Giving your quinceanera speech is a wonderful opportunity to express your love for your family and friends, and it is one of your first steps into adulthood. Get inspired with these sample speeches and personalize or rewrite them to match your own personality and style.
Traditional Quinceanera Speech
Traditional quinceanera celebrations include a mass or religious service. The party is fairly formal, and family plays an important role. This speech matches the tone of a traditional quince party and it includes religious references to God. Click on the thumbnail to download this speech. If you need help, consult the Guide for Adobe Printables.

Created by Lindy Gaskill Copyright LovetoKnow, Owned by LoveToKnow Traditional Quinceanera Speech Thumb
Contemporary Quinceanera Speech
This contemporary version of the quinceanera speech does not include religious references. While the tone is a bit more informal, it still honors all the important people in your life.

Created by Lindy Gaskill Copyright LovetoKnow, Owned by LoveToKnow Contemporary Quinceanera Speech Thumb
Your Quince Speech
These sample speeches are a great start for you to create your quince speech. When creating your speech consider content, duration, and who you are.
Quinceanera Speech Content
When writing or personalizing your quinceanera speech you may want to:
- Express gratitude and appreciation for this celebration
- State the importance of this event for you
- Thank your parents, family, godparents, court, friends, and guests
- Express feelings of the day and/or hopes for the future
- Thank all in attendance and invite them to enjoy the party
You can expand on these elements and personalize the content to match who you are and what you believe.
Tips for Personalizing Your Speech
Everyone attending your quinceanera celebration cares about you. They will love to hear you speak about the things you care about. When personalizing your speech consider sharing with your audience:
- What turning 15 means to you (as an individual, a member of your family, and a part of your community)
- The qualities you wish to attain as you become an adult
- The aspects you admire the most from parents and family members (you can include how these qualities influence your life)
- The characteristics and good traits you wish to emulate from your godparents
- The moments you have cherished the most while spending time with your court
- A funny story or a highlight or turning point in your quinceanera preparation journey
The whole idea is to share a bit about yourself with your guests as well as shine a light on the wonderful people around you. After all, you are celebrating this fabulous day thanks to their help and love for you.
Duration of Your Quince Speech
The delivery of your speech should last about two minutes. You could take longer, but most people will be itching to see you partake in all the other activities of the celebrations, so try to keep it short and sweet. Practice your speech a lot and do try to memorize it. After all, it's only a couple of minutes.
Tips for Delivering a Perfect Speech
Sincerity is the key to a speech that touches hearts and is easy to remember. To help you keep it real:
- Use language you regularly use (even a little Spanish if you are comfortable with it)
- Stay true to your feelings and ideals
- Don't feel obligated to say things you don't mean
A sincere speech will be easy to remember, will help you connect with your audience, and will ring true now and many years into the future. (Like when you watch your quince video and see yourself with that gorgeous dress, fabulous cake, and unforgettable party!)
A Memorable Speech Is Heartfelt
The best speeches are those that come from the heart. Whether you write it or not, if you feel it in your heart, then it will be a great speech. Take this opportunity to offer heartfelt words that lift up the spirits of your loved ones and open the way to a bright future ahead of you. ¡Felices quince!