Fun with Similes: Inspiring Poems for Kids

Explore simile poems that ignite imagination and enhance learning.

Updated February 10, 2025
Kids reading poems together

A simile uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two things which are not alike. This poetic device can create a picture in the reader's mind which instantly communicates what the writer is trying to describe, and a poem with a simile can also make it more interesting and entertaining.

Using Similes in Poetry

What is simile in poetry? Poetic simile simply uses the comparison of two different things with descriptive language in a poem. Children can write simile poems to describe a variety of items and situations in their lives. Some common topics and simile examples in poetry include family members, favorite foods, sports or other hobbies, animals, themselves and emotions. Similes are used in funny poetry and serious poetry. You can even combine poetic devices like using similes and metaphors in a single poem. These simile poem examples can help you discover more.

Mom's Embrace

By Michele Meleen

My mom is like a cloud,
comfortable and strong.
I am like a raindrop
she keeps safe and sound.
When I am fully formed
she'll let me go
dropping into the world
like a raindrop to the ground.

Like Stars in the Sky

By Michele Meleen

Friends are like the stars in the sky,
always there even when you can't see them.

They shine brightly in dark times,
guiding me as the North Star does for travelers.

In daylight, they blend in,
a natural part of my every day.

Before the Storm

Approaching storm

By Kelly Roper

The air was heavy like a wet towel that needed to be rung out,
And the thunderheads began to rumble like an angry volcano.
The wind stirred up in fury like a swarm of locusts suddenly taking flight,
And then the heavens opened and drenched the thirsty earth.

My Family

By Stacy Zeiger

My mom is like a fire.
She's always warm, but sometimes she gets too hot.

My brother is like a tornado.
He always moves fast and spreads destruction wherever he goes.

My sister is like a snowstorm.
She's pretty to look at and icy at times, but with a little sunshine, that iciness melts.

Together we are like a partly cloudy day.
We have our moments of darkness and gloom, but the sun always peeks through.


By Stacy Zeiger

Sadness is...

As bleak as the sky when it's cloudy and gray
As rough as the sea on a windy day
As tough as the skin on an elephant's trunk
As stinky as the smell of an angry skunk
As dark as the sky on a starless night
And it stings just as much as an animal's bite.

Life Is a Dream

By Michele Meleen

Life is a dream
I create every day
Like a carpenter
building a wagon or sleigh.

Life is a dream
where I get what I want
Like a customer
in a 5-star restaurant.

The Old Man and the House Mouse

By Kelly Roper

House mouse

The little mouse scurried around the house
Like a thief who snuck in one night.
His munching and crunching made so much noise,
The old man woke up and turned on the light.

He went into the kitchen and saw the mouse
Which gave him a terrible fright!
The mouse squealed in surprise and ran away
Like a coward trying to avoid a fight.

The old man baited a mouse trap with cheese
Like a hunter going after big game.
Once that mouse munches this midnight snack,
He will never again be the same.

The Basketball

By Stacy Zeiger

The basketball is an airplane,
It flies down the court heading
Straight for the basket.

The basketball is like a heartbeat
Pounding rhythmically on the
Gymnasium floor.

The basketball is as smooth as butter
As it slides out of my hands and
Into the basket.

Ice Cream Headache

By Kelly Roper

Sally got an ice cream cone
One hot summer afternoon.
It dripped like a faucet on the ground,
So she got herself a bowl and a spoon.

Sally shoveled that ice cream into her mouth
Like she was trying to clear snow in a blizzard.
She finished the bowl so quickly that she
Made it disappear like she was a wizard.

That's when the pain struck her forehead
And her mouth felt as cold as snow.
She'd gotten her first ice cream headache,
So now she always eats her ice cream slow.

The Cheater

By Kelly Roper

Cheating on test

Sweat shot out from the boy's forehead
Like a sprinkler watering a lawn.
He'd been dreading taking this test,
And his teacher just turned the timer on.

He searched his brain for the answers,
But it was like they were playing hide and seek.
When he figured he would never find them,
He leaned toward his classmate's test to take a peek.

And that's when the teacher caught him,
And his face turned red like a fire engine.
"Young man, I see what you're doing,
And I know you don't have good intentions.

The teacher ordered him from his desk
And sent him to the principal,
Who scolded him for nearly an hour
Until he felt like a war criminal.

So here's the moral of this story,
And some good advice for you.
Take time to study your textbooks,
And you'll do much better in school.

Famous Simile Poems for Children

When teaching similes and simile poems, start by showing kids how poems they've likely heard before incorporate similes. Nursery Rhymes often feature figurative language like similes.

  • The last line of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" uses a simile to compare a star to a diamond using the word "like."
  • "No Difference" by children's poet Shel Silverstein is full of similes as are many of his poems.
  • Langston Hughes' "Harlem" uses a series of similes to describe what might happen to a dream you ignore.
  • In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth kids can see an example of a simile using "as."

Simile Lessons and Activities

Lessons and activities that include similes can be fun whether you plan to use them for literature unit studies in a home school curriculum or for pure enjoyment. You can incorporate similes and poems into lesson plans for almost any subject with creative activities. From family similes in poetry to funny comparisons to simile poems about love, there are many themes and lesson ideas to consider. When teaching poetry, start by explaining the term and providing examples, then let kids practice with these simple activities:

  • Brainstorm a list of similes for a specific subject such as the President of the United States or a tundra climate.
  • Read a poem and circle the similes you find.
  • Each student writes and illustrates a simile poem you then compile into a class poetry book.
  • Read a children's book aloud then have kids raise their hand every time they spot a simile.
  • Look at taglines and mottos for popular companies or brands, are any of them similes?
  • Have a simile bee that's played just like a spelling bee only you give kids a word and they have to come up with a good simile using it.

Simile Poetry Makes Kids Smarter

The ability to make connections is a very important skill. Whether you're looking for or creating a poem with similes and metaphors or a just a simple example of simile in poetry, simile poems are useful in several ways to help children learn. The process is imaginative and creative, but it can lead to pragmatic problem-solving skills over time. When children incorporate simile poetry into their lives, they begin to develop the skills needed for the type of analogous thought necessary for excelling in science and art. Turn to poems with figurative language for kids to enhance learning in a new way.

Fun with Similes: Inspiring Poems for Kids