60+ Inspiring Quotes to Honor Military Families

Explore over 60 heartfelt quotes that capture the challenges and triumphs of military family life.

Updated February 10, 2025
African American soldier mother carrying son
Mark Edward Atkinson/Tracey Lee via Getty Images

If you've ever read a statement and thought how perfect it was in explaining an experience or feeling, you understand the power of a quote. Military family quotes provide comfort during the many challenges and triumphs that pop up in military life, such as isolation. Special sayings can become something you depend on and cherish because they speak to your heart and mind.

A List of Military Family Quotes

Military life is different from the lives of individuals who have a civilian job. Quotes help capture this unique experience.

  • The day you married a service member is the day you joined the military.
  • The military may take your body, but I keep your heart.
  • Deployment tears your heart in two, only reconnected at homecoming.
  • When you go to war, my heart goes to war.
  • Deployments are nothing compared to sharing our whole lives together.
  • Behind every strong man is a stronger woman.
  • A family that serves together stays together.
  • Challenge is only the stepping stone to success.
  • Connected souls never break no matter the miles apart.
  • Longing for the day that I no longer need to long for you.
  • Each deployment is one separation closer to retirement.
  • With every new transfer comes a new life to make better than the last.
  • When you joined the military, you joined the largest family in the country.
  • You have family everywhere you go in the military.
  • Missing you, me and us.
  • Military is a family that knows what it means to fight.
  • Fight strong, fight hard, come home.
  • You may have gone, but I see you everywhere.
  • When you deploy, we deploy.
  • If prayer could send you home, I'd have you in my arms.
  • Without goodbyes, there wouldn't be hellos.

Military Family Quotes

If a member of your family is in the military, you face challenges that other families never will. A quote about being separated from a family member in the military can help to express your deepest feelings.

  • Our family knows what sacrifice means. We do it every day.
  • Proud to be a military family.
  • If you don't clean up after yourself, don't be surprised if your gear adrift is a gift.
  • We're grunts by association.
  • My Chow Hall, my rules.
  • It's always about the mission: Mission Critical, Mission Focus, and Mission Objective.
  • A military family marches to the beat of a different drum than civies.
  • A military family has honed its ability to pack up and move.
  • A military family's roots are in their family, not a place.
  • A military family is strong together.
Military family having a barbecue and a military family quote

Mark Edward Atkinson/Tracey Lee / Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Military family having a barbecue and a military family quote

Quotes About Military Families

Military families are viewed as brave, strong and enduring. They give so much to America and can be honored with appreciative quotes.

  • Your family's sacrifice to the country is appreciated.
  • A military family gives more.
  • Military families know the drill!
  • A military family is a family of patriots.
  • Military families are strengthened by the challenges they've overcome.
  • Military families make each other stronger through faith and devotion.
  • Military families know how to make things happen.
  • Military families take control of their lives and always move forward.
  • Military families stick together.
  • Military families are brave and true.
Military man holding his son

Mike Kemp / Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Military man holding his son

Military Quotes About Family

Military branches have a history of being like a family. Military families come together like large extended families.

  • Military families are always squared away.
  • We're a family of patriots.
  • When one member of the family joins the military, the entire family does, too.
  • Military families are always breaking it down barney-style to civilians.
  • Military families are families forever.

Soldier Family Quotes

Soldier families understand the call of duty their beloved soldier must answer. Families support soldiers and their support makes it possible for the soldier to serve.

  • Soldier families go beyond the call of duty.
  • Soldier families understand what following orders means to their loved one.
  • Soldier families are brave, strong, and dedicated.
  • A soldier joins the military and takes his family with him.
  • A family with a loved one serving as a solider are resigned to impermanency.
  • Soldier families are just as unrelenting and dedicated as their soldier family member.
  • Soldier families support each other as a military family tradition.

Deployment Quotes for Family

Deployment is always a difficult time for military families. Being separated from loved ones is a huge sacrifice that military families make and bravely take in stride.

  • When you're deployed, we continue with our lives, but a large part of it remains missing until you walk back through our front door!
  • Deployed should be a four letter word for how it makes us feel.
  • You're deployed, but our love for you is moored forever in our hearts.
  • Deployment is painful for each family member, but faith and love sustain each one throughout the separation.
  • Deployed, never forgotten.
  • Deployment may physically take you away, but you're always in our hearts.
  • We count each heartbeat until you return home from deployment.
  • Military families of the deployed take comfort in the skill, training, and dedication their loved one has.
Military woman on deployment holding her baby

SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images / Modifications made by LoveToKnow Military woman on deployment holding her baby

60+ Unique and Original Military Family Quotes

Quotes about military families can be used to show how much pride you have for your service member and your military family. Military sayings can also express how your family feels during deployment and their anticipation of your loved one's homecoming.

60+ Inspiring Quotes to Honor Military Families