17 Thanksgiving Poems for Kids to Celebrate With Laughs & Gratitude

From simple poems for preschool and kindergarten to poems for older kids, these are perfect for Turkey Day.

Updated October 23, 2023
Boy with thanksgiving drawing
Image Source/ Photodisc via Getty Images

Make your Thanksgiving celebration even better with some poems for kids. Not only is poetry fun, but it can help kids build their vocabulary and reading skills too. From turkey poems for preschoolers to funny Thanksgiving poems for older children, these will add something special to holiday celebrations in the classroom or at home with the family. 

Short Thanksgiving Poems for Kids

Short Thanksgiving poems are the perfect holiday activity for preschoolers and kindergarteners because they're easy to write and remember. Kids can recite these cute poems as part of a Thanksgiving show or share them at the family dinner table. 

Dear Mr. Turkey

By Michele Meleen

Dear Mr. Turkey,
I love the way you gobble
and all those colored feathers,
but the part of you
that's truly sweet
is the part I get to eat!

Today We Feast!

By Michele Meleen

On New Year's eve, we stay up late
for Valentine's, we love.

Easter brings us candy and eggs
July 4th sends fireworks above.

On Halloween, we dress up for treats
But when these days have ceased

Comes Thanksgiving, which I love
because today we feast!

Time for Turkey

By Lori Soard

It's time for turkey
gobble, gobble.
It's time for pumpkins
orange and fat.

It's time for family
brothers, sisters.
It's time for thank you
for this and that.

It's time for turkey
Gobble gobble it all up!

Quick Tip

Short verses for preschoolers and younger kids also work great on craft projects or as Thanksgiving table readings.

Funny Kids' Thanksgiving Poems

Funny rhyming Thanksgiving poems will capture any child's attention and create fun new holiday memories. Add these poems to Thanksgiving placemats, or use them as short speeches in a holiday recital.

Sharing Is Caring

By Michele Meleen

Sharing is caring
and sometimes daring
when someone is glaring
or maybe staring
at the piece of turkey, I'm tearing
with no plans of sharing!

Thanks to You

By Michele Meleen

Thanks to you
I've stuffed my belly
now I'm ready for a nap!

Thanksgiving is only fun
if you don't get caught
in the turkey sleep trap!

Now thanks to you
I've missed the games
and started drooling on Grandma's lap!

Turkey Dreams

By Sydney Stephens

Turkey in my belly
with cranberry jelly
I slipped off my cap 
and laid back for a nap

While I slept
a strange dream crept
It settled into my mind
while I tried to unwind

Potatoes and pie
and carrots, oh my!
Everything came to life,
even the spoon and knife!

Everything I ate
came to life on my plate
So did the rolls
and the small salad bowls.

A dancing scene
of every bean
A five-star show
featuring pie dough

The Brussels danced
the gravy pranced
The forks did a twirl
the napkins gave a whirl

They were suddenly gone
the Thanksgiving curtain was drawn
I was awake and alert
It was time for dessert.

Girl pretending to bite cooked turkey
skynesher/E+ via Getty Images

Interactive Thanksgiving Poems for Kids

Thanksgiving poems for kids provide a wonderful teaching opportunity for parents and teachers to use with children by encouraging kids to express their knowledge of this special day. Get the young kids at a family dinner together and teach them a poem to perform or try one altogether with adults and kids.

Quick Tip

If you sing the poems rhythmically, they become fun Thanksgiving songs.

Gobble Gobble

By Lori Soard

Gobble gobble, turkey day (put right hand up behind head and wiggle fingers like you are wearing feathers)
Lots of pie to put away (make the motion of eating a pie with a fork)

Turkey, dressing, fresh yellow corn (cross arms and act as if you are holding something)
We'll be full till Christmas morn (rub tummy with right hand as though stomach is full)

Falling leaves, fresh crisp apples (start with both hands over the head and bring them down, wiggling fingers to show leaves falling)
Full of smiles, pumpkins dappled (put forefinger on each side of mouth and smile big)

Thank you thank you for it all (hold palms flat against mouth and bring them down to waist length with palms now facing up - repeat)
Thanksgiving Day, we'll have a ball (put hands on hips and left foot out)

Give Them Thanks

By Michele Meleen

Give, give, give them thanks (alternate reaching out each hand as if giving something)
For sharing all their food (alternate bringing hands to mouth as if eating)
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy (rub belly in a circular motion)
Everyone we must include! (reach arms out wide then pull them into a self hug)

Give, give, give them thanks (alternate reaching out each hand as if giving something)
For being kind today (smile and shake hands with self or person next to you)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (point to a different person each time you say "thank you")
For making Thanksgiving Day! (all join hands)

Children's Thankfulness Poems

Poems about thankfulness remind kids of the best parts of the holiday and the many things they have to be thankful for. Use poems for Thanksgiving arts and crafts projects, or in DIY gifts for parents, teachers, friends, or family members. 

Favorite Things About Thanksgiving

By Lori Soard

Favorite dessert and favorite cousins
Grandma Mary who calls us "youngins"

Family visiting from out of state
Watching football with Uncle Nate

Pumpkins on the doorstep and in the oven
The house is filled with the smell of turkey stuffin'

Round the table the conversation goes
The words of thankfulness hit a crescendo

Thank you for another good Thanksgiving
This isn't a year we'll soon be forgetting

How Thankful Am I?

By Michele Meleen

How thankful am I?
Let me count the ways:
One thanks goes out to the turkey we eat
Two thanks for my parents
Three thanks for potatoes, stuffing, and corn
Four thanks to the desserts I had
Five thanks to my teachers for giving so much
Six thanks to the rooms in my house
Seven thanks for our ancestors
Eight thanks for spills that stayed off my blouse
Nine thanks to my friends who share
Ten thanks to Thanksgiving everywhere

Quick Tip

Kids can customize the poems by changing out some of the people and items for things and people in their lives.

Sisters holding thankful signs
BrandyTaylor/ iStock via Getty Images

Religious Thanksgiving Poems

Some families might express thankfulness to God with religious poems written for Thanksgiving. These poems also make great Thanksgiving prayers before the family dinner.

God Made It So

By Michele Meleen

My cornucopia is full
because God made it so.
He gives me food
to nourish my soul
and share with friends I include.

I have things to be thankful for
because God made it so.
He helps me pray
for those close and far
as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

I'm Most Thankful to God

By Michele Meleen

I'm most thankful to God
on Thanksgiving day
because he gave us all things
and he shows us the way.

Thanks be to God
for this meal of food and drink.
Thanks be to God
for this family where we link.

Thanks be to God
for all we have as we pray.
Thanks be to God
for this Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Blessing Poems

Help kids bless your Thanksgiving feast at home with a simple poem. 

Bless This Feast

By Michele Meleen

Dear God,
Please bless this feast
that we will eat
together as a family
on this Thanksgiving Day.

Blessings for Thankfulness and Giving

By Michele Meleen

Thanksgiving is the time
where we give so much to others.

We share our thankfulness
to grandmas, grandpas, fathers, and mothers.

We give our time and energy
to create a delicious feast.

But, most of all
we give our all
until our will has ceased.

Bless us as we give and give
every Thanksgiving
as long as we live.

Helpful Hack

Let kids write their own blessing poem for Thanksgiving to express how thankful they feel.

Family praying before eating Thanksgiving dinner
fstop123 / E+ via Getty Images

Funny Thanksgiving Haikus for Kids

Haikus offer a fun twist on the type of poetry children may be familiar with. Try a few of these Japanese-style poems for Thanksgiving or make your own to have a laugh. 

No Greens

By Sydney Stephens

I’m here for the pie
I’m here for the potatoes
Brussels sprouts no thanks

Not This Turkey

By Sydney Stephens

I’m running away
They will not catch me this year
Nope, not this turkey

Goodbye Thanksgiving

By Sydney Stephens

Cold turkey stale rolls
Thanksgiving is over now
Get the Christmas tree

Tips for Kids Writing Thanksgiving Poetry

Once your kids get an idea of what Thanksgiving poetry is like, invite them to create their own poems. Participating in Thanksgiving activities and brainstorming sessions can give them inspiration.

  • Jot down what you are thankful for, then write why you are thankful for each of these things as a free verse poem.
  • Choose a person to thank, such as a parent, teacher, or friend, then write the poem to them.
  • Make a list of Thanksgiving symbols or typical foods, decorations, and traditions, then choose one to write about.
  • Make an acrostic poem with the words "Thanksgiving," "thankful," or even "turkey."

Celebrate Thanksgiving With Poetry

Celebrate Thanksgiving at school or at home by sharing poems about the holiday. After a reading, invite everyone to name at least one person or thing for which they are thankful. Save your favorite poems in one place so you can read them year after year.

17 Thanksgiving Poems for Kids to Celebrate With Laughs & Gratitude