Similes are a literary device that compares two similar things using like or the construction of as _____ as. It's often used in poetry; however, you can find similes in all kinds of writing. Inspire your kids' love of similes with great examples.
Easy Examples of Similes for Kids
The use of simile, for kids, is a bit abstract. However, elementary kids can understand similes if they use easy vocabulary and the connection and imagery are clear. If you teach your kids about simile by encouraging them to imagine how something is first and then have them think about what those things are like, they will be well on their way to understanding this fun literary device.
- The breeze was gentle like a butterfly.
- She danced lightly, like a fluttering butterfly.
- You are as pale as a white sheet.
- Your hands are as cold as the Arctic.
- His mind is like an encyclopedia.
- It was as light as a penny.
- He soared like an eagle.
- It was damp like dew in the morning.
- He was as lost as a sheep.
- She worked as hard as an ant gathering his harvest.
- She was as prickly as a cactus.
- The puppy wagged his tail like a toddler who just got a lollipop.
- The children were as happy as a hog with fresh mud.
- The burglar looked as sketchy as jelly with green fuzz on top.
- She moved as gracefully as a prima ballerina.
- They ran around, going this way and that, like leaves on a blustery day.
- Her teeth were as white as pearls.
Intermediate Similes
If your kids have already had an introduction to similes and understand the basic concept, consider working with ideas that are a bit more abstract. Use similes that suggest emotions rather than tangible things, or vocabulary that is a bit of a stretch for your kids. These similes will have them thinking hard about their next writing project.
- His rage arose like a brush fire.
- She blushed red like a cardinal.
- He stood there as majestic as a grand mountain.
- Their love bloomed like a flower.
- He crept up behind her, like a spider.
- She was annoying him like a mosquito buzzing in your ear.
- The lighted candles were like a thousand fireflies, glowing in the dark.
- Her eyes full of unshed tears as glassy as a still lake.
- The comment stung like a searing brand.
- The temple was magnificent and grand, like a giant mountain rising above the clouds.
- Her laughter was like church handbells, soft and tinkling.
- She was as fierce as a wasp from a disturbed nest.
- His handshake was like holding a cold and wet fish.
- The prison uniform was a dull gray, like a cloudy day.
- Together, they were as strong as an old redwood.
- His head had many scars, like a used ice rink.
Advanced Similes
By now your kids understand similes so well, they're able to use them in their writing. Start their creative juices flowing by offering some suggestions on how to work in a simile. Then, give an assignment that requires the use of three similes. Use these examples as inspiration.
- The library was eerie and silent, like a catacomb.
- The sun came out after the storm, like a welcome friend.
- She flitted around the playground happily like a babbling brook.
- The boat was tossed on the stormy sea like a ball on a playground.
- The air was tense like a drawn bow.
- He spotted her like a barn owl spots mice.
- She was waiting and pounced like a cat on the prowl.
- Adversity was like a noose around his neck.
- Her anger was like a mid-summer thunderstorm: sudden and fierce, but over quickly.
- The sentencing from the judge was as final as a nailed coffin.
- The guard stood stoic, watching the entrance like a sphinx watches a pyramid.
- Her eyes were as familiar as a warm blanket.
- Her mood was dark like a moonless night.
- The storm clouds came across the prairie like a thick blanket, covering everything.
- The room fell eerily silent and still, like the eye of a storm.
- Her voice was steady, strong and consistent, like the sound of waves crashing the beach.
- He was steadfast and dependable, like the tick-tock on an old clock.
Animal Similes Kids Love
Animals are a great way to add similes to writing. That is because animals have so many great traits that you can add. Check out these animal similes to add to your kid's writing.
- Kat was sly like a fox.
- Mary was brave as a lion.
- He waddled like a duck.
- Chase was fast like a cheetah.
- She watched us like a lion stalking her prey.
- She yowled like a wolf in the night.
- Molly grazed at the buffet like a cow in a pasture.
- Tim charged Ken like a ram.
- He was stubborn as a mule.
- Tito charged with the intensity of a bull.
- Lily was as quiet as a mouse.
- His jacket was bright like a Toucan's beak.
- The dog growled like a bear.
- Sammy danced as gracefully as a gazelle.
- Gavin laughed like a hyena.
- She was slower than a snail.
Simile Definition for Kids
A simile is a comparison of one thing to another. An easy way to remember this is you are stating how they are similar with the use of like or as. Many call it a literary device which is a fancy way of saying that it is a tool used by writers to make their story more descriptive. It can also be called figurative language. For example, saying, "Mary was funny" is boring compared to "Mary was funny like a professional comedian." This lets the audience know that Mary is really funny.
Have Fun With Similes
Whether you use them in poems, incorporate them in short stories, or even include one in a college essay, similes are a great way to spice up your writing. Encourage kids to use them in their writing pieces by awarding bonus points for each simile used, or have a 'funniest simile contest.'