Valentine's Day is supposed to be romantic, but you can still share a funny Valentine's Day poem with your sweetheart if it suits your relationship. Making your special someone laugh and feel loved at the same time is a win. Now get ready to giggle your way through a few original Valentine poems and limericks that are guaranteed to make your special someone smile.
Humorous Valentine's Day Poems
If you are one to not take yourself too seriously, humorous Valentine's Day rhymes can add some levity to the holiday celebration. These short, original poems will garner a chuckle or two from couples who love to laugh. Not only can they make a great addition to a card, but you might also try adding them to a funny Valentine's Day post.

My Bigfoot Valentine
By Kelly Roper
You've got big feet,
But gee, you're sweet,
So let's give it a whirl,
Say you'll be my girl.
'Cause I'm a goofy guy,
But I caught your eye,
So say you'll be mine,
My bigfoot Valentine.
Mom Said It Wouldn't Last
By Kelly Roper
My mom said not to go out with you,
But I told her that she was wrong.
One trailer and three kids later,
Our love is still going strong.
You may not be the most successful mate,
But you're mine and that's all that matters.
And my figure's not holding up so well
After all those blue plate special platters.
But we still love each other, it's plain to see,
We get by in our own special way.
So here's to us and our low-rent paradise,
My darling, Happy Valentine's Day!
My Faithful Valentine
by Kelly Roper
You're a little unkempt,
And you snore like a log.
When I give you your dinner,
You gobble it like a hog.
You're hard to keep up with
When we go for a jog,
But you're the one I love
More than Paris or Prague.
So my Valentine is you,
My dear faithful dog!
Funny Valentine's Day Limericks
Limericks are supposed to be humorous and sometimes have a twist, so they're perfect for a giggle with your favorite Valentine. Get silly with your special someone by adding a short Valentine's Day limerick to the mix.

There Once Was a Girl
By Kelly Roper
There once was a girl with a gleam in her eye
For a certain young man, she thought cute.
He was reluctant at best,
To hear her feelings confessed,
So she yelled, "Hey, I love you, you brute!"
There Once Was a Guy
By Kelly Roper
There once was a guy who loved a girl,
But he didn't know how to tell her.
So he gathered up his nerve
And said with some verve,
"Be mine, though I'm my mom's basement dweller."
Silly Haikus for Your Valentine
Haikus are considered quite an art form, yet you can still give your love a fairly funny one if you'd like. They might not get a good ol' laugh, but they should definitely get an amused chuckle.
Sorry, Honey
By Kelly Roper
Nerd looking for love
Wins girl way out of his league.
Guess you're stuck with me.
Too Good for Me
By Kelly Roper
I just realized
You may be too good for me...
I'm okay with that.
Your Special Smile
By Kelly Roper
The way you just smiled
Convinces me that there is...
Spinach in your teeth.
Comical and Slightly Cynical Anti-Valentine Poems
Not everyone has the hearts-and-roses view of Valentine's Day, so these funny poems are for the Anti-Valentine's Day crowd. Does that include you?

Don't Be My Commercial Valentine
By Kelly Roper
Valentine's Day is made for stores
To sell candy, cards, and flowers.
But to take part in this corporate day,
I really can't be bothered.
I love you and you love me,
But the commercial stuff sticks in my craw.
So let's just skip the rest of the routine
And thumb our noses at all the bourgeois.
Let's Do It Right This Year
By Kelly Roper
We've been together far too long for hearts and flowers.
Yes, we've been there and done all that before.
So this time I think we should go there and do this.
I'll head to the bowling alley, and you hit the mall.
Come on, Valentine, let's really make each other happy this year!
Short & Funny Valentine's Day Poems for Laughs
It's okay to get a little silly with your partner on this special day for lovers. If you see your sweetie chuckle after reading one of these poems, you'll know it was a success. And if these best of the best funny Valentine's Day poems aren't floating your poetry boat, you can try your hand at creating your own short Valentine's Day poem for the special him, her, or they who fills your heart.