86 Genuine Ways to Say 'Thank You' for Birthday Wishes 

Published May 10, 2022
friends reading birthday social media comments on phone

Morsa Images / DigitalVision / Getty friends reading birthday social media comments on phone

The outpouring of birthday wishes from friends and family can be both wonderful and overwhelming, especially with so many greetings coming in via electronic means. If you're wondering how to say thank you for birthday wishes on Instagram, Facebook, or other social platforms or are looking for a good way to reply to thank you texts or emails from friends and family members, you've definitely come to the right place!

Messages to Thank Family and Friends for Birthday Wishes

happy woman reading birthday comments on her phone from social media

fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Modifications made by LTK Getty Images / Modifications made by LTK happy woman reading birthday comments on her phone from social media

Rather than trying to send individual messages to everyone who wished you a happy birthday via social media, consider posting a short status update or a captioned image for everyone to see.

  • Being a bit older feels pretty good. Thanks for helping me mark the occasion.
  • Birthday comments are the best comments of all! Thanks for sending lots my way.
  • Thanks to everyone who took the time to send good wishes my way on my birthday.
  • With friends and family like you, no way could I feel ignored on my birthday. Thanks!
  • I am overwhelmed by the birthday greetings and well wishes. Thank you all so m much!
  • What an amazing menagerie of people to have in my corner. Thanks for the birthday love.
  • What an incredible outpouring of birthday love! Thanks so much for making the day so special.
  • Who has the most thoughtful family and friends? This birthday girl/guy. Thank you for your kind wishes.
  • I am so blessed and appreciative to have wonderful friends and relatives. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
  • Everyone should be so lucky as to have friends and family members like you. Thanks for the birthday posts!
  • Thank you all for the wonderful birthday messages. In return, I present to you the gift of my most sincere appreciation.
  • Apparently, all of the birthday greetings in the whole wide world were directed my way yesterday. Thank you so much.
  • With all of you sending love my way, I don't even need to make a birthday wish. Thanks to you, it has already come true.
  • Thanks to all of you for helping me to focus more on how many friends I have than on the number of candles on my cake.
  • To those of you to whom I love and/or am related, thank you for your birthday greetings on the big day - or even belated.

Funny Social Media Thank Yous for Birthday Wishes

happy senior couple reading birthday comments on their laptop from social media

MixMedia / E+ / Getty / Modifications made by LTK Getty Images / Modifications made by LTK happy senior couple reading birthday comments on their laptop from social media

If you like to keep things super-light on social media, consider sharing one of the funny sayings below as a way of letting people know that you appreciate their birthday pots.

  • Okay, okay - I get it. You're all excited about my birthday. :)
  • Thanks for participating in the birthday algorithm on my behalf.
  • Your birthday greetings are like extra icing on top of the birthday cake.
  • Thanks to those of you who made it impossible for me to ignore my birthday.
  • Did birthdays even happen before Facebook? Thanks for making mine so real!
  • Facebook birthdays help you distinguish real friends from those who have muted you.
  • Did birthdays even happen before social media? Thanks for helping to make mine real!
  • My birthday would haven't been as joyful without your wonderful messages. Thank you all!
  • Does this message make me seem thankful for all the birthday wishes? It should - because I am!
  • Some birthdays are easy, some are hard. Your social greetings are even better than a birthday card.
  • All this love, just because of my birthday? If it wouldn't make me old really fast, I'd have a birthday every day.
  • Social media birthdays make me swoon. Reading all of your posts is more heartwarming than birthday balloons!
  • I know most of you didn't actually remember my birthday, but that doesn't make me appreciate the happy birthday posts any less.
  • To those of you who made snarky remarks about my new age, just remember that your birthday is less than 12 months away. Thank you, and I'll get you back.
  • My roommates thank you for rendering me speechless with the outpouring of kind birthday greetings. From all of them - and me too - a very heartfelt thank you.

Short Thank You Messages for Birthday Wishes

happy young man reading birthday wishes social media comments on his phone

Ivan Pantic / E+ / Getty Getty Images / Modifications made by LTK happy young man reading birthday wishes social media comments on his phone

Would you prefer a super-short saying? No worries! You don't have to write long thank you messages to let people know that you appreciate their happy birthday messages. Consider the following options:

  • Salute to my birthday brigade!
  • Many thanks for the b-day cheer.
  • Shout-out to my birthday bunch.
  • Thanks to you, I had a big birthday!
  • Thanks for sharing the birthday love.
  • I am awestruck by your birthday kindness.
  • A big thank you for all the birthday wishes.
  • Thanks for sharing the love on my birthday.
  • Gratitude for boosting my birthday attitude.
  • Thanks for making my birthday super-sweet.
  • Your kind birthday wishes mean the world to me.
  • Thank you for helping to make my birthday great.
  • Thanks for saying hey on my long-awaited birthday.
  • Thanks so much for reminding me that I'm older now.
  • Please accept my attitude of gratitude for your birthday beatitudes.

Emotional Ways to Say Thank You for Birthday Wishes

grateful couple reading birthday wishes from social media on phone

Ezra Bailey / Stone / Getty Getty Images / Modifications made by LTK grateful couple reading birthday wishes from social media on phone

If a heartfelt, emotional message will more appropriately reflect your sentiments than a funny message, one of the emotional thank you sayings below might strike just the right tone of love and gratitude.

  • Your birthday message warmed my heart. Thanks for sending a much-needed virtual birthday hug my way.
  • I am moved beyond words by the kindness of your birthday wishes. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
  • Your thoughtful birthday message means the world to me. Thank you for helping me remember how wonderful you are.
  • Thanks for helping me remember how precious every birthday really is. I'm so glad to be able to celebrate mine with you.
  • Your birthday kindness has me all choked up, in a good way. Thank you for your love and support; you mean the world to me.
  • The outpouring of birthday messages from you wonderful people made me leap with joy. Thank you so much, and I love you all.
  • I was approaching my birthday this year with trepidation, but seeing the love from all of you makes me realize that it's truly a reason for celebration.
  • Please accept my deepest gratitude for your kind birthday wishes. You reminded me of how fortunate I am to have such incredible people in my life.
  • It's impossible to feel small when so many people send love and well wishes on your birthday. Thank you for the kind greetings; I appreciate them all.
  • When I was younger, I made a birthday wish that one day I would have the best friend in the whole wide world. And just like that, you came into my life.
  • Seeing all of the birthday posts from so many friends, colleagues, and family members is so humbling. From every chamber of my heart, I thank you all.
  • Even though many of you don't know each other, collectively you reminded me that there is more than enough love to go around. Thank you for the birthday love.
  • Thanks for the amazing reminder of how many people care about me. I am humbled by the outpouring of birthday wishes. Thank you for making me feel so special.
  • The only thing better than getting a birthday greeting from you would be to be able to spend my birthday with you. I miss you, love you, and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  • No matter where life takes me, there's not much more special than being flooded with happy birthday posts. Much love to you the amazing people who took the time to wish me a wonderful day.

Say Thanks to Your Best Friend for Birthday Wishes

friends hugging to acknowledge thoughtful social media birthday wishes comment

kali9 / E+ / Getty Getty Images / Modifications made by LTK friends hugging to acknowledge thoughtful social media birthday wishes comment

When your bestie makes a big deal about your birthday, they deserve an individualized thank you message above whatever you post on social media. Whether you say thank you in person or via tech, make your appreciation crystal clear.

  • No birthday is complete until I get a shout-out from my bestie. Thank you!
  • I'm so thankful for your birthday wishes and the deep friendship they represent.
  • Any day that I hear from you is like my birthday. When it actually is my birthday, that makes it all the better!
  • Thank you for always being there for me, not just on my birthday, but every day. I am lucky to have a best friend like you.
  • Much gratitude to my 'ride or die' bff for such a thoughtful birthday gesture. I can't imagine doing life without you by my side.
  • You help make every day special, not just my birthday. I can't even remember what birthdays were like before you were my bestie.
  • Just a little rhyme to say thank you to my partner in crime. Thanks for your lovely birthday greeting; as always you were just in time.
  • Thanks for your awesome birthday greeting. The day is but fleeting, but your friendship is always there. Thanks for being in my world.
  • Hearing from my bestie on my birthday is like adding another tier to my birthday cake. Thanks for bringing even more cake into my life.
  • The gift of your friendship is more powerful than any birthday treat. I am so glad that fortune smiled and made it possible for us to meet.
  • Seeing a package from you made me smile - not because of the gift inside - but I could feel your love across all these miles. Thank you, bestie.
  • With a best friend like you, it would be impossible for my birthday to be anything but happy. Thanks so much for helping make the day wonderful.
  • What an amazing gift to have such an incredible best friend who always comes through with a wonderful birthday greeting. I appreciate all that you do.

More Thank You Ideas for Birthday Wishes

young man reading thoughtful social media birthday comments on phone

Westend61 / Getty young man reading thoughtful social media birthday comments on phone

Your best friend probably isn't the only person who deserves to be personally thanked for helping make your birthday super-special. Use one of the following messages to say think you to such individuals in person via text, DM, or email.

  • Hearing from you made my birthday extra!
  • No birthday could ever be complete without hearing from you. What a treat!
  • Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to send birthday greetings my way.
  • Your birthday message was the highlight of my day. Thanks for remembering me!
  • Truly, it is the thought that counts. Your birthday wishes are worth countless amounts.
  • Hearing from you on my birthday was the best treat of the day! Thanks for reaching out.
  • Thank you for the thoughtful birthday gesture. I appreciate you so much - way beyond measure.
  • My birthday was incomplete until you reached out. Thank you for the thoughtful birthday wishes.
  • Your kind birthday wishes made the anniversary of my birth all the more special. Gratitude and thanks.
  • Thanks so much for sending me such thoughtful birthday wishes. I really appreciate having you in my life.
  • Thanks for remembering that I survived another trip around the sun. I hope we can get together IRL before the next one!
  • Just when I thought my birthday couldn't get any better, your name popped up on my phone. Thanks for the thoughtful wishes.
  • I knew something was missing from my birthday, but I didn't know what. Then I heard from you. Thanks for making my birthday complete!

Thanks for All the Birthday Wishes

Rather than feeling stressed out about how to say thank you for all the birthday wishes, now you have plenty of options to consider. From ways to express group appreciation via Instagram or Facebook to personal messages directed at some of the most important people in your life, use these ideas for a stress-free way to say thank you to all who wished you a happy birthday.

86 Genuine Ways to Say 'Thank You' for Birthday Wishes