Enhance Your Home With Feng Shui Art

Discover how to use feng shui artwork to improve your home's energy and luck.

Updated February 10, 2025
Koi Fish Feng Shui Artwork
IMAGEMORE Co, Ltd. via Getty Images

Feng shui pictures, paintings, prints, statues, and figurines are examples of the artwork you can find online. Artwork that reflects feng shui principles promotes auspicious chi while adding a sense of peace and beauty to your home's environment.

Tips for Feng Shui Artwork

There are several feng shui tips you want to follow when selecting artwork for specific rooms in your home. Each piece of artwork you add to your home decor should be a thoughtful reflection of feng shui principles while also a representation of your personal style.


Select artwork for the foyer that is positive and welcoming to all who enter your home. You can select auspicious art that mimics koi fish in a pond or aquarium. A statue of the Buddha facing the door offers blessings and greetings.

Living Room

The living room is where the family congregates and filled with high yang energy. Art should reflect these activities and reflect happiness. You can further enliven the yang energy with sculptures and figurines of animals, such as playful dolphins, three-toed frog (abundance and wealth) or a trumpeting elephant (success and abundance).


The kitchen is an important room in your home where the nourishment of your family takes place. Food related art is always a good choice. Plaques, posters, paintings, photos and art objects can be selectively placed in this room.

Dining Room

The dining room is the most important room in your home. All abundance and healthy energy is generated from this room. Classic art of still-life paintings of wine and bread aren't the only choices you have for dining room art. You can select art that shows abundance and happiness, such as baskets of fruit, either a painting or hand-crafted art objects to place on the dining table or buffet.

Home Office

The home office should be treated as a professional arm of the family wealth and abundance. You can choose specific art to improve and attract an auspicious career or business. Water features are always a good choice of art in this room, such as a photo or painting of a cascading waterfall.

Master Bedroom

A bright bedroom with a horizontal flower poster over the head of the bed

gamespirit / iStock / Getty Images Plus - Modifications made by LoveToKnow A bright bedroom with a horizontal flower poster over the head of the bed

The master bedroom can also become a vital feng shui resource to promote a happy marriage and good romantic relationship. Through artwork, you can attract auspicious chi energy to gernerate a stronger martial bond. Some of these themes include, art of pairs, such as birds, flowers and other feng shui symbols.

Children's Bedrooms

Encourage your children to grow and learn with good feng shui art applications. Some of the subjects for artwork, include symbols of education and academic sucesss, such as a crystal globe. Use your child's Chinese astrology animal in art to reinforce the energies of its influence.

Guest Bedroom

Welcome guests with art objects that communicate your hospitality through feng shui auspicious guidelines in bedrooms. The subjects that convey hospitality include, pineapples, magnolia and peony blossoms.


Bathrooms are notorious for suppressing the luck sector where they are located. Consider the compass location of your bathroom to guide you in selecting art objects made of the element that can counter this type of energy suppression. For example, a bath located in the north (water element) sector can negatively impact your career, so select art made of the destructive cycle element of earth to counter, such as pottery and ceramics.

Laundry Rooms

The laundry room is another room where waste water is generated and expelled from the home. Choose art made of crystal or stone to attract wealth energies and counter the inauspicious waste water energy.

Art and the Bagua

Enhance each life area using artwork that will attract the energy you desire. The bagua divides your home into sectors that correlate to various areas of your life. Follow either the Black Hat Sect Feng Shui (place over layout of house) or Compass and Form Schools of Feng Shui (using compass directions to determine placement of bagua) for placement tips. Whichever school of feng shui you use, you can take advantage of the chi energies attracted to each sector.

Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance

Koi carp swimming in a pond with lily lotus with green leaves on transparent water and stone bottom flat vector illustration
Alfadanz / iStock via Getty Images

Located in the southeast sector (wood element) of your home, you can enhance this area of your life area using pictures and symbols of objects and animals. Never use water elements in a bedroom, since this creates too much energy and disturbance to rest.

  • Chinese bamboo and birds: Wall scroll made of painted damask silk
  • Deer: Buck and his doe mate painting, available on multiple mediums
  • Koi pond print: Nice art print with vivid use of color
  • Lotus blossoms: Art prints and photographs of pink or white lotus blossoms

Fame and Reputation

Located in the south sector (fire element) of your home is the life area of fame and reputation. This area also includes your self-knowledge, self-respect and inner light. Use any of these symbols to enhance the energy of this sector:

  • Butterfly print: Abstract, signed art prints on archival papers with 100-year ink
  • Dragon: Silk scroll artwork of Chinese dragon
  • Horses: Frameable poster of horses running in shallow water; horses also symbolize speed and self-power
  • Peacock: The peacock is perched on a limb displaying it radiant feathers. There are many choices for this artwork.
  • Phoenix: Golden statue of phoenix

Relationships, Love, and Marriage

Watercolor painting of peaches on a branch
cstar55 / DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Enhance your relationships using energy in the southwest sector (earth element) of your home. Carved amethyst artwork is an excellent activator for the chi energy residing here.

Health and Family

Health and family energy is located in the east sector (wood element) of your home. There are many symbols for health and longevity.

Children and Creativity

Located in the west sector (metal element) of your home, this sector represents and affects your descendant luck. This directly relates to your children and any creative energy in your life. It symbolizes the birth of your own joy and spirit of life. Images rich with imagination and creativity are excellent additions to this area.

Artwork placed in a child's rooms should always be happy and uplifting, evoking feelings of confidence, inspiration, and encouragement.

Education and Knowledge

Knowledge is located in the northeast sector (earth element) of your home. Enhance this life area of self-cultivation with various symbols and images.

  • Dragon with a pearl: Resin statue on wood base
  • Dragon carp: Double carp crossing dragon gate statue
  • Pagoda: Various art prints of Chinese pagodas
  • Crystal globe: Crystal globes on pedestals

Career and Life Path

scandinavian elefant posters
OllyKava / iStock via Getty Images

Enhance your career energy, which is located in the north sector (water element) of your home, using these pieces of art:

Helpful People, Mentors, Friendship, and Travel

Activate happy occasions with energy located in the northwest sector (metal element) of your home. Art that showcase happy people or happy occasions are the best choice for this area of the home. Images of gods, angels, or strong powerful people work well in this area.

  • Fuk Luk Sau: Three gods in resin, brass or ceramic
  • Tsai Shen Yeh: Impressive bronze statue
  • Angels: Western cultures often use angels; do not use sad or grieving angels
  • Rose quartz: Rose quartz gemstone tree

Subject Matter and Placement of Art

An essential aspect of using art in feng shui is knowing the correct subject matter and proper placement of the feng shui art and the bagua of each piece. Used correctly, artwork attracts the free flowing positive chi energy (sheng) into and throughout your living and work environment.

Bagua, Elements and Nine Areas of Life

Many feng shui practitioners use the bagua diagram to determine the correlation between specific areas of the home and the nine areas of life. Practitioners choose and place artwork specifically to enhance a feng shui life. Artwork can also incorporate the five elements and the feng shui colors associated with each compass sector.

Auspicious Art for Specific Areas of Life

For example, bedroom art should only depict happy events, objects, and animals, and should always be in pairs. Photos of you and your mate are appropriate while photos of others, especially children, aren't meant for the master bedroom. Another example is office art. You want to enhance your work environments, improve your job performance, and ensure a successful career with excellent pay by adding art and art objects to your office, especially on the north wall with elements of water and metal.

Bestow Balance and Peace With Art

Using feng shui in various forms of art is a wonderful way to activate elements and enhance the chi energies of each sector in your home. These objects are not just feng shui remedies and enhancers; they should also be works of art that speak to you and bring you joy each time you look at them.

Enhance Your Home With Feng Shui Art