12 Soulmate Poems That Share the Depth of Connection

Our poems capture the essence of what it feels like when you find your soulmate.

Published June 27, 2024
They've got that soulmate kinda love
PeopleImages.com - Yuri A via Shutterstock

Soulmate poems are a beautiful way to express what it's like to connect with another soul that you somehow knew you were meant to meet and spend time with. And while soulmates don't always remain romantically linked, your souls are intertwined as you go about the work of being human together. These poems about soulmates express the essence of the different kinds of soulmate relationships.


by Karen Frazier

I meet you, and I know your soul
as intimately as I know my own.
I recognized you right away.
We have work to do together.

Soulmeet by Karen Frazier
LoveToKnow / Creative


by Karen Frazier

Satin and sinew in moonlit glow
Limbs untangle as breathing slows.
Spirits still tremble with lingering Grace
Transparent moment reveals Love in your face.
Hunger now sated as spirits soar,
A gentle hand reaches out to explore
The curve of your smile, the arch of your brow
Imprinting forever the way you are now.
In this sweet moment, our spirits transcend,
And human boundaries expand without end
Hushed moonlit sanctuary frozen in time
Soulmates preserved in my heart and my mind.

Destiny Awaits

by Karen Frazier

I knew it was you
even before I met you
destiny awaits

Related: 18 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking of You Right Now

Moonlit Dancers

by Karen Frazier

we join in moonlight
to ancient rhythms
that arise within
from a place of primal wisdom
where truth is absolute
and soul knows
no boundaries
except for the dance

it isn’t the dance
or the moonlight
making us whole
we dance because we are complete
in ourselves & each other
until every breath
becomes a celebration
of who we are
in the here and now

moonlit dancers
soulmates who
no longer await the rising sun
before we start to live

Two Souls as One

by Karen Frazier

Separate lives and separate souls
walking interconnected paths,
until one day, there you are.
We know each other at once.

From the moment we meet,
we are in sync.
Two souls connecting as one. 
Soulmates coming together.

Two Souls as One by Karen Frazier
LoveToKnow / Creative

The Path to Love

by Karen Frazier

The path to love begins with self
There is a spark of light within
Nascent flame softly ignites
Begins to burn true and bright
As my walk on the path begins

I have searched outside of me
For love so many times
As I reached it moved away
I tried to grasp it would not stay
If only I could find a way
For love to be eternally mine

I take the light and set it free
From behind these walls I’ve made
On wings of joy, love ascends
Floating freely without end
As doubt and fear start to fade

Love that is separate from me
Is impossible to find
We’re joined together by love’s light
We are not separate, our souls unite
When we become one, we will take flight
And leave illusion behind

Now our love surrounds the Earth
And floats among the stars
Flowing freely as the sea
Then reflecting back to me
Love is who we truly are

You are the love inside of me
I am the love in you
We are the love of sun and sea
Of Earth and sky, of rocks and trees
The love of the universe expressed through me
And joyfully shared with you

My Soulmate & Me

by Karen Frazier

You make me laugh
You fill my heart
With joyful feelings of bliss

You lift me up
You share my joy
You gave me my first kiss

Puppy love
Grew deep and strong
Our path was true and straight

We grow together
Loving more each day
Me and my soulmate


by Karen Frazier

Emotions pressed between glass
looked at
not touched.
Locked away
in Pandora’s box.

You came with the key
and opened the box.
Glass shatters.
Memories hidden from sunlight
still fully colored
brittle from time
stick to the shards of the glass.
I cannot escape them.

Each piece of glass
finds its mark
embeds itself in my heart.
Colors reach their full vibrancy
then fade.
Old emotions crumble
like a sepia photograph
from another time.

The glass has broken.
Now, I no longer have a place
to press my emotions,
so they grow in me,
fully colored
until they burst free
like a solar flare.

Each is powerful.
Each is perfection,
passing in a blaze of passion,
leaving behind
healing and Light
where once there was a void.

Now that you
are here with me,
I celebrate what we are.
You with your golden key,
me with mine,
unlocking the grace
that hides inside.
Emotions no longer pressed in glass,
freely flowing,
a gift we share together.

As One

by Karen Frazier

As one we dance
As one we laugh
As one we cry
As one we smile

Two halves
One whole
Breathing as one
Living as one
Loving as one

Points of Light

by Karen Frazier

When we meet on the other side
I will dance with joy
A beam of light
Whirling about in bliss
Delighted I have found you again
And you are just as I always knew you were

When we meet on the other side
I will take your hand
And hold it tight
In gratitude for showing me
Who I am
What I choose to be
Because of you, I found in myself

When we meet on the other side
The universe will sing
As we realize
The earthly illusion we shared
Was not real
And the pain we caused
Was opportunity to become

Your Name

by Karen Frazier

Even before I knew you
the energy of your name
was on my lips,
and the essence of your soul
was in my heart.

And when I heard your name
and felt your soul,
I knew it was you.
"Oh, there you are,"
I thought with relief.
Finally, you found me.

Your Name by Karen Frazier
LoveToKnow / Creative

Encounter With My Soulmate

by Karen Frazier

Why have you come?
Just beyond the edges of forever
I can see your purpose.
But in consciousness, I can only see
a wall of unanswered questions
and untraveled roads.

Our encounter is brief
yet deeply hued in its intensity,
leaving us both forever changed
in ways yet unimaginable.

Had I seen you coming,
I would have turned away,
letting you pass as a stranger
close enough to feel your heat brushing past.
And I would always wonder
what would have been
if even for a moment our eyes had met
in recognition of what we were
to one another.

Your presence has removed
the clouds from my vision,
leaving the clarity that comes after a rainstorm.
I know why you are here
and without regret,
I will walk away in gratitude.

Poems About Soulmates 

Soulmate poems express the joy, connection, and sometimes grief and loss that are very real in these relationships. With your shared karma, you and your soulmate have much living to do together, and these poems can help you put the intense feelings into words. 

12 Soulmate Poems That Share the Depth of Connection