Learning basic grammar skills is essential for children as they develop the ability to read and write. Instead of creating worksheets or purchasing a homeschool curriculum, use these free printable PDF worksheets to help your children learn important skills. Click on the worksheet to download and print the activity page and attached answer key. Consult the Adobe Guide if you have any problems.
Early Primary School Grammar Worksheets
At the early primary level, pre-kindergarten through second grade, children begin to learn the basic components of grammar such as different types of nouns and simple conjunctions. By the end of second grade, children should be able to construct basic sentences that contain the following elements.
Proper Nouns
Proper nouns often confuse children. This worksheet helps children practice identifying proper nouns by highlighting them in sentences and circling the capital letters.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know CommonProperNouns-EarlyPrimary-1 thumbnail
Singular and Plural Nouns
Children must learn that plural nouns have different spellings than singular nouns. On this chart, children fill in the singular and plural forms of common nouns next to images of those objects.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know SinglePlural-EarlyPrimary-1 thumbnail
Basic Conjunctions
Understanding basic conjunctions helps children learn to combine ideas and sentences. Begin with the basic conjunctions "and," "but," and "or" on this worksheet as children determine whether the correct conjunctions are used to combine the sentences.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Conjunctions-EarlyPrimary-1 thumbnail
Basic Articles
Articles help distinguish between specific and common nouns. Have children add the articles "a," "an," or "the" to help this short passage make sense.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Articles-EarlyPrimary-1 thumbnail
Word Order
If the words are out of place, a sentence does not make any sense. Help your children put these words in the correct order to make simple sentences.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know MixedUpWordOrder-EarlyPrimary-1 thumbnail
Late Primary School Grammar Worksheets
Children in third through fifth grade begin to write more on their own and learn to construct more complex sentences. In order to write these sentences, children must be able to distinguish between and add complex components to their writing.
Past, Present, and Future Verb Tenses
At this level, children begin to learn about the three main verb tenses and distinguish between them. Use this worksheet to help children identify the verb tenses in the sentences.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know PastPresentFuture-UpperPrimary-1 thumbnail
Subject/Verb Agreement
A verb must agree with its subject in number. This worksheet has children identify the subject and verb, then determine whether they agree.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Subject Verb Printable
Common Adverbs
Adverbs improve a child's writing by telling how, where, or when something happened. Help your children practice identifying adverbs with this worksheet and determine the role they play in the sentence.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Adverbs-Upper Primary Printable
Advanced Conjunctions
At this level, children expand their use of conjunctions to use "because," "since," "yet," "until," "although," "while," "neither," and "nor." This worksheet has children complete the sentences by filling in the correct conjunction.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know /Conjunctions-UpperPrimary-1 thumbnail
Basic Interjections
Interjections add excitement and emotion to writing. Have your children use the interjections on this worksheet to write exciting sentences for the given scenarios.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Interjections-UpperPrimary-1 thumbnail
Middle School Grammar Worksheets
Most of the grammar instruction at the middle school level involves reinforcing the parts of speech and basic verb tenses. Children should also learn skills to continue to write more complex sentences and learn about some of the irregularities in the English language. At the middle school level, grammar instruction should focus on several complicated topics.
Main and Subordinate Clauses
Use this worksheet to help your middle schooler practice recognizing main and subordinate clauses and turning subordinate clauses into complete sentences.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Main-and-Subordinate-Clauses---Middle-School-1 thumbnail
Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns can be tricky for kids to understand. This worksheet has children practice using those pronouns by answering questions with indefinite pronouns.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Indefinite-Pronouns---Middle-School-1 thumbnail
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
When pronouns do not agree with their antecedents, the meaning of a sentence or paragraph can get lost. In this passage from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the pronouns have been mixed up and your child must fix them in order to help it make sense.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Does-the-Pronoun-Agree-with-its-Antecedent---Middle-School-1
Irregular Comparative Adjectives
Not all comparative adjectives end with -er or -est. Practice identifying and using irregular comparative adjectives by writing sentences with this worksheet.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Irregular-Comparative-Adjectives---Middle-School-1
Consistent Verb Tense
Children frequently mix up verb tenses or lose focus in a piece of writing. This worksheet will help remind your middle schooler about consistency in verb tenses by identifying the tense of the sentence and fixing inconsistent verbs.

Created by Inês Saldanha for Love To Know Owned by LoveToKnow. Copyright by LoveTo Know Is-it-Past-Present-or-Future---Middle-Schooll-1 thumbnail
Brush Up on Grammar
While many grammar worksheets have a grade-level attached to them, they may be used to help children at all levels brush up on their grammar. Reviewing basic concepts such as subject/verb agreement and the use of basic conjunctions will help improve your child's writing and ensure that she does not forget many of these crucial components of the English language.