If you think back, you can probably remember the best prank you've ever pulled or the most hilarious one you've had pulled on you. One of the great things about pranks is that reading or hearing the story of what happened is actually almost as funny as being there, so that's why we thought we'd share some of the funniest pranks we've experienced. Get ready to laugh (and maybe get inspired).
Something Smells a Little Off
My family has a classic prank that started with my grandfather and continues to this day. Back in the 1950s, my family was sitting around the table having dessert. My grandpa picked up his pie that was covered in whipped cream and held it in front of my aunt, who was in elementary school. "Doesn't this smell a little strange?" he asked. When she leaned down to smell it, he lifted the dish so that her nose went right into the whipped cream. This was deeply inspiring to my dad and his siblings, and even seven decades later, it's pretty common for people to get their nose smashed into their dessert at a family gathering.
This is an easy prank to pull on kids, especially if they're not prone to getting upset. Just remember they might try it on someone outside the family! My sister got in trouble with her daycare teacher after smashing her friend's nose in a ketchup-covered hot dog.
Doctor's Office Urine Sample
When I was a kid, my best friend's mom worked in a doctor's office. She told me the story of an April Fool's Day trick she played on her co-workers, and I've never forgotten it. She snagged an empty urine collection container and filled it with flat Mountain Dew. Then she put the top on and left it sitting on her desk without a label. When one of her co-workers asked her which patient it belonged to, she said she wasn't sure but could figure it out. She took off the top and took a big swig out of the container, horrifying her co-worker.
Related: 11 Quick & Hilarious Pranks for Guaranteed Laughter
Stuffed Animal Surprise Attack
Our associate editor, Megan, has the cutest story about a prank she pulled on her mom and older sisters when she was in elementary school. She would wedge herself between the couch and the wall while they were watching horror movies, and just when things got especially tense on screen, she would activate the sound on her stuffed animals and throw them over the couch. The ribbeting frogs and other loud stuffies freaked out her family and made her laugh.
Easter Eggs No One Wants to Find
I got pranked by the Easter Bunny once. The Easter Bunny continued visiting my parents' house to leave eggs for my sister and I to find well into our twenties, but things got a little more creative as we got older. One year, my dad informed us that the Bunny had left a ton of eggs, but some were good and some were very bad. My sister was lucky enough to find a good egg containing a $20 bill, but I definitely wasn't so fortunate. One of my eggs contained a plastic bag of "goodies" scooped from the cat's litter box. It wasn't long after that that we stopped our annual Easter egg hunts.
Plastic Cup Revenge Prank (Gone Wrong)
Maja, our ad operations manager, has a great story about a prank that happened to her at a place she worked in the past. She had just started with the company and witnessed a team member pulling a prank on their Cheif Officer. They covered his whole desk with Justin Bieber pictures because he hated Justin Bieber. To retaliate, he decided to cover that team member's desk with hundreds of plastic cups. Only one problem: the desk was actually Maja's!
Related: 15 Adult Pranks to Play on Your Unsuspecting Friends
Hidden Adult Diapers
When we first got married, I used to leave romantic notes in my husband's luggage when he went on a trip without me. Over the years, I've started leaving less romantic things in his bag, and it's turned into a prank we pull on one another regularly. Once, I bought a small pack of adult diapers just to stash it in his office backpack when he went on a business trip. I knew he'd be opening the bag in public and would have to keep the diapers hidden. Instead of sharing his reaction with me, he simply bided his time. A couple weeks later, I discovered the diapers in my car. Now we swap them back and forth.
Pranks Make Great Stories
As long as they're mostly friendly, pranks are a hilarious way we bond and show affection for the people in our lives. Here's hoping you have some great prank stories of your own. If not, it's time to start making them!