Mastering Reiki Distance Healing Techniques

Learn how to send Reiki energy across time and space effectively.

Updated February 10, 2025
Reiki healing using hands

Reiki is an energy healing technique in which practitioners who have been attuned to Reiki energy can channel life force energy to people who need it. One of the unique things about Reiki is that practitioners attuned to the Second Degree Reiki and its symbols by a Reiki Master-Teacher can send the energy at a distance across space and/or time.

Using Reiki Distance Healing Symbols

Reiki symbols on stones with purple bag
Reiki symbols left to right: se hei ki, dai ko myo, hon sha ze sho nen, and cho ku rei

In order to send Reiki energy at a distance, one must be attuned to both First Degree and Second Degree Reiki by a Reiki Master-Teacher. Second Degree Reiki practitioners must also use the Reiki distance healing symbol, hon sha ze sho nen (HSZN), and its activating symbol, cho ku rei (CKR), to send energy across time or space, and practitioners must be attuned to the Reiki symbols during their Second Degree Reiki attunement.

Reiki Distance Symbol Sequence

To activate the symbols:

  1. Write with a pen on a piece of paper, visualize them, or draw them with your finger on an object or on your hands in this order: CKR+HSZN+CKR.
  2. As you write each symbol, speak its name three times in your mind.

Get Permission

Always send distance Reiki healing energy with the permission of your subject. If, for some reason, you are unable to obtain permission from your subject, then if you choose to send it anyway, do so with the intent that if your subject does not accept the healing energy, it goes where it is most needed to serve the highest and greatest good.

Distance Healing Techniques

Second Degree Reiki practitioners can use different techniques depending on what feels right for the situation. Below are just a few of the many ways to send Reiki across time and space.

The Reiki Box

Reiki box used for distance healing

The Reiki box is a popular method many practitioners use to send Reiki across time and space to multiple subjects at once. You can use any box you can hold in your hands as a Reiki box, whether you decorate a plain box or buy one that calls to you.

  1. Write any identifying information about the person, place, animal, plant, or situation you are sending Reiki to on a piece of paper. For example, you might write "Mary Smith of Portland, Oregon," you might write "my mother," or you might write the name of a pet or a situation such as "people, plants, animals, and planet affected by the Carr Fire in Redding, California." Alternatively, you can print a photo of the subject.
  2. Now, use the Reiki distance symbol sequence, writing the symbols with a pen directly on the paper. Fold the paper and place it in your Reiki box.
  3. Do this for any other people, places, animals, plants, or situations you wish to include in your Reiki session and place them in the box as well.
  4. Close the box and hold it in your hands.
  5. Use the Reiki distance symbol sequence, drawing it on each palm.
  6. Hold the box in your hands, allowing the energy to flow, until you feel you can stop - usually about five minutes.

Surrogate Method

You can also use a doll or a stuffed animal as a surrogate for your subject.

  1. Choose a surrogate that is more or less anatomically correct (such as a teddy bear or a doll).
  2. Use the Reiki distance symbol sequence by drawing the symbols with a finger on each palm.
  3. Now, use the basic Reiki hand positions on the surrogate, carrying out a hands-on session but placing your hands on the surrogate instead of a person. You may be able to combine hand positions for various areas if the surrogate is small.

Miniature Surrogate Method

Hands holding a rose quartz crystal

This method is a good way to send Reiki quickly - it takes five to ten minutes. Choose a small object you can hold in both hands, such as a crystal or a photograph to represent the subject to which you are sending Reiki.

  1. On each hand, use the Reiki distance healing sequence, drawing the symbols with your finger.
  2. Hold the object you've chosen in both hands. In your mind, indicate the surrogate is a stand in for _________. For example, "Let this crystal represent Mary Smith of Portland, Oregon."
  3. Hold the object in your hand, feeling the Reiki flow. Do so for five to ten minutes, or until you feel guided to stop.

Mini Method

If you're good at visualizing, then this is a great method.

  1. Activate Reiki using the Reiki distance symbol sequence, drawing it on both hands.
  2. Picture your subject in miniature form, sitting in the palm of one cupped hand. Cover your hand with your other hand, cupped so there is a space for the miniature between two hands.
  3. Allow the Reiki to flow for five minutes or until you feel guided to stop.

Finishing the Sessions

There are two steps that are essential at the end of every Reiki session - whether distance or in person.

  1. Give thanks to Reiki for flowing through you into your subject.
  2. Rinse your hands under cold water or touch the ground with both hands to ground your energy and break the energetic connection with your subject.

Across Time and Space

Reiki flows where it is needed when it is needed, and this includes across time and space. Whether you send energy healing to a person, place, animal, object, plant, situation, or the entire planet, the healing energy can help facilitate growth and change that serves the highest and greatest good.

Mastering Reiki Distance Healing Techniques