One of the great things about the internet is that it opens your life up to a whole world of people. And more and more, romances are starting online — from social media to dating apps. If you find yourself in an online relationship, there are things you can do to help it be successful. Check out our helpful tips for maintaining a long-distance relationship via the internet.
Make Communication a Priority
All relationships need communication in order to last. This is especially true for online relationships. In fact, communication is all that some internet couples have since they are unable to spend time together in person like traditional couples.
The great thing about this, however, is that the couple will quickly determine if they enjoy talking together. On a normal date, you may be blind to the lack of intellectual and emotional compatibility if you are physically attracted to your partner. When all you can do with each other is talk, you'll know for certain if the two of you share a connection.
This creates a communication and emotional base for the relationship that can be lacking in traditional relationships. If the two of you transition from an internet to an in-person couple, you'll have the potential to be very emotionally connected.
Use the Phone, Zoom, Facetime, or Another Communication App
Since internet couples often start communicating by text and instant messages, there is a tendency to continue relying on these communication methods. Writing to each other has its place, but you'll enjoy the relationship more if you use voice communication, too. Hearing each other's voices just can't be replaced by typing emoticons.
Meet in Person

While the phone is an improvement over e-mail and instant messaging, nothing can match spending time together in person. If you haven't met each other yet, begin making plans to do so. Some couples don't consider their relationship official until they verify in-person chemistry. Chances are, the chemistry you have on the internet and over the phone will continue when you meet, but you can't be absolutely sure until you're standing next to each other.
After you meet for the first time, begin making plans for a second visit if the first meeting went well. The time between visits can be hard to endure, especially if you're in love. However, having an upcoming date on the calendar will give you something tangible to hold onto and look forward to between visits.
Be Honest
Everyone you date deserves your honesty, but internet relationships are overly dependent upon it. An online relationship isn't for everyone. If you find that you can't endure the separation or are tired of being limited to phone and e-mail conversations, be honest about it. There is no sense in continuing any relationship if your heart is not in it.
Establish Trust
Along with honesty is the need for trust. Since you aren't physically near each other in an online relationship, it can be difficult to know exactly what the other person is doing in their spare time. This easily allows suspicion to enter the relationship. If you can't trust that your partner isn't also dating someone else, then your relationship is doomed to fail.
Online Relationship Endgame
Assuming the goal of your online relationship is to eventually have a traditional, in-person relationship, then at some point, you'll need to discuss how to make this happen. When to talk about this is a sensitive matter. If you talk about it too soon, you may scare off the other person. If you wait too long, they may become anxious and want to end the relationship.
For every couple, the timing is different, but at some point, you need to discuss how and possibly when the two of you can finally be together.
A Means of Communication
Can internet relationships work? Of course, they can. For a couple who's interested in each other and wants to see where the relationship goes, the internet should be seen as a means of communication instead of the definition of their relationship.