Whether you're turning 31 yourself or if you want to send a greeting to a friend or family member who is, choose a quotable message that conveys just the right tone. From snappy captions and funny sayings to sentimental messages of love, there are a lot of great ways to wish someone a wonderful 31st birthday.
31st Birthday Quotes for Myself
Are you the birthday person? There's no need to wait for someone else to wish you a happy 31st. Instead, welcome your first post-30 birthday yourself with one of these sensational sayings.

martin-dm/ E+/ Getty Images/ Modifications made by LoveToKnow Friends celebrating a birthday party in the park
- It's a 31-derful life!
- 31: The year of me.
- I'm going to own 31.
- I'll show 31 how it's done.
- 31 will be my year to shine.
- Make 31 even better than 30.
- Happy 31st birthday to me.
- I'm 31 now; it's time to really start adulting!
- It's beyond time to start living my life now that 31 has officially arrived.
31st Birthday Instagram Slogans
No birthday would be complete without a celebratory selfie! Adding one of these captions to a selfie that shows off your 31-year-old grin is a fabulous way for your birthday to begin.

Tetra Images/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Birthday cake with candles on cake stand
- Bring it on, 31.
- 30 + 1 = wonderful.
- Havin' fun at 31.
- It's fun to be 30 +1.
- There is life after 30.
- Far from done at 31.
- Leavin' 30 in the dust.
- This is what 31 looks like.
- 31 looks awfully good on me
Happy 31st Birthday Sayings
Wish your favorite new 31-year-old a happy birthday with these year-specific birthday wishes.
- Celebrate 31.
- Keep calm and 31.
- Be 31 and fabulous.
- Welcome to the 31 club.
- Enjoy being on the far side of 30.
- Enjoy every moment of your 31st year.
- Get ready for your 32nd trip around the sun!
- Welcome to the second year of your third decade!
- Wishing you some birthday cheer as you celebrate your 31st year.
Funny 31st Birthday Wishes
Spread a little cheer with these humorous birthday greetings focused on the birthday person's 31st year.

Cavan Images/ Cavan/ Getty Images/ Modifications by LoveToKnow Woman covering her face while friends looking at birthday cake
- Happy nine years to go until 40 day!
- Welcome to being a decade past legal!
- Welcome to 31. The best is yet to come!
- Seize the birthday like only a 31-year-old can.
- Get your adulting in gear now that 31 is here!
- Do 31 like you've never done it before. Because you haven't.
- Happy birthday, toot, toot! I hope you have a 31-candle salute!
- Has the wisdom that comes with age caught up with you yet? Happy 31st!
Birthday Quotes for Your Special Someone
Is the one you love celebrating their 31st birthday? Let your husband, wife, or romantic partner know how much you love them with a special birthday greeting.
- 31 is for lovers.
- You're 31, and I love you.
- I can't wait to do 31 with you.
- Happy 31st to my one and only.
- Wishing a perfect 31st birthday to my person.
- Now that you're 31, I love you even more than I did when you were 30.
- I've never been in love with a 31 year old before. I can't wait to share this year with you.
- I loved you before you were 31, and I'll keep loving you after this year is done. I'll always love you, beyond even the moon and sun.
31st Birthday Wishes for Your Child
If you're the proud parent of a new 31-year old daughter or son, use these quotes to wish them a happy birthday while also letting them know how glad you are that they were born.
- Happy birthday to my 372-month-old child!
- Where did the decades go? Happy 31st son/daughter.
- What a thing I did 31 years ago today. Happy birthday, son/daughter.
- At 31 you can conquer the whole wide world, but to me you'll always be my baby girl.
- You've reached the milestone of 31, but to me you'll always be my baby son.
- You brought joy into my life 31 years ago today. I hope your birthday is even more joyful.
- What a 31-year ride it has been to be your parents! We wouldn't trade a moment for anything.
- Happy birthday, my 31-year-old child. Have fun and party now... soon it will be your turn to take care of me for a while.
Welcome 31 With Age-Specific Wishes
Whether the birthday person is your boss or your sister, these age-specific birthday greetings let them know that not only did you remember the date of the anniversary of their birth, but you also remember how old they are. Such a personalized message really conveys how much you care, even if you choose one of the funny sayings rather than one that's a bit sentimental. What a great way to share birthday wishes with someone you care about who has just turned 31.