Top DIY Methods to Revitalize Your Chalkboard Wall

Explore easy cleaning techniques for maintaining a sparkling chalkboard wall.

Updated February 10, 2025
cleaning chalkboards
Audrey Simper Photography / Moment via Getty Images

Learn how to clean a chalkboard wall using easy DIY methods. Get tips and tricks for making your chalkboard wall sparkle. You'll also learn how to clean chalk paint.

How to Clean Chalkboard Walls

Cleaning a chalkboard wall does not have to be a nightmare. Chalkboards used to be found everywhere you looked - children's classrooms, restaurant cafes, and even certain areas of the home used for organization. However, lately many chalkboard needs have been fulfilled instead with more modern technologies such as computer projectors and whiteboards. However, the classic look of chalkboard walls is coming back, and so is cleaning them.


  • Clean felt chalkboard eraser

  • Microfiber cloth

  • Coke or cola

  • Vinegar

  • Sponge

  • Bowl

  • Spray bottle

Step 1: Clean the Chalkboard With an Eraser

To clean a chalkboard, grab a clean eraser.

  • Start at the upper left corner using long strokes toward the bottom. It's been proven time and again that starting at the top left-hand corner and going all the way across the board is the best way to clean without leaving residue.

  • Clap all the chalk out of the eraser and give it another go to remove any remaining loose chalk. Run a clean and dry microfiber cloth over the board.

  • Sometimes, this might be all you need to get your board shiny but if you've still got chalk clouds, it's time for more power.

hand erasing chalkboard
selimaksan / E+ via Getty Images

Step 2: How to Clean a Chalkboard Wall With Coke

After removing most of the chalk, you can clean your chalkboard with cola.

  • Pour a good amount of straight cola into a bowl.

  • Soak a sponge in the cola.

  • Squeeze out the excess.

  • Start at the top and work your way down the board.

  • Rinse and re-coat the sponge in cola as it picks up the chalk.

  • Use a damp microfiber towel to remove the cola residue.

man cleaning chalkboard with coke
Justin Lewis / Stone via Getty Images

Step 3: Use Vinegar and Water to Clean a Chalkboard Wall

If the cola didn't work or you don't have it on hand, then you might reach for white vinegar.

  • Mix 1 cup white vinegar to four parts water in a spray bottle.

  • Spray the mixture onto a microfiber cloth.

  • Wipe down the board from the top to the bottom.

  • Rinse the chalk dust off the cloth and reload it with the vinegar mixture as needed.

  • Rinse the cloth and give the board a final wipe down with water.

Vinegar On Table
Eskay Lim / EyeEm / EyeEm via Getty Images

Step 4: Cleaning Chalkboard Wall With Lemon Oil

You can also use lemon oil on a chalkboard, and this will yield even more impressive results if you can wipe it down with a cloth that has "marinated" in a Ziploc bag overnight with the lemon oil on it.

  1. Use only a few drops - there is no need to soak the cloth.

  2. Place it in a ziploc bag.

  3. Allow it to soak overnight.

Allow the chalkboard wall to dry completely before trying to write on it.

Lemon Essential Oil In A Bottle
Hendra Rakhmat Kurniawan / EyeEm / EyeEm via Getty Images

Step 5: Try Endust to Clean a Chalkboard Wall

Finally, some teachers and stay-at-home moms swear by Endust, which is designed to be a furniture cleaner but works well on chalkboards. Even better, they now come in dust cloth form, which saves you a few steps when you need to do a quick cleaning.

How to Clean Chalk Paint

Knowing how to clean chalkboard walls is one thing, but chalk paint is a bit different. Chalk paint is painted on the wall to give it a matte finish that is rustic or shabby-chic style. While there are several variations out there, this style was coined by Annie Slone.


To clean chalk paint on your walls for furniture you need.

  • Microfiber cloth

  • Dawn dish soap

  • Finishing wax

Hand Painting Wooden Boxes
Alexandre Morin-Laprise / Moment via Getty Images

Step 1: Wipe Down With a Microfiber Cloth

When cleaning chalk painted furniture or walls, it's important to keep them clean.

  • Wet a microfiber cloth.

  • Wring out any excess water.

  • Wipe down the area.

For especially dirty areas, you might use add a drop or two of Dawn dish soap to the washcloth.

Step 2: Apply a Finishing Wax

To make sure your chalk paint walls and furniture stay looking refreshed and glowing, consider using a finishing wax. This can help your chalk painted walls stay looking newer longer.

How to Clean a Chalk Wall Cleaning Don'ts

When you are cleaning your chalk wall, there are a few things you'll want to remember.

  • Stick to dry or semi-dry methods whenever possible. While a bit of moisture is necessary, water will hurt the surface if used in large amounts.

  • Using chemicals is also not recommended because the ingredients within a painted chalkboard surface will react with the chemicals and cause irreversible damage.

  • Writing on a wet board can cause the scrawls to be permanent, due to the softened surface.

  • Do your research before buying into the chalkboard cleaning items available in stores today. You don't really need anything fancy to get the job done.

How to Get a Chalkboard Wall Looking Fresh

If you have a chalkboard wall, it can be a nightmare to get it to look black and not grey. However, there are a few simple tips you can try to keep your chalkboard looking fresh.

Top DIY Methods to Revitalize Your Chalkboard Wall