9 Ways to Win the Heart of a Scorpio Man

Set your sights on a Scorpio man? I've been married to a Scorpio guy for 25 years. Here's how to intrigue him and win his heart.

Updated February 28, 2025
Couple having a romantic dinner
Zamrznuti tonovi via Shutterstock

Scorpio men are some of the most sizzling, sensual guys of the zodiac. They're often slow to commit but fall in love intensely, deeply, and loyally. So if you're into a mysterious and attractive Scorpio man, we have some tips to win his heart. 

Accept Him Fully

He's dark, mysterious, and compelling. And underneath that attractive facade, he's extremely deep and complex. Scorpio men have a ton of layers, and, like most of us, some of those layers are kind of rough (for instance, he's a total grudge holder and often a jealous guy). But there are so many great things about him, too, and Scorpio guys make amazing partners and lovers.

But to get past his initial walls, you have to not only dig under the surface but not judge him for his dark side. Someone who accepts all of him is extremely attractive to a Scorpio guy. So set your judgment aside and take the time to get to know him, and you could win his heart. 

Lean Into the Sexual Tension

Sex is more important to a Scorpio man than just about any other sign of the zodiac. But he's also deeply emotional, so you won't win his heart with sex that's just surface-level and physical. He wants a physical relationship that's nothing short of transformational — one where you connect body, mind, and spirit.

Don't get us wrong. Scorpio guys are totally into pleasures of the flesh, and if surface-level sex is offered, they'll probably jump at the chance. But to build a lasting relationship, the physical connection needs to be deeply emotional and even spiritual. So, lean into the tension, but realize that it's the deep connection that he truly craves, and that comes with time, love, and trust. 

Be a Little Mysterious

Scorpio men delight in discovery. They're the detectives of the universe — and nothing intrigues and hooks them more than a mystery. So maybe don't dive in with all you have right away. Instead, reveal yourself a little at a time and let him work for it. He builds trust slowly anyway, so that slow unfolding is his natural pace when he falls in love. 

Related: 12 Signs a Scorpio Man Has Feelings for You

Challenge His Mind

Scorpio guys are usually pretty smart, and they want someone who keeps their minds stimulated. So don't be afraid to have all the conversations with him — you know the kind. Those deeply intellectual talks that delve deep into the mysteries of the universe. He's totally into that, and if you are, too, then there's a good chance he'll be into you.

Use His Love Language 

Scorpio men are all about physical touch — it's usually their love language (or at least one of them). We're not just talking sexual touch here (although that's certainly part of it), but also back rubs, holding hands, or touching his cheek. If you give and receive physical touch well, he'll respond accordingly. 

Be Loyal

Nobody is ever going to love you quite as deeply, as hard, or as intensely as a Scorpio. But once he's been betrayed? Yeah. It's over, and it's not rebuildable. Your loyalty is EVERYTHING to him, and if you give it, he'll give his right back to you. But even a whiff of disloyalty, and you'll be out of his life in an instant. 

Don't Give Him a Reason to Feel Jealous

Scorpios live on the extremes of almost everything — moderation isn't really a Scorpio thing, and he often projects those extremes onto people he loves, too. So, if he's flirting with someone, then to him, he's doing it with purpose. Thus, in his mind, if you're flirting with someone, you have the same level of intent that he would have if he were flirting. See where we're going here?

He can be super jealous, and he's going to watch you (especially early on) for signs of betrayal. Try not to give him any reason to be jealous, especially in the early stages of your relationship, and he'll be true forever as long as he thinks you're true, too.

Be Honest

The Scorpio man holds honesty and integrity in high regard. To him, these two things define an individual's true value. Never lie to him. If you do, he'll never, ever, ever trust you again. Second chances aren't really a thing with Scorpio guys. And if he thinks your integrity is compromised, he'll be gone in a heartbeat.

Be Authentic

If some of the above things don't come authentically to you, don't fake it. Scorpios are deeply empathic, and they can spot inauthenticity from a mile away. Once they spot it, they run quickly away in the other direction. So always be yourself, no matter what you think a Scorpio guy might want. Because faking who you are will always drive him away faster than not ticking all his boxes.

Scorpio Men Are a Lot of Work but Totally Worth It

Take it from someone who has been married to a Scorpio man for nearly 25 years — relationships with Scorpio men are often hard work. But, from my experience, they're also totally worth the effort because they're fiercely loving and loyal once you win their hearts. 

9 Ways to Win the Heart of a Scorpio Man