In Loving Memory Funeral Poems for Grandfather

Updated August 8, 2022
Grandfather and grandson holding hands
Xabier Artola-Zubillaga []/ Moment via Getty Images

Grandfathers hold an honored place in the family, and like all family losses, it can be difficult to find the right words. Honoring your grandfather through poetry is one of the most beautiful ways to pay tribute to his life and legacy. Whether it's a small funeral with only the closest friends and family or a large memorial where people gather to remember all that grandpa brought to this world, grandfather poems can express heartfelt emotions as well as show respect and recognition after he has passed away.

If you're looking for a touching way to honor a grandfather at a funeral or memorial service, consider writing, or simply reading, a poem for your grandfather that expresses your love and gratitude for all he brought to your life.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa to Pay Tribute to His Life

Losing a grandfather can be a very difficult and personal journey. Heartfelt grandpa poems share the pain of that loss while still paying tribute to your grandfather who passed away. A poem in memory of grandpa can honor him at his funeral, remember his life in a beautiful way, and be a powerful reminder of how his legacy can live on long after he's gone.

Commemorate him by using a poem as a tribute to the man you were proud to call grandfather. You can use these funeral poetry examples as they are or personalize them for grandfather poems to honor him during this tender time at funerals, memorials, or other services. If you are writing a eulogy for your grandfather, you can also use poetry to end your speech or make it unique. Begin or end your poetry reading with a Rest in Peace quote for grandpa that shows your love.

You're not truly gone poem

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow You're not truly gone poem

A Tribute to My Grandfather

by Kelly Roper

My grandfather was a quiet man,
But his silence could speak volumes.

The warmth of his gaze said, "I love you."
The strength of his hugs said, "I will keep you safe."
The gentleness of his hands said, "You're precious to me."
His nod of approval for a job well done said, "I respect you."

In the years to come, I may not remember many of the words my grandfather spoke,
But the memories of what he conveyed without speaking a word will stay in my heart.

You're Not Truly Gone, Grandpa

by Kelly Roper

Grandpa slipped away,
Quietly one day.
He simply went to sleep,
No more to wake or weep.

Now we gather here
And quietly shed a tear,
As we lay him in the ground,
No solace to be found.

But Grandpa's not truly gone,
Because his memory lives on,
In all of us who loved him,
Never to be forgotten.

In Our Hearts Long After the Funeral, Grandfather

by Amy Finley

As we lay to you rest, Grandfather,
the tears fall and our hearts remember
All the ways you cared for others around you.

As we say goodbye, Grandfather,
we recall the joy and the laughter
The smiles and tears you shared through the years.

As we say our final farewell, Grandfather,
we honor you for your hard work
The integrity you brought to everything you did.

As we wipe the tears from our eyes, Grandfather,
we give thanks for the man we knew
An incredible man who will be forever in our hearts.

You will live long after the funeral, Grandfather.

For a Strong Grandfather Who Passed Away

by Amy Finley

A grandfather's strength is never forgotten,
His words and actions strong and true.
When life was hard,
he was a man who pushed through.

His selflessness will be forever remembered
Always putting others before him in every way.
When times were tough,
he was a man who was brave.

His honorable ways will always live on
The lessons he taught in word and deed
When people were hurting,
he was a man who met their needs.

We honor you in our hearts now and forever, Grandpa.

Remembrance Funeral Poems for Grandfathers

The best funeral poems for a cherished grandfather are those that come from the heart, often inspired by treasured memories of your life and childhood with him. Use these funeral tribute poems to express admiration, respect, and deep love for your deceased grandfather, or be inspired to create your own poetry using details from the special times the two of you shared before his passing.

Sharing memorial poems on the loss of a grandfather will make any funeral or service even more personal and unforgettable. From a granddaughter's memories of hearing grandad's stories to a grandson's fond recollection of going fishing with papa, drawing on these special moments will help leave a lasting impression to pay tribute to your grandfather who passed away.

How I remember grandpa poem

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow How I remember grandpa poem

How I Remember Grandpa

by Kelly Roper

Faded hat,
A flannel shirt,
Always digging,
In garden dirt...

This is how I remember Grandpa.

Fishing pole,
Folding chair,
Casting into the lake,
Sitting quietly there...

This is how I remember Grandpa.

Smiling at Grandma,
Holding her hand,
Kissing her cheek,
Telling her she's grand...

This is how I remember Grandpa.

Feeling tired,
Growing weak,
Drifting in and
Out of sleep...

This is how I remember Grandpa.

Still and silent,
No more pain,
Nothing left to
Lose or gain...

I will always remember Grandpa.

I Miss You, Grandpa

by Tamsen Butler

I know my days were often full
And I ran from place to place
Everything fell into a lull
As I kept this hectic pace

But when I heard the awful news
When my heart was smashed to bits
You were a love I wasn't ready to lose
I wanted all the time with you fate permits

I wish I'd spent more time
Learning from your past
Time with you was sublime
Life goes way too fast.

I miss your smile and your voice
I loved your strength and care
If I had my choice,
I'd reach out and you'd be there.

A Poem for Grandpa From Your Granddaughter

by Tamsen Butler

You may not have been my dad
But our bond was special still
Losing you has made me sad
Your legacy I will fulfill

I'll be strong
And I'll be kind
I'll sing a song
Of love defined

I'll let all girls know
That they can do it all
Because that's what your love showed
Your impact wasn't small

A Poem for Grandpa From a Young Grandchild

by Tamsen Butler

You were big
And I am small
We liked to dig
And go to the mall.

My first friend
I was your buddy
We played pretend
And got real muddy

I love you, big guy
Thanks for the fun
I'll see you in the sky
When I'm playing on the run.

I'll Miss Fishing

by Tamsen Butler

I'll miss fishing with my papa
I'll miss fishing with my friend
I'll miss fishing with my confidante
I'll miss fishing with my forefather

My pole sits alone
No bait on my hook
No person to guide me
No partner to laugh with

Papa's gone
Yet my boat remains
I'm the lucky one
For having had such a solid guide.

Poems for Grandpa In Heaven

The belief that grandpa is in heaven underlies the beauty of the funeral poems below. Whether you're using them to share the grief and loss at the initial service, or they are used for a special memorial years after his passing, poems for grandpa in heaven may have a special place in your heart. Poetry can also be a meaningful addition to using uplifting Bible verses in any service. Use these poems to share your hope and joy as you remember his life on both earth and heaven.

Tribute to a wonderful Grandpa in heaven poem

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow Tribute to a wonderful Grandpa in heaven poem

Tribute to a Wonderful Grandpa in Heaven

by Kelly Roper

Silver-haired, with a twinkle in his eye,
Our grandpa was a wonderful guy.
His laugh could always fill up a room,
So jovial with a resounding boom.

When grandpa would come to our house to visit,
We kids relished every single minute.
He'd tell us stories from when mom (or dad) was little,
And sometimes he'd play us a song on his fiddle.

We could always ask grandpa when we needed advice,
And he never had to tell us anything twice.
He was a man you could always take at his word,
And he never had to speak loud to be heard.

Now the room will no longer echo with his laughter,
Since he's moved on into the mists of ever after.
But to those who know and love him like we still do,
His memory will warm our hearts 'til we go to heaven too.

When I See My Grandfather in Heaven

by Amy Finley

The grief and loss are deep today,
but I know he wasn't here to stay.
I have hope and joy to replace the pain,
knowing I'll see Grandpa again.

I know we're missing his great love
but Grandpa's in heaven up above.
Swept up in peace and now he's free;
Grandpa's in heaven for eternity.

Short Poems to Honor Grandpa at a Funeral or Memorial

Sometimes all it takes is a few simple words to express the deep emotions of your heart. Poetry doesn't have to be long or complicated; a short tribute to a grandfather can get the message of how much people loved and cherished him across. Give him the respect and honor he deserves with compact poems that acknowledge him in a powerful way.

Your life spoke poem

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow Your life spoke poem

A Poem on Grandpa's Legacy

by Amy Finley


These short words represent your greatest legacy, grandfather.
It was a privilege to know you.

Your Life Spoke

by Amy Finley

Grandpa, your life spoke volumes
each and every day
You used your actions
to show us the right way.

You made each moment count
no matter when or where
Inspiring others
to work hard, to have integrity, to care.

Words can't express how much
we miss life without you
But we thank you for the gift
of inspiration from life so true.

You Made Your Mark on Our Hearts

by Amy Finley

There are dozens of ways
the man I call grandfather
left this world a better place
for all of us.

He left an indelible mark
on each of our hearts
and inspired us to embrace
all life has to offer.

The power of his life and legacy
left so much behind
things no one can replace
his life meant more than he ever knew.

Tips for Writing Your Own Poem for Grandpa

If you're inspired by these poems, try your hand at writing your own. Writing a poem doesn't have to be a difficult task; in fact, it can be cathartic. Gather photos of your grandfather, especially candid photos from family gatherings, and take a walk down memory lane. Start jotting down your thoughts and feelings, and just let your ideas flow freely. When you feel like you have gathered together what you want to say, try to organize it a bit. You can rhyme if it comes naturally to you, but free-form verse is fine too. Once you are satisfied with your poem, you can share it with others or keep it as your personal memorial to your grandfather.

Poems to Show Love and Honor

Funeral poems for grandfathers have a powerful way of expressing emotion. They can be the perfect way to pay tribute to your grandfather after he's passed on, whether you want to show your love through sweet memories or memorable verses that convey your respect and admiration for who he was as a person. Reading poetry can be a beautiful way to remember grandfathers at a funeral or memorial service, helping to comfort hearts after the loss and keep his memory alive.

In Loving Memory Funeral Poems for Grandfather