Show your gratitude and love to a wonderful influence in your life by selecting thoughtful grandmother poems. Poems abut grandmas express how you feel and can serve as a beautiful gift that will last forever. Some sentiments are difficult to express in everyday situations, but heartfelt poems about grandmothers can bring these thoughts to life.
Sharing Through Poems About Grandmothers
Add your poem to a card or surprise your grandmother by reciting it in the spirit of spontaneity just before a family dinner. There are many types of poems about grandmothers that range from real tear-jerkers to whimsical, fun expressions. You may want to choose a poem about a moment only the two of you shared while working in her garden, or a poem about how your grandmother is always there for you. Regardless of the topic you choose, be sure that the poem fits your grandmother's personality.
She's the one you see
at all my birthday parties
and school plays,
It's oh so reassuring to know
her smiles are just for me,
The darkest night brightens
the moment I hear her voice,
And rainy days become
adventures when she joins in the play,
My grandmother is so special,
No one can ever take her place,
My heart is filled with love
each time I see her face.
She Knows
My grandmother knows everything about me
sometimes before they happen,
She has a sixth sense
about most things in life,
She knows how to kiss my cheek
or dry my tears
whenever I am hurt or afraid,
She bakes all kinds of yummy food
and can even make a snowman, too,
In summertime, she teaches me to swim
and how to catch a fish,
But best of all,
she knows
how to be
the best grandmother
in the world to me.
Thank You, Grandma
Thank you for the many times
you sat beside my bed
when I was sick,
Thank you for the special treats
you baked just for me,
Thank you for my birthday cakes
you decorate each year,
And, all the clothes you sew
that I love to wear,
Thank you for the fun times
we have playing games and
all the shopping trips,
But, thank you most of all
for spending time with me, Grandma.
Only a Grandmother
Only a grandmother can understand
the tears that blur her eyes,
Whenever she watches her
daughter with her own child,
Or, when her heart fills with pride
to see her grandchild become a bride,
Only a grandmother understands her role
to provide a safe haven
where questions aren't asked
and secrets aren't told,
Only a grandmother realizes
how important she is
when she stares into the faces
of her kin,
and sees the generations
yet to be born,
Only a grandmother's eyes can see
those many things
that make
each grandchild special
and forever
snuggled deep inside her heart.
My Grandma
My grandma has a cheerful smile
when working in her garden,
She always hums a song
that isn't very long,
She lets me pick tomatoes
and several ripened fruits,
"We'll bake a pie," she says,
"Or, maybe even two,
Once we've made some soup,"
We pause to rest
upon the garden bench,
A lazy summer breeze
lifts her straw hat
and sends it sailing
against the back door,
"I guess that's our cue," Grandma laughs
and stands once more,
grabbing baskets, she turns to me,
"Let's go make something good to eat,"
and reaches for my hand,
"I love you, Grandma," I smile
and notice a tiny tear
that slips down her cheek.
Grandma Knows My Heart
Grandma knows what's in my heart
I never have to say,
She knows when I want to play
and when I'm tired and need to rest
My grandma often sings to me,
as we sit beneath the trees,
We bake cookies and pies
and laugh until we cry,
My grandma knows my heart
and understands my fears,
and how to dry my tears
with stories that make me laugh,
My grandma knows my heart
and all those things I want to say,
but can't quite put into words today,
My grandma knows my heart
and loves what she sees inside,
And tells me all the time
she loves me, just the way I am
'cause Grandma knows my heart.
Poetry for Grandmothers Expresses Tender Words
You may choose to try your hand at creating your own verses to present or to read to your grandmother. As long as the words come from your heart, your grandmother is sure to love whatever poem you write or present to her.