Free Christmas Stocking Patterns to Hang by the Chimney With Care

Give Santa something to fill this Christmas Eve with DIY stockings that are super easy to make.

Updated November 2, 2023
Penguin Christmas Stocking

Is there anything that screams Christmas more than a custom-made stocking? It's amazing how this little accent can bring back so many memories.

Our parents hung these types of stockings on the chimney with care, so why not continue the tradition and add your own bit of holiday flare? We have a sleigh full of Christmas stocking patterns that are sure to make your space merry and bright, whether you are a whiz with a needle and thread or find tying knots a delight!

Easy Felt Penguin Christmas Stocking

This Christmas stocking pattern has a lot of pieces, but it's actually really easy to construct. You can make it by hand to achieve the most professional results, or you can sew it on your machine for a rush job before Christmas night. Either way, it makes an adorable and festive decoration for a special person in your life.

Expect this project to take between three and four hours when sewing by hand.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer and printer
  • ½ yard white sparkle felt
  • One piece black craft felt
  • One piece white craft felt
  • One piece gray craft felt
  • One piece yellow craft felt
  • One piece red sparkle craft felt
  • One piece white sparkle craft felt
  • One piece dark green craft felt
  • Regular sewing thread in black, white, yellow, gray, red, and green
  • Two skeins red embroidery floss
  • One skein black embroidery floss
  • Embroidery needle and hand sewing needle
  • Scissors
  • Pins

How to Assemble Your Christmas Stocking

Penguin Stocking Pattern Printable

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  1. Click on the image of the pattern to save it to your computer, then print it according to the specified size. If you need help downloading and using this printable pattern, use these tips.
  2. Cut out the pieces for your stocking according to the colors specified on the pattern. To help you keep the pieces straight, it's a good idea to pin the pattern piece to the corresponding piece or pieces of felt.
  3. Center the gray penguin head piece behind the head portion of the white penguin belly piece and secure with pins. Using white thread, sew the pieces together.
  4. Layer the white penguin head/penguin belly piece on top of one black penguin body piece. Secure with pins. Use white thread to sew the belly to the body and gray thread to sew the head to the body.
  5. Center the gray penguin face piece behind the black penguin face piece and secure with pins. Using black thread, sew the pieces together.
  6. Layer the penguin face over the penguin head and secure with pins. Using gray thread, sew the face to the head.
  7. Center the yellow penguin beak over the face and secure with pins. Using yellow thread, sew the beak to the face.
  8. Lay one white sparkle felt stocking piece on your work surface. Arrange two red skis on the foot portion of the stocking. The bottom ski should be about an inch above the bottom of the foot, and the top ski should be about half an inch to an inch above the bottom one. Place the penguin on top of the skis and adjust the ski placement to get the look you want. Pin the skis in place and then use red thread to sew them to the stocking.
  9. Place the two penguin feet on the skis and check the placement by holding the penguin in place. Adjust as needed and then pin the feet to the stocking. Use yellow thread to sew them in place.
  10. Stack the penguin over the remaining black penguin body piece and position these on the stocking. The wings should stick out past the edges of the stocking. Use pins to secure the pieces and then sew the penguin on with black thread. When you reach the wings, sew the wing layers together. However, don't sew the wings to the stocking.
  11. Take one green felt cuff piece and pin it to the top of the white stocking with the penguin on it. Use an embroidery needle and red embroidery floss to attach the cuff to the stocking.
  12. Place the red hat piece on the penguin's head and pin in place. Use red thread to sew the hat on the stocking. The point of the hat will overlap the green cuff of the stocking.
  13. Place the white hat fur and pom pom on the hat and pin in place. Use white thread to sew them on.
  14. If you'll be personalizing the stocking, take a few moments to embroider the name of the person on the cuff. Also, embroider eyes for the penguin using black floss.
  15. Pick up the other blank stocking piece and attach a cuff piece to it in the same way. Then, stack this piece with the penguin piece, wrong sides together, and use a blanket stitch and embroidery floss to join the two pieces together at the top of the cuff. This will be the front of your stocking. Set it aside for now.
  16. Take the remaining white stocking piece and pin green cuff pieces to the front and back of it. Attach the cuff pieces to the stocking using red embroidery floss.
  17. Stack the two hanging loop pieces and use green thread to sew them together. Fold the loop in half and insert the ends between the layers of the cuff. Use a pin to hold it in place. Use a blanket stitch to sew along the top of the cuff and to secure the hanging loop. The back of the stocking is finished.
  18. Stack the front and back together and use pins all around the edge. Starting at the top of the cuff, use a blanket stitch and red embroidery floss to sew all the way down and around the bottom of the stocking. Finish when you reach the top of the cuff on the other side.

No-Sew Candy Cane Christmas Stocking

This easy no-sew stocking uses red and white fleece to create a cute candy cane-inspired edge. This project goes quickly, so expect to only spend about half an hour on it. 


Things You'll Need

  • Computer and printer
  • Scrap of white fleece
  • Scrap of red fleece
  • Sharp scissors
  • Craft knife and cutting mat

How to Assemble Your Christmas Stocking

No-sew Stocking Pattern Printable

View & Download
  1. Click on the pattern to download it to your computer. Then, print and enlarge as specified.
  2. Use the pattern to cut one white stocking piece and one red stocking piece. Stack them together. Using the pattern as a guide, cut a fringe of ¾-inch-wide strips all the way around the edge of the stocking.
  3. Use the craft knife to make a small, vertical slit, about half an inch long, in the center of each strip of fringe.
  4. Starting at the top, take the second two strips from the top and push them through the slit in the top strip. Turn them over so the color of fleece showing is the opposite direction of the previous strip.
  5. Repeat with the third strip from the top. Continue working your way down the stocking, alternating red and white as you go. When you reach the last strip, cut it in half vertically. Tie the two halves together in a knot to finish the stocking.
  6. Insert a hanging loop through the seam of the stocking and tie it in a knot. You're done!
Quick Tip

These can make fantastic gift bags for Christmas presents or to give to friends and family, so consider making a few this holiday season!

More Great Christmas Stocking Patterns

If you're still looking for some unique stocking designs, there are lots of free options. Whether you love to sew or prefer to knit or crochet, there's a Christmas stocking design waiting for you.

Knitting Patterns for Stockings

There are some amazing patterns for knitters who what to make their own stockings.

  • This Fisherman stocking from Knitting on the Net is simple and lovely, knit in a single color.
  • The design for this vintage stocking, from Knitting-And, is from 1945, and it features an area to personalize the design with a name.

Crocheted Christmas Stockings

If you love to crochet, you can use your talents to create some adorable Christmas stockings. Try one of these fun patterns:

  • The Christmas Stocking from Crochet N More is a simple, fast design that's perfect for beginners.
  • The Button Christmas Stocking from Donna's Crochet Designs is a whimsical choice that features crocheted buttons all over a simple stocking.
  • The Lacy Crochet Stocking from FaveCrafts is a great choice if you love the delicate look of open-work crochet.

Sewn Christmas Stockings

If you want to whip up some lovely Christmas stockings quickly, nothing beats sewing. Try one of these fun patterns.

  • Better Homes and Gardens offers 11 DIY stocking ideas that include a mix of sew and no-sew ideas. They even offer ways to spruce up plain stockings that you buy at the store. 
  • The Monogrammed Stocking Tutorial from SewLikeMyMom is a wonderful option if you want to create a personalized stocking.

DIY Christmas Stockings Make Fantastic Future Heirlooms

Making your own Christmas stockings is a great way to add a personal touch to your holiday celebrations. The time and love you put into these projects will show in the results, which may even end up becoming family heirlooms. Have fun trying different designs or modifying patterns to craft your own unique holiday decorations.

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Free Christmas Stocking Patterns to Hang by the Chimney With Care