother Knows Her Son

By Michele Meleen

My dear, sweet boy
I've seen it all
from your first kicks
to your first kiss.

You might think right now
you know it all,
but I've seen more of you
than you ever knew.

A Mother knows her son
better than anyone ever could
because I gave you life
and help you shine your light.

We Go Together Like Mother and Son

By Michele Meleen

Peanut butter and jelly,
moon and star,
these iconic pairings
can't compare to what we are.

We go together like mother and son
a match made in heaven.
We're stuck together
whether you're seven or eleven!

When two things fit
like the Earth and the sun,
they can only be
mother and son.

Son, I Owe All My Gray Hairs to You

By Kelly Roper

I had brown hair when you were born,
But that didn't last very long.
I owe my gray hairs to you, my boy,
And I'll remind you how I got each one.

Those gray hairs at my temples
All came from the time you went fishing
In your Daddy's expensive saltwater tank,
And some of those fish are still missing.

Those gray hairs along my hairline
Are not highlights I got from my beautician.
They appeared when you tore through the neighbor's garden
Like you were on a search and destroy mission.

That smattering of gray you see
Growing right out of my crown
Is a souvenir I got from that wedding
Where you hurled on the bride's fancy gown.

They say gray hair is a mom's badge of honor,
And that may very well be true,
But I wouldn't trade them for all the world,
If it meant one less second with you.

Related: 100+ Nicknames for Your Son to Fit His Personality

Poems to My Son About Love

Poems and love quotes from a parent to a child, particularly a mother to a son, can have intense meaning in just a few words. Including the words "I love you, son" in your poem can help turn it into a keepsake.

I love you son poem

Catherine Delahaye/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow I love you son poem

Haiku for My Newborn Son

By Kelly Roper

Soft sounds from your lips,
The scent of your skin so sweet,
Love you, precious boy.

I Love You Son

By Michele Meleen

I love you son
Like no one else
Only you and I
Verified love personified
Every single
Moment I'm with
You, I feel that love
Sensing you feel it too
Only a mother's love
Nourishes your soul

I'd Choose You Again, Son

By Kelly Roper

I may not be your mother by birth,
But you're my true son in my heart.
I chose to create this bond with you,
And no one can tear it apart.

I couldn't love you more even if
I had carried you in my own womb.
My heart's bursting at the seams with love,
And there simply isn't any more room.

I bless the woman who gave you life
And let you come to our family.
If I had to do it all over,
I'd choose you again as the son for me.

Only a Mom's Love

By Karen Frazier

I knew you before you were even born.
You were that foot poking me in my ribs, 
But it was okay because
I couldn't wait to meet you.

I've held you close since the moment of your birth.
Sometimes, if only to keep you from climbing grandma's prized dresser.
But it was okay because
Holding you is the most beautiful thing I've ever done.

I've played with you since you were a little boy.
Sometimes, just to keep you busy so you didn't get into stuff.
But it was okay because
Those moments are some of my most precious memories.

I've watched from the wings since you were a teen.
You usually wanted me nearby but not close enough to be embarrassing.
But it was okay because
Watching you find yourself filled me with joy.

I've kept my council since you became a man.
Knowing my opinion doesn't and shouldn't hold the sway it once did.
But it's okay because
Seeing you become your own person has made me so proud.

Inspirational Poems for a Son

Inspirational poems for a son from a mother can be the most powerful. Look for ways to express your pride or hopes and dreams for your son in a short poem.

Wishes for My Son

By Michele Meleen

If wishes were like seeds
on a dandelion in the yard,
I blow mine out on a breeze
for Mother Nature to safeguard.

I'd wish for my son
to be happy and free
like the bright burning sun
or a bird in a tree.

I'd wish for my son
to feel safe and loved
like man when life had begun
and the angels up above.

Prayers for My Son

By Michele Meleen

My son,
who art from Heaven
I gave you a strong name.

Your kingdom will come
as your work here is done
my little piece of heaven.

I pray you give me each day
as a gift of love
and forgive me whenever I'm wrong.

I'm Proud of You, Son

By Michele Meleen

I'm proud of you, son
A mother's dream come so true
How I define love

For My Son on Mother's Day

By Kelly Roper

You're the reason I'm a mother,
And it's a job I genuinely love.
And every morning when I wake,
I thank the good Lord above,
For giving me such a wonderful son
Who fills my heart with joy.
This might be my day, but I want you to know
I'm so glad that you're my boy.

Poems About Sons Growing Up From Mom

Whether you need a poem for a grown son on a special occasion like his wedding day or want to celebrate your son growing up, these poems about the passage of time can be tear-jerkers.

To My Son on His Wedding Poem

kyonntra/ E+/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow To My Son on His Wedding Poem

In Anticipation of Your Birthday, Son

By Kelly Roper

The cake is baked, the gifts are wrapped,
And the guests are about to arrive.
Eight boys will be revved up on sugar today.
Happy Birthday, son! I hope I survive!

From Kindergarten to Graduation

By Kelly Roper

I remember the sunshine that morning
When I took your little hand in mine.
Together, we walked those few blocks to school
Where you went for the very first time.

I remember the unsure look on your face
As we entered the classroom door.
You tightened your grip on my hand because
You'd never been to school before.

I smiled at you to show it was okay,
And took you to meet your new teacher.
She told you it was going to be a great day,
But I don't think you believed her.

I hugged you, we said our goodbyes,
And I walked toward the door to leave.
I looked back to see there were tears in your eyes,
And you wiped them away with your sleeve.

I worried the hours away that first day
Wondering how you were getting along.
Were you making friends? Did you eat your lunch?
What if something had gone wrong?

The sad boy I left in the classroom
It wasn't the boy who met me at the school door.
You were grinning as you happily told me
You wouldn't be afraid of school anymore.

Now I'm here at your college graduation,
Remembering that long-ago day.
You've grown from a boy to an educated man,
And I'm prouder of you than I can say.

To My Son on His Wedding Day

By Kelly Roper

When I watch you on the altar today
As you take vows with your new wife,
Just know my heart's so filled with love,
As you embark on a brand new life.

Remember the lessons I've taught you
About respect, honor, and faithfulness.
These virtues will guide and sustain you,
And ensure your marriage will be the best.

Mark Those Special Moments With Poems for Your Son

You can use these poems in greeting cards, on scrapbook pages, on special occasions, or anytime you want to connect with your son. Simply choose the one that matches your mood or situation and present it in whatever way you like. Whether you want to say something heartfelt or employ a bit of humor, poems about family can help you do it. Life's short, so create moments you and your son can reminisce about in years to come.

14 Heartwarming Poems From a Mom to Her Son