If you're asked to give a speech at the next family reunion, you'll want to be prepared. Introducing a little levity is a great way to break the ice upon arrival and thanking everyone who helped is a wonderful way to wrap things up. View and print these free editable speeches using Adobe Reader.
Outlaws and Legends Welcome Speech
Welcome the entire family to the rebellion - whoops - reunion! - with this fun speech. Don't forget to add in a few quips from previous reunions to get everyone smiling and laughing at the memories made. They'll look forward to making even more!

Created by Lindy Gaskill Copyright LovetoKnow, Owned by LoveToKnow Outlaws and Legends Welcome Speech Thumb
Another Adventure Ends Speech
Send the family home with warm reunion memories and a short speech to bring the event to a close. Be sure you thank the appropriate people and mention when and where the next reunion will be held.

Created by Lindy Gaskill Copyright LovetoKnow, Owned by LoveToKnow Another Adventure Ends Speech Thumb
Tips for Writing Your Family Reunion Speech
Personalize the sample speeches by sprinkling in tidbits about your own family. Follow these additional tips to help your speech go off without a hitch.
- Throw in references to hilarious stories from past reunions. Don't get sidetracked with too many details - just name the person and the incident - and everyone is sure to crack a smile. However, refrain from mentioning anything that might be embarrassing to someone.
- If your family has a long-running joke, like calling themselves "outlaws" or something similar, play upon that theme throughout the speech.
- When giving a welcome speech, bring up annual reunion activities or reunion games that many attendees will want participate in.
- Add in a few favorite family quotes. If there will be several speeches throughout the reunion, consider referring back to the initial quote in each for continuity.
- A welcome speech could include a photo slideshow or video compilation from previous reunions. At the end of the reunion, highlight photos taken that year. Just be sure you include a snapshot of everyone, so no one feels left out or unrecognized.
- Most importantly, keep the speech fairly short. The welcome speech is supposed to get people excited, not put them to sleep. The goodbye speech shouldn't be drawn out either. Some some family may have lengthy travel times and be anxious to start their journey.
Share the Family Love
The most memorable speeches are the ones that leave people feeling good about the event and themselves. It doesn't matter what you say as long as everyone feels loved by their family.