Free Printable Christmas Quizzes to Test Your Holiday Knowledge

These printable Christmas quizzes for all ages are the perfect entertainment for your holiday celebrations and family gatherings!

Updated November 2, 2023
girl taking Christmas quiz
Artfoliophoto / iStock via Getty Images

The Christmas spirit is contagious, but how much do you actually know about this happy holiday? Free printable Christmas quizzes can be a fun way to test your Noel know-how and even get competitive this holiday season. We have been stocking up on the best trivia surrounding this jolly time of cheer, so check out our Christmas quizzes and see who is the king of yuletide this year!

Free Printable Christmas Quizzes Are Fun for All Ages

Christmas quizzes are fun for the whole family, but some questions are tailored to a younger crowd while others are meant for a more experience brood. Thus, we have broken down our trivia questions based on age groups, which include kids, teens, and adults. See if you can get our multiple choice and true and false questions correct, and then confirm your responses in our answer sections!

Need to Know

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Christmas Quiz Questions for Kids

The Christmas quiz is easy and fun! It covers Santa Claus and life at the North Pole, the nativity story, and holiday traditions.

Christmas Quiz for Kids Printable

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What color is Rudolph’s nose?

  1. Blue 
  2. Red 
  3. Brown 

Where does Santa Claus live? 

  1. The North Pole 
  2. The beach 
  3. On the moon 

Who helps Santa Claus make toys? 

  1. Reindeer 
  2. Angels 
  3. Elves 

True or False: Most kids set out chips and dip for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. 

What color are Santa’s boots? 

  1. Red 
  2. Black 
  3. Green

How many times does Santa Claus check his list?

  1. Three times 
  2. Five times 
  3. Twice 

True or False: Elves are tall. 

What does Santa Claus bring on Christmas Eve to children who are naughty? 

  1. Coal 
  2. Underwear 
  3. A stick 

Which of the following is one of Santa’s reindeer? 

  1. Jingle 
  2. Comet 
  3. Sleepy 

Where does Santa Claus usually leave presents when he visits a home? 

  1. In the front yard 
  2. On the roof 
  3. Under the Christmas tree 

True or false: Santa Claus is married. 

Which of the following decorations do NOT go on a Christmas tree? 

  1. Lights 
  2. Tinsel 
  3. Balloons 

What do Santa’s reindeer pull on Christmas Eve? 

  1. A sleigh full of presents 
  2. A car 
  3. An airplane 

What two colors do people decorate with at Christmas the most? 

  1. Black and orange 
  2. Pink and purple 
  3. Red and green 

What flavor are candy canes? 

  1. Peppermint 
  2. Macaroni and cheese 
  3. Pizza 

What is hung on the fireplace at Christmas? 

  1. Pants 
  2. Stockings 
  3. Hair ribbons 

True or False: The Grinch is blue. 

Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas Day? 

  1. The president 
  2. Jesus 
  3. Santa Claus 

Who told Mary she was going to have a baby? 

  1. A doctor 
  2. An angel 
  3. Her mother 

What animal carries Mary to Bethlehem? 

  1. A horse 
  2. A camel 
  3. A donkey 

Where was the baby Jesus born? 

  1. A stable 
  2. A hospital
  3. The North Pole

Christmas Quiz Answers for Kids

Want to find out how you scored on your Christmas quiz? These are the answers to the Yuletide trivia!

  1. What color is Rudolph’s nose? Red 
  2. Where does Santa Claus live? The North Pole 
  3. Who helps Santa Claus make toys? Elves 
  4. True or False: Most kids set out chips and dip for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. False — most children set out cookies and milk for Santa Claus. 
  5. What color are Santa’s boots? Black 
  6. How many times does Santa Claus check his list? Twice 
  7. True or False: Elves are tall. False — Most elves are short. 
  8. What does Santa Claus bring on Christmas Eve to children who are naughty? Coal 
  9. Which of the following is one of Santa’s reindeer? Comet 
  10. Where does Santa Claus usually leave presents when he visits a home? Under the Christmas tree 
  11. True or false: Santa Claus is married. True 
  12. Which of the following decorations do NOT go on a Christmas tree? Balloons 
  13. What do Santa’s reindeer pull on Christmas Eve? A sleigh full of presents 
  14. What two colors are popular at Christmas? Red and green 
  15. What flavor are candy canes? Peppermint
  16. What is hung on the fireplace at Christmastime? Stockings 
  17. True or False: The Grinch is blue. False — the Grinch is green. 
  18. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas Day? Jesus 
  19. Who told Mary she was going to have a baby? An angel 
  20. What animal carries Mary to Bethlehem? A donkey
  21. Where was the baby Jesus born? A stable

Christmas Quiz Questions for Teens

For the teens in your group, the answers to the first set of questions are glaringly obvious, so we have strung up a list of more challenging Christmas questions that we think you ought to snow. They relate to all our favorite Christmas movies and songs, as well as some interesting yuletide facts! Let's see if your Christmas knowledge is fir real!

Christmas Quiz for Teens Printable

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In the first Home Alone movie, where do the McCallisters go when they leave Kevin behind?

  1. New York
  2. Paris
  3. Chicago

In The Santa Clause, Neil is Charlie's stepdad. What did Scott Calvin bring him at the end of the movie to make him believe in Santa again?

  1. A board game
  2. A weenie whistle
  3. A snow globe

The Grinch is described as being charming as a what?

  1. A seasick crocodile
  2. An eel
  3. A bad banana

In the song "12 Days of Christmas," what did my true love give to me on the ninth day?

  1. Geese a-laying
  2. Lords a-leaping
  3. Ladies dancing

True or False: Santa's reindeer are male.

What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made out of?

  1. A lump of coal
  2. A carrot
  3. A button

What was the first Christmas song to be played in space?

  1. "Jingle Bells"
  2. "Deck the Halls"
  3. "Here Comes Santa Claus"

Santa has nine reindeer, including Rudolph. How many of their names start with the letter D?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four

Which U.S. state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday?

  1. New York
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Illinois

True or False: Figgy pudding used to be made with meat.

Mistletoe berries come in an array of colors. Which of these colors do they not come in?

  1. White
  2. Blue
  3. Pink

Which country gave Santa his own postal code?

  1. Norway
  2. England
  3. Canada

What television show came up with the word Christmukkah?

  1. Friends
  2. South Park
  3. The O.C.

True or False: A traditional Ukrainian Christmas decoration is spider ornaments.

What is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ?

  1. C
  2. X
  3. H

In the "12 Days of Christmas," how many gifts are given out?

  1. 12
  2. 78
  3. 364

What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?

  1. Home Alone
  2. The Grinch
  3. The Santa Clause

True or False: KFC is a traditional Christmas Eve dinner in Japan.

What Christmas song contains the word "parumpapumpum?"

  1. "Do You Hear What I Hear?"
  2. "Silver Bells"
  3. "The Little Drummer Boy"

What is the name of the horse in the song "Jingle Bells"?

  1. Parson Brown
  2. Bobtail
  3. Wonderland

Christmas Quiz Answers for Teens

Get ready—we bet some of the answers to these Christmas questions will have you shouting 'sleigh it ain't so,' but for those who passed this Christmas quiz, it is claus for celebration!

  1. In the first Home Alone movie, where do the McCallisters go when they leave Kevin behind? Paris
  2. In The Santa Clause, Neil is Charlie's stepdad. What did Scott Calvin bring him at the end of the movie to make him believe in Santa again? A weenie whistle
  3. The Grinch is described as being charming as a what? An eel
  4. In the song "12 Days of Christmas," what did my true love give to me on the ninth day? Ladies dancing
  5. True or False: Santa's reindeer are male. False — male reindeer lose their antlers in the fall. Females keep them through the winter season.
  6. What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made out of? A button
  7. What was the first Christmas song to be played in space? "Jingle Bells"
  8. Santa has nine reindeer, including Rudolph. How many of their names start with the letter D? Three
  9. Which U.S. state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday? Oklahoma
  10. True or False: Figgy pudding used to be made with meat. True
  11. Mistletoe berries come in an array of colors. Which of these colors do they not come in? Blue
  12. Which country gave Santa his own postal code? Canada
  13. What television show came up with the word Christmukkah? The O.C.
  14. True or False: A traditional Ukrainian Christmas decoration is spider ornaments. True
  15. What is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ? X—This is actually where the abbreviation 'Xmas' came from.
  16. In the "12 Days of Christmas," how many gifts are given out? 364
  17. What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time? The Grinch
  18. True or False: KFC is a traditional Christmas Eve dinner in Japan. True
  19. What Christmas song contains the word "parumpapumpum?" "The Little Drummer Boy"
  20. What is the name of the horse in the song "Jingle Bells"? Bobtail

Christmas Quiz Questions for Adults

Now that all the good little boys and girls have gone to bed to await Santa's arrival, it's time to see if the adults in your group can hold their own when it comes to Christmas holiday facts! This Christmas quiz features questions about Christmas television shows and movies, food, culture, music, and the nativity story.

Christmas Quiz for Adults Printable

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In the movie A Christmas Story, what was the dad’s “major award?” 

  1. A bb gun 
  2. A leg lamp 
  3. A day off 

True or false: Santa Claus is a smoker. 

What movie featuring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire dancing and singing at an inn only open on holidays was the first to feature the popular tune "White Christmas?" 

  1. Holiday Inn 
  2. White Christmas 
  3. Christmas in Connecticut 

What Christmas dessert is made with molasses? 

  1. Plum pudding 
  2. Gingerbread 
  3. Cheesecake 

In which country does Santa leave presents in children’s shoes? 

  1. France 
  2. The Netherlands (Holland) 
  3. Switzerland 

In National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, what animal jumps out of the Griswold’s Christmas tree and wreaks havoc? 

  1. A dog 
  2. A squirrel 
  3. A chipmunk 

Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol takes place in what country? 

  1. United States 
  2. Germany 
  3. England 

True or False: Eggnog does not contain eggs. 

Which of the following is NOT a popular Christmas pie? 

  1. Mince 
  2. Peach 
  3. Pumpkin 

What popular Christmas song includes the phrase, “in the air there’s a feeling of Christmas?” 

  1. "The Christmas Song"
  2. "Silver Bells"
  3. "White Christmas"

What Christmas song is also known by the title Greensleeves? 

  1. "O Holy Night"
  2. "Silent Night"
  3. "What Child Is This?"

In what Christmas carol do singers request “figgy pudding?” 

  1. "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
  2. "We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
  3. "O Christmas Tree" 

What should you do to someone standing under mistletoe? 

  1. Give them a cookie 
  2. Hug them 
  3. Kiss them 

In the poem "The Night Before Christmas," what dances in children’s heads? 

  1. Bon-bons 
  2. Cookies 
  3. Sugar plums 

What was the name of the baby born to Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth? 

  1. John 
  2. Luke 
  3. James 

What did Joseph do for a living? 

  1. He was a farmer 
  2. He was a carpenter 
  3. He was a cook 

Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to: 

  1. Visit their family 
  2. Build a house 
  3. Pay taxes 

Who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus? 

  1. King Herod 
  2. An angel 
  3. The innkeeper 

True or False: An angel tells Joseph to take his family and flee to Greece to escape King Herod’s wrath. 

What country started the custom of putting up a Christmas tree? 

  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. Norway

Christmas Quiz Answers for Adults

Now it's time to find out if you were paying attention all these years! Here are the answers to the Adult Christmas Quiz. 

  1. In the movie A Christmas Story, what was the dad’s “major award?” A leg lamp 
  2. True or false: Santa Claus is a smoker. True — he smokes a pipe. 
  3. What movie featuring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire dancing and singing at an inn only open on holidays was the first to feature the popular tune White Christmas? Holiday Inn 
  4. What Christmas dessert is made with molasses? Gingerbread 
  5. In which country does Santa leave presents in children’s shoes? The Netherlands 
  6. In National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, what animal jumps out of the Griswold’s Christmas tree and wreaks havoc? A squirrel 
  7. Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol takes place in what country? England 
  8. True or False: Eggnog does not contain eggs. False 
  9. Which of the following is NOT a popular Christmas pie? Peach 
  10. What popular Christmas song includes the phrase, “in the air there’s a feeling of Christmas?” Silver Bells 
  11. What Christmas song is also known by the title Greensleeves? What Child Is This? 
  12. In what Christmas carol do singers request “figgy pudding?” We Wish You a Merry Christmas 
  13. What should you do to someone standing under mistletoe? Kiss them 
  14. In the poem "The Night Before Christmas," what dances in children’s heads? Sugar plums 
  15. What was the name of the baby born to Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth? John (later known as John the Baptist) 
  16. What did Joseph do for a living? He was a carpenter.
  17. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to: Pay taxes 
  18. Who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus? An angel 
  19. True or False: An angel tells Joseph to take his family and flee to Greece to escape King Herod’s wrath. False — the angel tells Joseph to take his family to Egypt.
  20. What country started the custom of putting up a Christmas tree? Germany

Printable Christmas Quizzes Can Be Used in a Sleigh Full of Ways

Christmas quizzes can keep kids occupied during cold Christmas holiday breaks. If you don't want to print out the quiz, you can open two windows online. This can allow your kids to take the quiz in one while looking for answers online in the other. This can also enhance their online research skills.

Teens and adults can use the more challenging Christmas quizzes to test their own knowledge, or they can brush up on their holiday facts before heading out to a party. You can also play Christmas trivia at your holiday get togethers. 

Another fun way to use these free printable Christmas quizzes is to place each quiz at individual table settings for your guests to fill out before everyone arrives at your dinner party. Leave the answer keys upside down in the center of the table for guests to check later.

A Free Printable Christmas Quiz Can Be Fun for the Entire Family

For the families who are excited about the holiday season, a free printable Christmas quiz can be a fun way to expand your knowledge on this be-yule-tiful time of the year! They can also be an exciting way to break the ice at a holiday party or even be the basis for a holiday-themed trivia night. Have fun, learn, and share these fun Christmas trivia facts this holiday season.

Free Printable Christmas Quizzes to Test Your Holiday Knowledge