Tips for Channeling Your Psychic Abilities (Simply & Easily)

Updated June 29, 2021
Hands with rings on fingers are holding crystal ball near esoteric set
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Everyone has some degree of psychic gifts. And while some people may be naturally better at channeling psychic abilities, it is possible to develop the gifts you have. Tips for channeling psychic talents can help you become a stronger psychic and put these gifts to work in your life.

Begin With Intuition

According to Psychology Today, all humans have an ingrained system of intuition--also known as gut instinct--that can help provide valuable information that comes from outside of the realm of rational thought. An example of this is sensing danger, an ability that all animals (including humans) have. So since everyone has intuitive gifts, this is a great place to start. Begin by noticing when your intuition kicks in. Simply paying attention to your intuition and noticing it instead of ignoring it is the perfect way to begin to create more developed psychic abilities.

Don't Ingore Intuitive Hunches

Many psychics feel developing psychic abilities arises from learning to work with these intuitive hunches. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many people have started ignoring their intuition either because they are so busy they don't notice when intuition sparked or because they believe there is no rational explanation behind intuitive hits, so they aren't worth listening to. Ignoring your intuition can block psychic ability. So, do something with your intuition when it arises, whether you act on it or acknowledge it by writing it down. This simple act can strengthen your intuition.

Notice How You Perceive Psychic Information

Once you've regularly started noticing and acknowledging your hunches, it's time to pay attention to how that intuition manifests for you. Do you feel it in a specific place in your body? Is it a thought or an idea that suddenly appears in your mind? Do you notice something with your physical senses that causes you to pay attention?

Some ways you may notice psychic information include:

  • Seeing pictures either with your eyes or in your mind
  • Having thoughts pop into your mind or just suddenly "knowing" something
  • Hearing words and sounds with your ears or in your mind
  • Having physical sensations such as random aches and pains or sudden ear pressure
  • Noticing scents or tastes unrelated to anything you are physically experiencing
  • Experiencing sudden emotions that don't have anything to do with how you're feeling

Many people have these types of things happen throughout the day, and they don't notice it because they are busy, or they've just learned to ignore such information. The information can arise at any time during the day or night. It might happen when you are awake, or it might come as a dream. The information may be literal (for example, you may think about your sister just as your telephone rings with your sister on the other end), or it may be symbolic (you hear the sound of a gavel banging just before you open the mailbox to find a summons for jury duty).

Differentiate Between Thoughts and Intuition

For some people, it is difficult to differentiate between their normal thoughts and psychic information. The following tips can help you to start to make this distinction.

Pay Attention to Persistent Thoughts

If a thought persists even after you've tried to let it go several times, it might be psychic information.

Watch for Symbols

Information that seems nonsensical may be symbolic and could be psychic. This is especially true when you dream or daydream.

Notice Variations in How You Think

Pay attention to how your normal thoughts occur and look for thoughts that vary from that pattern. For instance, if you typically think in words and suddenly notice thoughts that arise as pictures or sound, you may be receiving psychic information.

Pay Attention to Thoughts or Emotions Not Related to Current Experience

If you have thoughts or emotions that have little to do with your actual physical experience, it may be psychic information. For example, if you're at a party having a great time, and you are suddenly overcome by a wave of sadness, you may be receiving empathic psychic information.

Tune Into Physical Sensations

Likewise, physical sensations that are out of character for your current physical situation may indicate you are receiving psychic information. For example, if you are suddenly overcome with dizziness when you are perfectly healthy, if you notice the scent of cigars when there are no smokers nearby, or you feel a sensation such as the shaking of the earth under your feet and there's no earthquake at the moment, you may be receiving psychic information.

Pay Attention to Information Accompanying Physical Sensations

Notice any information that comes with accompanying physical sensations. For example, if you suddenly know something that you didn't know previously, and it is accompanied by a feeling in your gut, the hair raising on your arms, or a chill down your spine, you may be receiving significant psychic information.

Practice Channeling Psychic Abilities

With all the pieces in place, you can begin to work on developing your abilities. In general, the more you work with your abilities by paying attention to them and performing the suggested exercises, the stronger and more consistent they will be.

Use Zener Cards

Work with Zener cards. These cards have been developed specifically for working with and testing psychic abilities. To work with the cards, close your eyes and ask yourself what symbol is on it. Note your answer and turn over the card. You can also do this with regular playing cards. Start by trying to visualize red or black, then, when you become proficient at that, try visualizing the suit. Finally, try visualizing the exact card. Remember that the information may not be visual. You may just know, or you may hear an answer. Work with the information in ways that make sense to you.

Try Psychometry

Try using psychometry. Have a friend hand you an object or closed box with items in it. As you hold it, see and share what information you receive. You can also try this with gifts. Hold wrapped gifts and guess their contents. Just don't do it in the presence of the gift giver, or they may be upset you ruined the surprise.

Holding box and practicing psychometry
RUNSTUDIO/ DigitalVision via Getty Images

Find a Hidden Object

Ask someone to hide an object. Then, close your eyes and visualize the object. Zoom out from the object in your mind to see the surrounding items. Continue zooming out until you know where the object is located. This is also a great way to locate lost items, such as keys.

Keep a Journal

Keep a journal. Note impressions that you receive throughout the day and write down any dreams you have at night. Pay attention to how these dreams and impressions dovetail with things happening in the real world. You may benefit from a good dream analysis tool to help you understand the symbolic nature of some psychic communications.

Tips for Psychic Development

The most significant thing you can do to develop your psychic abilities is to start to pay attention. Likewise, consider the following tips:

  • Be patient. You've probably had years of not paying attention to psychic information, so it may take some time before you become proficient.
  • Avoid comparison. Everyone has different levels and types of abilities, so comparing what you can do to what they do isn't constructive.
  • No psychic, not even the most accomplished and well-known, is ever 100% accurate. You're going to get some things wrong, and that's okay.
  • Set aside your ego and your critical brain. While it's understandable that you will be invested in receiving and communicating information that is "right," if you become too invested in being right as a psychic, you start to lose touch with true intuitive information and start to put it through your own filters and desires.
  • Allow information to come to you in the moment without filtering it or attempting to interpret it. Instead, receive and communicate the information exactly as you receive it, and then attempt to interpret it after you have received it fully.
  • Meditate daily to help you tune into psychic information.
  • Work with your abilities as frequently as you can.
  • Take a break. If you find you're getting frustrated, take a break and try again later.
  • Try working with something to focus you, such as a crystal ball or a tarot or oracle deck.
Tarot cards and crystals for focus
VeraPetruk via Getty Images

Channel Psychic Information

It's important as you learn to use your psychic energy that you work with it so you don't become overwhelmed. Using the exercises above can help you build and control your abilities, which can be a very rewarding experience.

Tips for Channeling Your Psychic Abilities (Simply & Easily)