45 Fiery Boys' Names That Ignite Imagination

Explore a fascinating collection of boys' names that mean fire.

Updated February 10, 2025
Boy about to touch burning candle
Tatjana Kaufmann / Moment via Getty Images

If you're looking for a meaningful name for your baby boy, then you may find the perfect moniker in these boys' names meaning fire. Fire names for boys allow your son's name to burn as bright as the sun.

45 Boys' Names Meaning Fire

The following 45 boys' names mean fire, fiery, flame, or similar. They come from a variety of international origins.

Number Name Origin Meaning
1 Adar Hebrew fire
2 Adish African fire
3 Aiden Irish little and fiery
4 Alev Turkish


5 Aodh Gaelic fire
6 Ardere Latin fire
7 Ashabel Hebrew old fire
8 Atesh Turkish fire
9 Azar Persian fire
10 Barak Hebrew lightning
11 Blaze English flame
12 Boadway Native American fire maker
13 Brando Italian firebrand
14 Brantley German fire
15 Chamuel Hebrew fire
16 Conleth Celtic chaste fire
17 Edan Gaelic full of fire
18 Egan Gaelic little fire
19 Fintan Irish white fire
20 Flint English stone that sparks fire
21 Haco Celtic fire
22 Hagan Irish little fire
23 Hakan Native American fiery
24 Haydn German hearth or fire
25 Ignacio Spanish fiery
26 Ignatius Latin ignite
27 Inigo Basque fiery
28 Iri Hebrew firelight
29 Jehoash Hebrew fire of the lord
30 Kai Scottish fire
31 Kawena Hawaiian glow
32 Keahi Hawaiian flame
33 Keahilani Hawaiian heaven's fire
34 Keegan Irish son of fire
35 Kenneth Scottish born of fire
36 Mccoy Scottish fire
37 Mishal Arabic torch
38 Obayana Nigerian king of fire
39 Paytah Sioux fire
40 Rhys Welsh fire; ardent
41 Tito Italian fire
42 Titus Latin burn
43 Tyson English firebrand
44 Uri Hebrew my flame
45 Uriel Hebrew fire
Baby boys names that means fire

Tetiana Soares / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Baby boys names that means fire

15 Boys Names Derived From Fire Gods

Give your boy a fire moniker that comes from fire gods of mythology.

Number Name Origin Meaning
1 Aed Irish fire god
2 Agni Sanskrit Vedic fire god
3 Alaz Turkish God of Fire
4 Apollo Greek sun god
5 Cacus Roman fire-breathing god
6 Eate Basque God of Fire and Ice
7 Ebo Chinese antecedent of fire
8 Gerra Mesopotamian God of Fire
9 Grannus Celtic God of Fire and Sun
10 Helios Greek God of the Sun
11 Horus Egyptian sun god
12 Huilu Chinese God of Fire
13 Logi Norse Personification of Fire
14 Ra Egyptian God of Light, Sun, and Warmth
15 Ravi Hindi sun god

10 Celestial Boys' Names That Mean Fire

Another great source for fiery boys' names come from the sun and the stars. These celestial names are all great boys' names meaning fire.

Number Name Origin Meaning
1 Aarush Indian first ray of sun
2 Anatole Greek sun rising in the east
3 Cyrus Persian sun
4 Eleo Italian sunny
5 Kealohi Hawaiian brightness of a star
6 Kiran Indian sunbeam
7 Sampson Hebrew sun
8 Sol Spanish sun
9 Sulien Welsh sun born
10 Taner Turkish born with sunrise

Fire Names for Boys

Picking a fire name for a boy is a strong choice. Allow your son's name to shine as bright as his personality with these fiery boy names.

45 Fiery Boys' Names That Ignite Imagination