Tiger and Dragon Symbols in Yin and Yang

Updated March 15, 2022
Yin yang symbol with dragon and tiger fighting
insima / iStock via Getty Images

The yin yang tiger and dragon symbols are a powerful display of the dual energies that form the foundation of chi. To achieve a harmonious balance of chi in feng shui, the forces of yin and yang must be equal in their own way. The yin tiger shows its strength in patience and knowing the right time to strike. The yang dragon is bold and fiery, and needs the tiger's yin energy to balance the potential for chaos. In feng shui, the yin yang tiger and dragon are important both inside and outside the home.

Feng Shui Tiger and Dragon Meaning in Yin Yang

Tiger and Dragon meaning in Yin Yang infographic
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Pulling the energies of the tiger and the dragon into the yin yang symbol brings to life the interplay of light and dark energy working to maintain balance. Traditionally, the light half of the yin yang symbol contains a drop of darkness, and the dark half is punctuated by a drop of light. The drop of opposing color illustrates that there always exists some yang in yin, and yin in yang. The yang dragon is set against the yin tiger in a swirling dynamic curve, as a colorful depiction of the yin yang teardrop symbol.

The Tiger and Dragon in Feng Shui

The tiger and dragon are celestial animals, credited in Form School feng shui with complementary energy and special status in landscaping for well-being and good fortune. Compass School feng shui reverses the orientation of the tiger and dragon. So you may see the dragon on the left or west of the circle, facing east, and the tiger in the east or right side, facing west. The celestial animals retain every bit of their fierceness, no matter which school employs them symbolically. The tension between them is the tension of the forces of light and dark in the world, each holding the other in check.

The Yin White Tiger

The feng shui white tiger represents the yin chi, the direction West, the color white, and the metal element. It is an embodiment of purpose and patience (much as a tiger deliberately and patiently stalks its prey). Its power is coiled and hidden deep within, but a tiger can spring into action with transformative, even deadly force at will. Tiger is assigned to the right side of your property as you face out from the main entrance. That part of the environment or landscape should be lower than the left side because the tiger is an earth creature and more grounded than the dragon.

The Yang Green Dragon

The yang Dragon energy is bold, extroverted, and sky-centered. The yin yang dragon's direction is East and its element is wood. When evaluating your landscape, the dragon is located to the left of the property as you face out from the front door. This area should be higher than the right side of the property. Features might include a hill, a slope, an extra story, a raised porch, or a tall tree. The dragon is fiery and destructive, but its force is tempered by the tiger energy. So, the yin-yang of these two powerful creatures creates a perfect balance.

Use the Tiger and Dragon to Improve Your Personal Chi

It's possible to improve your personal chi by applying the orientation of the yin yang dragon and tiger to your home.

  • Position your seating so a wall is at your back to gain the support of the dragon energy.
  • Sit opposite, but not directly across from, a door. This allows you to receive the tiger energy flowing into the room without receiving it forcefully enough to interfere with your concentration. This is a good placement for a chair, couch, or even a desk.
  • Using feng shui orientation, summon tiger energy indoors with an end table, small bookcase, nightstand, or cabinet to the right of seating or the bed. This placement of a low object evokes the tiger essence of security, especially if the object is white or metal.
  • Place a plant or some other greenery to your left to encourage the dragon to occupy this space. Ideally, the plant will grow upward, tall and vertical or raised on a stand to give it greater height. This taller object in the classic dragon direction reinforces a power position with a sense of clarity and a tendency to action.

Tap Into the Power of Yin Yang Animals

The yin yang tiger and dragon symbol is a dynamic expression of balance for your home and can be used to improve your positive chi through their dance of harmony. The other animals of Chinese astrology can be identified by their yin or yang energy, too. To calm a chaotic room, soften the fiery yang energy with the symbolism of a yin animal. You can liven up a stale space with the bold energy of yang animals. A comfortable and inspiring home is possible when you invite positive chi through the harmony of yin yang energy.

Tiger and Dragon Symbols in Yin and Yang