Explore 70+ Unique and Meaningful Boy Names That Start With N

Discover a diverse range of boy names beginning with the letter N, complete with meanings and origins.

Updated February 10, 2025
Mother with her newborn son
Thanasis Zovoilis / The Image Bank via Getty Images

Finding boy names that start with N isn't that hard. There are names across the globe starting with N, which have unique and fun meanings. Dive into a list of boy names starting with N that are unique, American, or Greek. You can also explore different letter combinations with N like Ni and No.

Unique Baby Boy Names Starting With N

N is a unique letter of the alphabet when it comes to finding the perfect baby boy name. Explore a variety of unique boy names that start with N and their meanings.

  1. Nabil - noble (Arabic)

  2. Neely - son of the poet (English)

  3. Nereus - water (Greek)

  4. Nevan - little saint (Irish)

  5. Nico/Nicco/Nikko - the victory of the people (English)

  6. Nori - ceremony (Japanese)

  7. Norris - from the north (English)

  8. Nunzio - messenger (Italian)

  9. Nuri - my light (Arabic)

  10. Nye - noble (Welsh)

Noteworthy Boy Names That Start With N

triocean / iStock / Getty Images Plus - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Noteworthy Boy Names That Start With N

Boy Names Starting With No

A common combination when it comes to N names for boys is No. You can find a diverse collection of names that begin with No. Dive into these boy names and their fun meanings.

  1. Noah - repose or rest (Hebrew)

  2. Noam - pleasantness (Hebrew)

  3. Noble - high born (Scottish)

  4. Noe - peaceful (Hebrew)

  5. Nolan - famous; noble (Irish)

  6. Norbert - north, bright (German)

  7. Norio - a man of principles (Japanese)

  8. Norman - north man (German)

  9. Norton - north settlement (English)

  10. Novak - new (Slavic)

Boy Names Starting With Ni

Some of the best names for a boy that starts with N come with the letter combination Ni. These can be seen all over the popular name lists for boys. Discover some fun and unusual names for a boy that begin with Ni.

  1. Nilan - the moon (Tamil)

  2. Niven - new village (French)

  3. Nicobar - unknown

  4. Nicodemus - the victory of people (Spanish)

  5. Nikolay/Nikolai - people's victor (Slavic)

  6. Niels - the victory of people (Danish)

  7. Nien - year (Vietnamese)

  8. Nigel - dark cloud (English)

  9. Nils - people's victory (Swedish)

  10. Nixon - son of Nicolas (Irish)

Close up of boy's face
Mike Kemp via Getty Images

Boy Biblical Names Starting With N

It's time to take your boy naming game to the biblical level. These names can work great for parents that are religious or just looking for a strong meaning to their child's name. Explore a mixed assortment of names that start with N you can find in the Bible for your boy.

  1. Nakia - unconquered

  2. Napoleon - lion of the new city

  3. Nash - ash tree

  4. Nasiir - protector

  5. Nathaniel/Nate/Nat/Nathan - God's Gift

  6. Nelson - son of Neil

  7. Neriah - the lamp of the Lord

  8. Newland - new land

  9. Nogah - brightness; clearness

American Baby Boy Names Starting With N

While many common American baby boy names fall under the category of Ni and No, there are a few other purely American names you can find. Check out these boy naming gems that start with N.

  1. Naim - happiness, comfort

  2. Natal - born on Christmas

  3. Neal - cloud

  4. Nehemiah - God has comforted

  5. Nestor - return from travels

  6. Nicholas/Nickolas/Nikolas/Nikolaus/Nicolas/Nick - victorious people

  7. Niki - of the Lord

  8. Nile/Nyle - champion

  9. Nova - new; star

  10. Noland - noble

  11. Norwell - spring

mother kissing newborn baby feet
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Greek Baby Boy Names Starting With N

Another great place to peruse for unique boy's names for the letter N includes the Greek names. These have a long history and come from many myths and legends. What's more powerful for an N boy name than that?

  1. Nannos - God is gracious

  2. Narcissus - daffodil

  3. Nap - lion of Naples

  4. Nauplius - an argonaut

  5. Nectarios - saint

  6. Nemo - from the glen

  7. Neoptolemus - Achilles' son

  8. Nearchus - new leader

  9. Neoklis - new glory

  10. Nikon - victor

  11. Nephon - sober

Boy Names Starting With N With Powerful Meanings

Are you on the hunt for a powerful name for your little warrior? Boy names that begin with N aren't lacking for powerful, creative, and meaningful definitions. Explore a variety of names for your little guy that are as powerful as he is.

  1. Nabeel - noble (Arabic)

  2. Nachshon - daring (Hebrew)

  3. Naiser - founder of clans (African)

  4. Naiz - gift (Persian)

  5. Nando - bold voyager (German)

  6. Navon - wise (Hebrew)

  7. Nemesio - justice (Spanish)

  8. Nezer - a crown (Hebrew)

  9. Nisan - miracle (Hebrew)

  10. Nooriel - the fire of God (Hebrew)

Finding the Perfect Boy N Name

When you are looking for names with a specific letter in mind, it's important to find variety. Thankfully, you can dive into unusual and cute boy names that start with N from around the globe.

Explore 70+ Unique and Meaningful Boy Names That Start With N