When kids are first venturing into the murky waters of addition, it can be challenging. Providing kids with visual aids and mnemonic devices is helpful for them to see the process. Get an array of free printable addition charts to use with your little learners.
Printable Basic Addition Table
Addition is the first basic math principle students learn. Therefore, understanding how to add two numbers together can be tricky at first. It takes a lot of patience and practice for them to master addition principles. Use this chart with your kids to break down the basic understanding of addition. They can also use it to reference when doing their first math problems.
To get this addition sheet, all you need to do is download and print. You can use this tutorial if you have any questions.
Tips for Using the Basic Addition Table Printable
The basic addition chart is self-explanatory. It provides all the equations and answers for numbers 1-12. However, here are a few tips for incorporating it into your math time.
- Go over the entire grid together, highlighting the patterns within each number.
- Walk through how they "count forward" for each problem.
- Point out how if you switch the numbers around in the equation, you get the same sum.
- Laminate the table for students to have as a reference when completing beginning math worksheets.
Addition Grid to Print for Number Comprehension
The printable addition grid is another version of the basic grid. However, rather than finding their number through a list, they find the first number on the top of the grid and follow it down to the second number in the equation. Addition charts are super handy when completing worksheets with multiple addition problems. It also provides a solid visual aid for how the numbers go up in addition.
Tips and Tricks for Using Addition Grid in Classroom
The addition grid chart is a bit more interactive for students. Check out a few tips for using this grid with students.
- Point out the addition sign, the top numbers, and the side numbers. Show the students how where the two numbers meet is the sum.
- Have students notice how the numbers make different patterns across and down. For example, the numbers are all the same on the diagonal.
- Put a problem on the board and have students use a highlighter or finger to trace the grid to the answer.
- Make using the grid fun and easy by providing problems and having students highlight the answer on the grid. Give small prizes or points.
- Provide students with a laminated grid to keep as a math aid.
1-100 Grid for Advanced Addition
As students begin to master basic addition, they will start working with double-digit numbers. Since they can no longer use the basic charts, advanced addition can get more complicated. However, you can provide them with a 100 grid as a visual aid for adding numbers. This grid features 1 to 100 in grids of 10 numbers.
How to Use 100 Chart for Advanced Math
A 100 grid is pretty simple for advanced addition with sums less than or equal to 100. Try out these tips to use a 100 grid with your class.
- Show students how they can start with their first number and count up to their answer.
- Point out how the numbers go by tens down the chart and ones across the chart.
- Demonstrate how to decompose the second number in the addition equation into 10s and 1s to move along the grid.
- For advanced addition students, show them how to rearrange the numbers to start with the larger number on the grid first.
Individual Addition Table Charts for 1 to 12
When making your first foray into addition with young learners, it can be helpful to use counters with students. These can be dots, blocks, apples, toys, etc. The counters help them visualize one set of numbers combined with another. Having the counters in different colors provides a clear visual representation for students, enabling them to grasp the concept. The individual addition charts are perfect for helping students understand addition in a visual way. For these charts, try a few tips to enhance learning.
How to Use Individual Addition Charts
- Post the printables around the room. Have students use actual counters that match those on the chart to make the equations.
- Go through each different equation and break down how adding changes the sum.
- Create an addition booklet using the printables for students to have a comprehensive learning packet.
- Cover up the answers and have students solve the equations on the individual printables.
- Put construction paper over the equation and have students write the equations using the counters.
Tips and Aids for Teaching Addition
While charts are helpful for learning addition, you want to have a few other math learning aids under your belt. When teaching addition, keep these tips in mind.
- Teach students different methods for subtraction like a tens frame, drawing a picture, or using a number line.
- Use addition rhymes to help students remember addition facts.
- Use the blank printable addition templates above, so kids can practice their knowledge of addition.
- Play card games using addition to build their skills in a fun way.
- Provide math finger tricks for quick solutions to problems.
- Focus on one specific addition fact at a time. For example, focus on adding one for a week, then move on to two, and so on.
- Add interactive and online games to make the process more fun.
Get an Addition Chart Printable
Seeing how math works makes the concept click with kids. Whether you are showing them how to add two apples to two bananas or taking away two candies out of the four, watching math in action helps the lesson stick. Print an array of addition charts for your kids to keep on their desk to help them learn, understand, and master addition. Once your child masters addition, move on to subtraction charts, multiplication charts, and more.