Bearing the loss of a baby is difficult for everyone involved; parents are the most affected, but extended family and friends also share the pain. Poetry about losing a child can put some of those emotions into words, whether those words come from a grieving parent or a loved one trying to offer condolences.
Poems About Losing a Baby by Miscarriage
Although miscarriage prevents a baby's birth, that child is no less dear to its parents. The following baby loss poems express that unique combination of heartbreak and hope. All the poems below are original and written by Kelly Roper.
A Bud That Never Bloomed
My dear little baby,
That once inside me grew,
I'm so unbearably saddened that,
I'll never get to meet you.
I will never be able to
Watch you sprout and grow,
and bloom into the person
That I wanted so much to know.
So, for now, I'll tend your memory,
Water it with tenderness, feed it with love,
And one day I'll see you blossom
When we meet in Heaven above.

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow You remain my precious dream poem
You Remain My Precious Dream
I dreamed a little dream,
Once upon a time.
I dreamed we'd be together one day,
Sweet little baby of mine.
Sadly that dream was not meant to be,
And it's very difficult to know,
That now you won't be coming to me.
You weren't strong enough to thrive and grow,
But I know that you're in heaven now
And that's a very good place to be.
And I know that when I get there,
I'll recognize you, and you'll know me.
We'll get to share the love we would
Have shared here on this earth.
And then we'll know without a doubt
What all this waiting was worth.
Poems for a Stillbirth
It's not easy to express the anguish parents feel when a joyous birth suddenly becomes a tragedy. A mother's point of view can be especially poignant.
I'll Have to Wait a Little Longer
Nine months I kept you safe inside me
As you drifted, dreamed and grew.
I couldn't wait until the day
When I'd finally get to meet you.
I never imagined your life would end
before it barely had a chance to begin.
To see you look so beautiful and perfect,
Yet never draw your first breath in.
My heart is truly broken now,
And I'm filled with so much sorrow.
It's difficult to find the strength
To go on and face each tomorrow.
But I'll try to be strong and carry on,
And keep hope alive in my heart.
Someday we'll meet when my life here is over,
And then we'll never have to be apart.

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow Worth the cost poem
Worth the Cost
Your life here on Earth
Was not meant to be,
But I don't regret the cost
of trying to bring you here with me.
Although I only held you briefly
Before they took you away from me.
It was worth every pain, every tear shed,
Because I treasure the love you inspired in me.
Poems About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
The sudden death of an otherwise healthy infant can leave parents shocked and wondering what they could have done to prevent it from happening. Feelings of guilt are common and can difficult to overcome.
Gone So Suddenly
As I laid you down to sleep
I never could have imagined
That you'd never wake up again,
And now I'm broken inside and saddened.
I feel so guilty for your death,
But I don't know what I could have done.
Should I have watched you take every breath,
My precious little one?
I spend my time second-guessing myself,
Although I don't believe you'd want me to.
I miss you so unbelievably much that
I try to listen for a message from you.
I think you'd rather I try to cherish
The short time I had with you,
And wait until we are together again,
When we'll laugh, love and play the day through.

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow Quiet as a whisper poem
Quiet as a Whisper
Quiet as a whisper, you silently slipped away.
We thought you were only napping to energize for the day.
But you were sleeping more deeply than anyone can wake.
And now we spend our days missing you and crying for your sake.
For such a sudden loss, there's just no way to prepare.
It's going to take a very long time to accept that you're not there.
Poems About Loss of a Child Due to Illness or Other Reasons
Loved ones want to offer condolences, but it's not easy figuring out what to say. One of these verses can serve as a way to offer sympathy as well as hope for the future.
The Hardest Thing
Losing a baby is the hardest thing
That parents will ever bear.
That sense of loss and longing,
Will always linger there.
They dream of things that might have been,
and happy days they would have shared.
They wish they could turn back the hands of time
To tell their child again how deeply they cared.
Time will eventually dim some of the pain
But they'll never forget that child's face or name.
He'll live on in their memories for sure,
And their love for him will be constant and pure.

Created by LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Owned by LoveToKnow, copyright LoveToKnow It's difficult to understand why poem
It's Difficult to Understand Why
It's difficult to understand why
A benevolent God would let a baby die.
Surely one so helpless and pure
Was deserving of a cure.
Though we cannot know God's plan,
His love was still there to see.
When the suffering was at its height
He told the baby, "Dearest, come to Me."
And now they live together in Heaven
Just waiting for the day,
When everyone will be reunited,
And all sorrow will fall away.
Finding More Infant Funeral or Loss Poems
The death of a child at any age is a jolting and terrible event for parents, making mere words from loved ones seem insufficient. When trying to find the right words to offer comfort and condolences, turning to poems written about grief and loss can help you say what you want to convey. Whether writing short condolences on the death of a child or trying to pull together an obituary, poems can be a powerful method to communicate the love and loss encountered by all involved.
Poems About Losing a Child Help the Healing Process
Writing or reading poems about the loss of an infant can be therapeutic for everyone involved. The poems can be kept in a personal journal, shared as condolences, or even read at a memorial service. Expressing emotions in this way can be an integral part of processing the grief and building a bridge to the future.