Employee Training Plan Template to Start Them Off Strong

Published December 15, 2021
Businesswoman sharing ideas with colleague in meeting
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision via Getty Images

A training plan template is a great tool to use for keeping up with employee development requirements. This type of document makes it easy to clearly communicate training requirements to employees. It also simplifies the process of tracking what has been completed and what still needs to be done within a certain timeframe. Use the free templates below, available in both Word and PDF format, to easily track employee development assignments and completion.

New Employee Training Plan Template

Each new employee has to complete training requirements that apply to everyone, as well as some that apply only to individuals in specific jobs or on particular teams. Just click the image below of the version (Word or editable PDF) that best meets your needs, then save and edit to customize. Fill in the parts that are mandatory for everyone, so you have a starting point for each new employee. Customize a version for each new hire. Be sure to include all mandatory training on this plan, including any department or job-specific requirements.

New Hire Training Plan Template, Word version
Word version
New Hire Training Plan Template, PDF version
PDF version

Tip: It's a good idea to give each person a copy of their new hire plan on the first day of employee orientation and instruct them to keep up with their progress on a daily basis, and to provide their manager with an update at the end of each week. Once everything has been marked off, have them turn in the completed plan document to their manager for verification and inclusion in their new hire performance review. The completed form should be kept in the employee's personnel file.

Annual Employee Training Plan Template

The need to track employee development plans and progress doesn't stop once an employee completes their new hire training requirements. The individual employee training plan template below, also available in both Word and PDF formats, provides a framework that can be used to create annual training plans for individual employees, then be used to track progress along the way.

Annual Employee Training Plan Template, Word version
Word version
Annual Employee Training Plan Template, PDF version
PDF version

Tip: If your company does annual performance reviews, consider incorporating this template into that process. When managers and employees meet to reflect over the past year and set goals for the year ahead, they can also use this template to create the employee's development plan for the coming year. Once the plan is finalized, it can be used to track progress and document completion as progress is made.

Document Employee Development

However your company approaches employee development, it's important to have a good way of documenting employee training. That's exactly what the templates provided above are designed to do. You will need to customize them a bit to meet your organization's specific needs, but once you've done that, you will have templates in place that can easily be adapted as your company's training requirements or needs evolve over time. Using these templates can help simplify the process of tracking employee training, which is an important aspect of human resource management.

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Employee Training Plan Template to Start Them Off Strong