6 Essential Numerology Chart Calculations & What They Mean

Your personal numerology can tell you all sorts of stuff about who you are in this lifetime. Here are six essential calculations.

Updated June 7, 2024
Numerology Chart
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Want to know a little bit more about yourself? Calculating several key values on your numerology chart can help. These numbers can give you insights into your motivations, personality, destiny, and more. Don't worry — it's easy to do and only requires a little bit of math. So get your pencils and calculators ready. 

What You Need for Numerology Charts

Before starting a numerology chart, you'll need to have paper and a pencil handy and be prepared to do just a little bit of math. Don't worry — we won't deduct points if you use a calculator. As you work, you'll need the following.

Your Birth Name and Current Name

Use the full name on your birth certificate and the name you currently use. For example, if you were born Jane Alexis Smith but are now Jane Alexis Jones, you'll use each name to calculate different name numerology numbers. For the calculations below, you'll focus only on your given name at birth.

Letter Value Numerology Chart

You also need to know the value of each letter to calculate your chart. Different types of numerology have different charts. The chart below is Pythagorean numerology, but there is a different chart for Chaldean numerology.

Pythagorean Numerology
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Decide Whether Y Is a Vowel or Consonant

Y is always considered a consonant in Pythagorean numerology unless it sounds like a vowel. Then, you calculate it as a vowel instead. For example, if your birth name is Candy, the y has a vowel sound (ee), so you calculate it as a vowel. Otherwise, such as in the name Young, it is a consonant.

Your Date of Birth

You'll also need your date of birth as mm/dd/yyyy; for example, for December 14, 1969, you would need the numbers 12 (mm), 14 (dd), and 1969 (yyyy).

Construct the Core Numbers of the Numerology Chart

When you begin your calculations, take your time and make sure you're adding numbers correctly so you don't have to go back and recalculate. 

Need to Know

To interpret what all of your numbers mean, look them up on our numerology number meaning table.

Calculate the Heart's Desire Number

The first step is to calculate the heart's desire. Your heart's desire number describes what motivates you or your inner drives.

  1. Add the value of the vowels in each part of your birth name. For example, Jane Alexis Smith would be calculated:
    1 (a) + 5 (e) = 6 (Jane); 1 (a) + 5 (e) + 9 (i) = 15 (Alexis); 9 (i) (Smith)
  2. Reduce each to a single digit by adding the individual digits of your first answer. For example:
    6 (Jane); 1+ 5 = 6 (Alexis); 9 (Smith)
  3. Next, add all the names together.
    6 (Jane) + 6 (Alexis) + 9 (Smith) = 21
  4. The final step is to reduce yet again to a single digit.
    2 + 1 = 3

Calculate Your Personality Number

Here, you'll again use your birth name but calculate it using the consonants of your name. Your personality number describes the image you project to the world.

  1. Add the value of the consonants of each part of your birth name. For example, Jane Alexis Smith would be calculated:
    1 (j) + 5 (n) = 6 (Jane); 3 (l) + 6 (x) + 1 (s) = 10 (Alexis); 1 (s) + 4 (m) + 2 (t) + 8 (h) = 15 (Smith)
  2. Reduce each to a single digit. For example:
    6 (Jane); 1 +0 = 1 (Alexis); 1 + 5 =6 (Smith)
  3. Add all the names together. For example:
    6 (Jane) + 1 (Alexis) + 6 (Smith) = 13
  4. Reduce to a single digit. For example: 
    1 + 3 = 4

Destiny Number

Your destiny number may also be called your expression number. It describes opportunities and inner goals available to you. Use the full birth name to calculate it.

  1. Add the value of all letters of your name at birth, creating a separate number for each name. For example:
    1 (j) + 1 (a) + 5 (n) + 5 (e) = 12; 1 (a) + 3 (l) + 5 (e) + 6 (x) + 9 (i) + 1 (s) = 25; 1 (s) + 4 (m) + 9 (i) + 2 (t) + 8 (h) = 24
  2. Reduce each name to a single digit. For example: 
    1 + 2 = 3 (Jane); 2 + 5 = 7 (Alexis); 2+ 4 = 6 (Smith)
  3. Now, add all the numbers together. For example: 
    3 (Jane) + 7 (Alexis) + 6 (Smith) = 16
  4. Reduce this final number. For example: 
    1 + 6 = 7.

Calculate Planes of Expression

If you've been adding correctly, you should now have three sets of numbers: the heart's desire, the personality number, and the destiny number. Now, you're ready to calculate the planes of expression for these.

These numbers are significant because they can provide a detailed study of how an individual thinks, acts, and behaves. The planes can also help reveal inner conflicts and play a significant role in love relationships.

Helpful Hack

Use these rules for planes of expression to calculate the numbers that will provide information about mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual numerology specific to your birth name and your current name.

Related: Numerology Number Meanings: Messages From the Universe

Calculate Your Life Path Number

You'll use your birthdate to calculate your life path number. It's an outline of the karmic imprint that you bring into this lifetime, including skills, challenges, and other things that may arise in your life.

  1. Add your numbers for mm, dd, and yyyy separately. For example, for December 14, 1969, add:
    1 + 2 = 3 (December); 1 + 4 = 5 (14); 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25 (1969)
  2. Reduce each number. For example:
    3 (December); 5 (14); 2 + 5 = 7 (1969)
  3. Now, add all the numbers together. For example:
    3 (December) + 5 (14) + 7 (1969) = 15
  4. Finally, reduce this to a single digit. For example: 
    1 + 5 = 6

Calculate Your Attainment Number

In a numerology chart, attainment represents the spiritual consciousness under which many lives and rebirths have come into form. This number represents everything you ever were (in a past life) and what you are striving for in this life. Numerologists consider the attainment number the "design" of the soul's journey.

  1. To calculate, add your destiny number to your life path number. For example: 
    7 (Jane's destiny number) + 6 (Jane's life path number) = 13
  2. Reduce to a single digit. For example:
    1 + 3 = 4

Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33

The only time you don't reduce a number to a single digit is if the result is a master number. There are three master numbers: 11, 22, and 33. In the final result of any calculation, leave these as is and read the result for the master number instead.

Junior, Senior, or Other Numbers in a Birth Name

If your name has a generational identifier, such as junior, senior, II, III, IV, etc., these aren't calculated into any of the numbers above, so you can simply drop them from the name.

How Name Changes Affect Your Numerology

If you've legally changed your name, go by a nickname, have a maiden and married name, or hyphenate your last name, these can affect your numerology. You can also calculate with your new name to gain insights into how you may have changed in your life, but your essential karmic imprint comes from your given name at birth.

Understanding Your Numbers

Calculating your numerology chart can help you gain a better understanding of some of the imprints, also called karmic overlays, you come into this lifetime with. As you better understand these imprints, you can work to find solutions to navigate challenges that arise based on the gifts you brought with you when you were born.

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6 Essential Numerology Chart Calculations & What They Mean