5 Positive Signs That Your Date Went Well

If staying awake all night wondering if a date went well, look for these surefire signs that it did.

Updated October 27, 2024
A couple looks at one another while eating ice cream
Inside Creative House via Shutterstock

The days following a date are full of confidence and insecurity. The best of us are unwillingly tossed on the rollercoaster of wondering if a date went well. You don't need to take a magnifying glass to your date's every move to tell if it went well. Instead, look for these positive signs. 

How to Tell if a Date Went Well

After a first date, it's normal to feel uncertain. You might have a whirlwind of emotions, including anticipation, anxiety, desire, and excitement to see each other again. Dating is like a rollercoaster, sometimes it's hard to predict what will happen next. You might go out on the best date of your life only to break things off a few weeks later, or you might go out on an awkward first date only to find yourself falling in love later on. That's the beauty of dating--you never really know what will happen, but you have to trust that one way or another, you will find love.

While there isn't a way to know for sure if a date went well, some universal clues hint at a great date.

You Get a Text Message or Call Right After 

Nothing can send those butterflies flying like getting a text right after your date confirming they had a great time with you. Some would say that we live in a ghosting epidemic, so if you hear back from someone right after your date, then you know things went well. 

You Had a Good Conversation

If your conversation together was stimulating and you found yourself laughing, flirting, and having fun, the date probably went great on both ends. Nothing screams compatibility like a never-ending conversation. 

Related: Tinder First Date Ideas Worth Swiping Right For

You Feel Like You're on Cloud Nine 

If you don't walk away feeling good after a date, then it probably could have gone better. Trust your instincts with this one! A great date will put you in a positive mood for hours. 

You Keep Reliving Moments From the Date 

Your romantic experience really left a mark if you can't stop resisting moments in your head days after it's over. Whether it's the cute way your date laughed or an interesting comment they made, if you can't get them out of your mind, chances are high that they can't get you off of theirs either. 

You Have a New Date on the Books

The ultimate sign that your date went well is making plans to see each other before the date's even over. If it's really going well, you might extend the affair well into the afternoon or evening. If your movie date's turned into a 3-day romp around town, you can't rest assured that things are looking up for you. 

Quick Tips for Having a Great Date

Not every date's going to be a good one, but these tips can tip the scales in your favor. 

  • Have zero expectations: Show up and be yourself! Try not to expect anything and be open to surprises.
  • Engage with your date: Don't wait for your date to do all the talking. Show some interest in them by asking questions and actively listening to their answers. 
  • Choose a low-key venue: Try to avoid locations and events that don't encourage hanging out. A ballet is a great future date event, but not a good idea for a first one. 

You Can't Control if the Vibes Are Off 

Every date is unpredictable, and you can't control if you make a genuine connection with the person you're with. Instead of worrying if things are going well, focus on being in the moment and showing off your best self. The two of you will either mesh or you won't. 

5 Positive Signs That Your Date Went Well