75 Parenthood Quotes From Inspiring to Funny

Updated May 25, 2022
Happy boy pretending to be an airplane while his father is holding him in the air
skynesher/ E+ via Getty Images

You don't get medals or trophies, but parenting is quite possibly the most rewarding yet most demanding job on earth. Dive into the complexities of being a parent through a few parenthood quotes. From being a new parent to enjoying the funny moments as a veteran parent, these quotes sum up parenting perfectly.

Short Parenthood Quotes

Having children is a beautiful journey full of twists, turns, ups, and downs. Sometimes as a parent, you aren't sure if you're heading east or west, given your sleep-deprived brain. Sum up parenthood with a short yet impactful quote.

Sleepy father holding daughter

skaman306/ Moment/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Sleepy father holding daughter

  • True love is found in parenthood.
  • Parenting is all about trust in yourself.
  • No one ever said parenting was easy.
  • You are never truly prepared for parenthood.
  • Fear is knowing you're responsible for the next generation.
  • Parenthood: one look at your kid, and your heart is no longer yours.
  • The meaning of unconditional love comes to life in parenthood.
  • Parenthood is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Parenthood: the longest and shortest period of your life.
  • Every parent starts off as an amateur.

Welcome to Parenthood Quotes to Share

Are you welcoming someone into team parenthood? Get them ready to capture the wonder and surprise that parenthood brings. Add these fun quotes to a homemade card or put them on social media. The new parents are sure to appreciate them.

Mother with small daughter in bathroom at home, having fun in bath

Halfpoint Images/ Moment/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Mother with small daughter in bathroom at home, having fun in bath

  • Welcome to parenthood. The nights last forever, but the years fly by.
  • Time takes on new meaning now that you've joined parenthood.
  • Each moment of parenthood is a memory waiting to be captured.
  • Enjoy each moment of new parenthood. The moments that make you cry now will have you laughing later.
  • Enjoy that newborn smell; it doesn't last long. Trust me.
  • Welcome to parenthood. It might seem overwhelming at first, but sleep comes eventually.
  • There is a beauty found in welcoming a new child into your family. It's genuinely a page-turning adventure.
  • No parent knows what they are doing. You just wing it until it feels right.
  • Welcome to a beautiful new phase of your life filled with unconditional love, affectionate snuggles, coos, and the most magnificent tantrums you've ever experienced.
  • Welcome, new parents! You're about to take an adventure on a life-altering journey filled with memories that will warm your heart for an eternity.

Heartwarming Sayings About Parenthood

Loving your child is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It's hard to imagine loving something with your whole heart the first time you meet, but that's exactly what parenthood is. Encapsulate the perfection of parental love by exploring a few heartwarming parenthood quotes.

Young boy riding on mother's shoulders outdoors

MoMo Productions/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Young boy riding on mother's shoulders outdoors

  • Nothing swells your heart with more love than witnessing your child's joy.
  • Your love is so strong that you'd give your life so they can live theirs.
  • A parent's love is stronger than any metal found in the world. It can't be bent or broken.
  • The love between a parent and a child is forged in the divine fires of eternity.
  • As a parent, you love your child more than yourself. That's why their pain is sharper than your own.
  • From the moment their eyes meet yours, your heart is taken.
  • Parenthood is the most beautiful love story ever written in your heart.
  • Infinity takes on a new and stronger meaning as a parent. Your love is infinite.
  • A parent's love is eternal. They hold you in their heart even when you are a world apart.
  • Selfless, endless, and forgiving are just a few words you could use to describe parental love.

Best Famous Parenting Quotes

From authors to movie stars, celebrities have a little something to say about parenting. Share a famous quote or two from some of the best parenting quotes ever spoken.

  • "Sometimes I cry because I'm so in love with them and my body just doesn't know what to do with so much love but cry. It's a strange thing. Then sometimes I cry because being a parent is the hardest thing I've ever done." - Lisa Gungor
  • "I came to parenting the way most of us do - knowing nothing and trying to learn everything." - Mayim Bialik
  • "Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." - Lady Bird Johnson
  • "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." - Forest Witcraft
  • "Kids spell love T-I-M-E." - John Crudele
  • "Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." - Charles R. Swindoll
  • "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • "All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. " - Erma Bombeck
  • "Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • "Parenthood... it's about guiding the next generation and forgiving the last." - Peter Krause

Cute and Funny Parenthood Quotes to Make You Chuckle

If you think parenthood is all seriousness, you are in for a rude awakening. Having a sense of humor will get you through some of your darkest terrible twos (and teen) moments. Get a laugh from these funny parenthood quotes that are too true.

Two year old is being held by dad

Image taken by Mayte Torres/ Moment/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Two year old is being held by dad

  • Parental love is nature's magic. It ensures all teenagers make it to adulthood.
  • Most of parenting is continuously working to keep your ducks in a row... loud, boisterous ducks that are constantly running in the opposite direction.
  • Parenting is a continuous loop of wishing they would grow up and stay little forever.
  • There are a lot of don'ts in parenting. "Don't eat that." "Don't pee on that." "Don't touch that." "Don't lick the dog." You get the picture.
  • You know you're a parent when you look down and realize you're wearing two different shoes.
  • You know your kids have grown up when you can go to the bathroom alone.
  • Normal goes out the window the moment you have kids.
  • You don't need the gym. You need a toddler. They never stop moving.
  • There is no perfect parent. And you realize this fact when you are trying to wrangle an enraged toddler out of a store.
  • When in doubt, take a nap. It works every time.

New Parent Messages to Provide Love and Support

Support the new parents in your life with a loving quote. When you have a new baby, you often wonder if you are doing anything right. Assure them that parenting is hard, and no one is perfect with an inspiring quote.

  • The moment you become a new parent, your child becomes the center of your world. Much like the sun, you will forever rotate around them.
  • Giving it your best is good enough. No parent is ever perfect.
  • Enjoy each moment as a parent: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Before you can blink, they will be all grown up.
  • Every parent has a bad day. Every parent gets frustrated. It's okay. Take a breath and try again to show them the unconditional love in your heart.
  • Being a new parent can seem like heading into a storm on a rocky ship. But you are strong. You will quickly learn how to come out of the storm a better parent.
  • Strive to become the parent you want your children to remember for a lifetime.
  • Becoming a parent changes you for the better, even if it doesn't seem that way in the beginning.
  • That child looking lovingly up into your eyes will one day become your best friend.
  • Parenthood changes you. It fills your heart with love, your life with smiles, and it shows you how boo-boos can be healed with kisses.
  • In a moment's time, ensuring your child is happy and healthy becomes your top priority.

Inspirational Quotes About Parenthood and Its Complexities

Parenthood is complex. You can be crying one minute and laughing the next. It can have you feeling a little insane sometimes. Tackle the complexities that parenthood can bring with these motivational quotes.

Mother playing with kids at home

MoMo Productions/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Mother playing with kids at home

  • Parenting is living life one memory at a time.
  • Your child isn't looking for the perfect parents. They just want you. Give them your time and love. You will be absolutely perfect in their eyes.
  • Parenting is the most rewarding, exhausting, exhilarating ride of your life.
  • Parenting is a huge responsibility. In that tiny human, you hold the power to change the world.
  • The greatest happiness is a content child sleeping lovingly in your arms.
  • Parenthood is about filling your child with happiness, hope, dreams, and love.
  • To be a parent, you must have a sense of humor, because children will do the wildest things.
  • Every child is a light. And every parent has the power to turn on the switch.
  • Every path in parenthood is as unique as your children. You are simply guiding them to fulfillment.
  • Parenthood is the most rewarding marathon of your life. Sure, there will be falls and tears, but the memories you make along the way are worth the pain.

Responsible Parenting Quotes to Keep It Real

Parenting is all about responsibility. You are responsible for raising a law-abiding human and keeping them alive. Explore the many responsibilities of parenthood through a few choice quotes.

Mother helping son during e-learning at home

MoMo Productions/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Mother helping son during e-learning at home

  • Parenting looks easy until you realize you are responsible for a life. Then it gets really complicated.
  • Everyone tries to be a responsible parent. But no one is perfect. Every parent messes up, and their kids turn out fine.
  • Kids have this uncanny ability to learn by example. Lead responsibly.
  • You are the keeper of the future.
  • Every moment is a moment to build a brighter future together with your child.

Explore the Joys of Parenthood Through an Original Message

Parenthood is a thrilling ride. Sometimes you don't even know what is coming up next. But at the end of the day, you wouldn't trade it for the world. Use these quotes on social media to help brighten the day of the parent in your life or just to give yourself a chuckle. These can work great on tumblers, wall decoration, or even scrapbooks. Share a few of the fantastic memories you create as a parent. And if you like these quotes, there are also welcome to the family quotes that can be used for new family members.

75 Parenthood Quotes From Inspiring to Funny