Each year, teenagers all over the world wonder just what they'll write in their friends' yearbooks. Or, you might be a teen who doesn't really give it that much thought, but wouldn't mind having an interesting quote or two on hand to share.
Ideas for What to Write
There are some people in your life that are so special, you want a quote that is meant just for the relationship you have with them. These quotes will get you started.
Best Friend
- High school wouldn't have been the same without your friendship. We have our inside jokes (insert one here) and our secret names for the cute boys. We practically live at each other's houses. When I look back on these days, I know the best memories will all have you in them.
- When you tell others about what I was like in high school, remember that I know all your secrets.
- There are many different types of ships. There are military war ships, cruise ships, and cargo ships. But, the best ship I've ever seen is the friendSHIP we share.
Senior Goodbye
- Move ahead, but never forget where you came from or our senior class. See you at the reunion!
- We never thought high school would end, but all too soon it did. Live your life as though it is high school. Enjoy it as though it will never end, but be bold as though your last day is just around the corner.
- Hey, remember that time (fill in a favorite memory with the person whose yearbook you are writing in)? When you look back on this quote years from now, I hope you'll always remember how much fun we had together.
Lab Partner
- Hey lab partner, thanks for only blowing me up that one time in Chemistry. I suspect you won't be majoring in science in college.
- Being my lab partner wasn't a big thing. It was a million little moments where we measured, poured, took notes and helped each other through high school.
- I can honestly say that high school wouldn't have been the same without you. You challenged me and made me want to be a better version of myself. I wish you the best in life. Keep pushing, growing and achieving.
- Boy am I glad that I no longer have to compete against you in (fill in the sport or activity they were your rival in). Lucky for you, I let you win some of the time. Just kidding.
- They say you never forget your first love, and I suppose that must be true because I can't imagine looking back on high school and not remembering you.
- If I could have dated anyone in the entire class, I would have still chosen to date you. (List the reasons why - sense of humor, great laugh, shared interests, etc.)
General Yearbook Quotes
If you go to a large school, someone may ask you to sign his yearbook and you may barely know him. It is a good idea to have a few general sayings in mind that you can share in this instance so you don't have to be clever on the fly.
- I hope we'll remember forever that time that we.... ugh, nevermind. I can't even remember it now.
- I didn't know how to tell you before now, but I am from the future and came back to help you because you are a famous figure. You will make it big in the next year, but then you lose it all. Why you lose it is a mystery forevermore. I never figured out how to prevent it, but best of luck to you.
- Use a fat marker to sign the yearbook, and write, 'Does this marker make me look fat?'
- No matter where we go in life or what other teams we follow, the (fill in your school mascot) will always be first in our hearts.
- When we started school together four years ago, I never dreamed the days would go so fast, or that I would dread missing you this much.
- I hope joy follows you through your days, and when we meet down the road, we can share the journey once again.
Well Wishes
- May all of your dreams come true. I know you'll shine among the stars.
- As we walk forward into adulthood, we'll take with us the days of childhood and teen years that made us who we are today. Thanks for being a part of that journey with me.
- During the last (fill in the number) years, you have been one my best friends. I wouldn't have been able to get through this year without you. You are funny, wonderful, sweet and... oh, no, isn't this (fill in a name's) yearbook? Well, never mind then.
What Not to Write
Although it might seem funny at the moment, remember that the person's children may one day read the yearbook, or their parent may check out what others have written. You don't want to write anything embarrassing or profane in someone else's yearbook. It is also bad form to take a black sharpie, and write big letters across the autograph pages, or draw on the pictures within the yearbook. Keep it clean, keep it fun, and your signature will be one that the person enjoys for years to come.