14 Polite Ways to Tell Someone They Smell + 5 Ways Not To

Not sure how to tell someone they smell? We'll help you clear the air.

Published July 30, 2024
Side view portrait of a happy interracial relation with woman and man talking in the street

Nose blindness is one of those insidious facts of life. But how do you tell someone they smell when they're none the wiser? Real friends are the ones that keep an eye out for the spare spinach leaf in your teeth and those unsuspecting stinky smells. However, there's a right (and wrong) way to let your friends know they're getting a little ripe. Not sure what the difference is? Let us break it all down for you.

8 Polite Ways to Tell Someone They Smell

Ashamed woman hiding her smile in a conversation with a friend sitting on a couch at home

From depression to lack of hygiene access, there are many reasons a person might smell a little funky. Sometimes, the kindest thing to do is not to mention it (especially if there's nothing they can do to fix it at the moment).

But, in the right situation, you can use these polite phrases to let someone know they smell.

  • Sweetheart, did you forget deodorant this morning?
  • I can smell that post-workout funk on you. When we're finished, you might want to grab a shower.
  • Honey, just between you and me, you might want to spritz a little perfume.
  • Before you head out, you might want to stop and grab some deodorant.
  • Did you have the chance to shower last night/this morning? Why? You're a little smelly right now.
  • I'm not sure you realize, but you've got that morning-after boozy body odor going on. Let me know if I can grab something for you!
  • Listen, I'm only telling you this because I'd want someone to let me know, but you kind of smell right now.
  • I promised you I'd warn you before I let anything embarrassing happen to you, so be forewarned that I'm doing that right now — you smell.

Related: How to Smell Good All Day: 11 Easy Tips to Keep You Feeling Fresh

6 Solution-Oriented Ways to Tell Someone They Stink

Shot of three smart entrepreneur women talking while taking a break and having a breakfast in the kitchen at coworking place.

Most people come at telling someone they stink from a place of kindness. But having kind motivations doesn't ensure kind words. Make your friends feel loved rather than called out with these solution-oriented phrases that'll help them smell good all day long

  • Hey bud, when was the last time you did laundry? Might be time to put a load on.
  • Oh, I'm loving this new perfume! You should totally try it.
  • Have you got any deodorant? I forgot to put some on this morning and was hoping you might have some.
  • You've been working so hard these past few weeks. You deserve to take a load off and enjoy a long shower.
  • What deodorant brand have you been using lately? I'm loving this [brand] — you should give it a try.
  • It's getting really hot in here. We should probably run to the bathroom and wash off our pits.

5 Faux Pas to Avoid When Telling Someone They Smell

You've got to walk a tightrope when you tell someone they smell. Don't handle it correctly, and they'll be offended at best and pissed off at worst. Keep your feet on the wire by avoiding these faux pas.

Publicly Calling Them Out

If you're telling someone they smell, the last thing they want is more attention. This is the kind of thing where you pull someone to the side or ask them to run to the bathroom with you before letting them know. The key here is to be discrete.

Telling Them When They Can't Fix It Immediately

A one-way ticket to obsessing over how you smell is getting told you do when there's no way you can fix it. Make sure you pick an ideal time to let someone know. Tell them before they leave the house, after they've gone home for the day, or when they can run by the shop to grab perfume or deodorant.

Related: 60+ Ways to Tell Someone You Love Them Over Text

Telling Them How Long You've Noticed

Bemoaning how you've noticed that someone has smelled bad for weeks or months will only add insult to injury. The reason you're pointing out their smell in the first place is to give them an opportunity to fix something they might not realize is a problem. Making someone extra self-conscious about themselves is the exact opposite of what a good friend would do.

Making Fun of Them For It

No one wants to be the butt of the "smelling bad" joke. Now, if you're really close with someone, then ribbing them over it might be okay. But unless you know the person well enough to feel confident that a little ribbing will be received well, keep your comedy hour to yourself.

Shaming Them Into Doing Something About It

Shaming someone for their smell, such as saying, "You smell disgusting," is absolutely uncalled for. We don't think it takes much explaining to understand why that's not appropriate. In the age-old saying — if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all.

Time to Clear the Air

Being stinky is a part of being a human. Just like opinions, everyone has body odor at some point in their life. Be a supportive loved one by letting your besties know when it's time for a dip with these loving and encouraging phrases.

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14 Polite Ways to Tell Someone They Smell + 5 Ways Not To