Crafting the Perfect Quinceañera Program

Create a memorable schedule with personalized wording and design tips

Updated February 10, 2025
girl with parents at party
Jupiterimages / Royalty-free via Getty Images

A great way to inform your guests of the timeline for the quinceanera events is to have a program sent out or available at the event. The program will describe the times for each activity as well as give the guests an idea of what to expect for the big day. Wording for the program can be simple or elaborate, depending on the overall theme for the day.

Detailed Program Wording

For those wanting a detailed timeline for the quinceanera, use wording in the program that details the time for each part of the day. Center the wording on the program or work with graphics to arrange the wording to fit.

Quinceanera for NAME

Parents: NAMES

Mass Celebrant: NAME

Court of Honor: NAMES

Schedule of Events:


Reception to follow at LOCATION



Presentation of Traditions

Sit-down Dinner

Dancing and Music

Cake Cutting

Final Doll Toss

Last Song

Personalized Quinceanera Wording Examples

For those looking for a more personalized and elaborate program, choose wording that is original and tailored to the special day and girl. An elaborate option is perfect for a themed quinceanera or if you want to keep religious beliefs at the forefront. Longer text can be at the top, or, if the program is folded, on the front.

Fairytale Theme

Once upon a time, there lived a special princess who was turning fifteen. The princess was growing up fast and was no longer a little girl. Her parents were so proud that they decided to host a party in her honor. Please join NAMES in celebrating Princess NAME's Quinceanera on DATE.

Royal Festivities include:

Quinceanera Crown on top of pink flowers
GemaBlanton / Royalty-free via Getty Images

Celebratory Mass to be held at TIME, LOCATION.

After-Mass Royal Ball at LOCATION.

Royal Court of Honor: NAMES

Princess NAME'S Grand Entrance

Toast in Honor of Princess NAME

Princess Crowning by the Queen

Change of Shoes to Glass Slippers

King and Princess Waltz

Cutting of the Royal Cake

Lords and ladies of the land are invited to stay for dancing, traditions, and fun until TIME.

On behalf of the royal family, we thank you all for attending Princess NAME'S Quinceanera and making the day unforgettable!

Spiritual Hopes and Dreams

Dreams of yesterday and hopes for the future, we give thanks to God for giving us NAME. We have been blessed in watching our daughter grow from a young girl into a beautiful lady. With faith in our hearts, join us in blessing our daughter, NAME, as she turns fifteen.

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." - 1 John 4:16

Quinceanera Schedule of Events:


NAME'S Entrance to Reception at LOCATION

Parents: NAMES

Court of Honor: NAMES

Reception at TIME, LOCATION

Celebratory Toast

Crowning by Mother

Father-Daughter Dance

Sit-Down Dinner

Cutting of Cake


Special thank you to all who came and made the day possible! May God bless you all and keep you close!

Turning 15

A girl only once turns fifteen. Never again will this age be seen. Let's make her big day something unforgettable.

NAME's Sweet 15 Program

Ceremony at LOCATION

Reception at TIME/LOCATION

Grand Entrance and Welcoming Remarks

Toast to Turning 15


Cake Cutting

Doll Toss

Final Dance

Quinceanera Program Tips

Since the program for the quinceanera should tie into the overall theme for the special day, be sure to reflect the tone in the wording. If you are planning a simple affair, you can keep the wording simple. For an elaborate, over-the-top event, make a program that sets that tone as well. Some tips to consider when creating your program include:

  • Have programs placed at each guest's seat so they are aware of how the event will occur.
  • Send out invitations in advance that detail the day's events and times so guests can plan accordingly; this could include a shortened version of the program.
  • Make the program more personal by including a favorite Bible verse, quote, or poem.
  • Include a photo of the guest of honor on the program for a special touch.
  • Use a fancy font and special paper to make the program more elegant.
  • Make the program bilingual if you have guests that speak a language other than English.
  • At the end of the program, include a special thank you to the guests from the guest of honor.

Programs Should Reflect the Event

When choosing wording for the quinceanera program, always make sure it reflects the tone of the party as well as the personality of the fifteen year-old. No matter what wording you use, the program should give a basic timeline for the day's events and provide as much information as possible.

Crafting the Perfect Quinceañera Program