15 Life Lessons I've Learned From My Four Kittens

Things have been a little chaotic around here since they've come to live with us, but it turns out my cats are wise little critters.

Published December 31, 2024
three tabby kittens

Back more than 20 years ago, I always had cats as pets. Then, I took a 20-year feline hiatus (with the exception of a stray that adopted us for a while before he went to live with our son) as we raised four small dogs. During those 20 years, I forgot what it was like to cohabitate with the world's pickiest roommates.

Then, a few months ago, we adopted four kittens from a shelter. Life has been happy chaos since that day. But aside from all the usual wildness that comes with sharing your home with a single kitten — not to mention four — they've also been great little teachers. Sedona, Arabella, Schnebly, and Bryce are 5½ months old now, and they've taught me a ton about life. Here are the life lessons I've learned from my four kittens.

Related: We Adopted Four Kittens From a Shelter: What Were We Thinking?

Sometimes, You Just Have to Stop What You're Doing and Snuggle

I work a full-time job from home and have a few side hustles, too. So I'm often a little busy. The cats do not believe that anything I'm doing is that important. And so, multiple times a day, one or another of them insists I stop what I'm doing and give them my full attention with snuggles and pets.

And you know what? It makes my days happier and better. I finish work a little later than normal now, but throughout the day, I get the softest snuggles and am rewarded with undying devotion and a whole lot of joy. My kittens have reminded me that it's okay to take breaks from work to do something that brings me joy. 

If a Door Is Closed, Keep Trying Until Somebody Opens It (or Open It Yourself)

Along with learning I will never be alone in the bathroom again (because if I am, there will be the most pitiful meowing, paws under the door, and one of the cats finally finding a way to shove their way through in spite of the closed door), I have discovered that getting doors open is super important. And if you can't get a door open, keep trying and trying in every way you can think of.

This doesn't just go for the bathroom door. It's any closed door, from cupboards (which they can totally get into on their own) to closets. They have a whole arsenal of tricks, and, when the usual tricks don't work, they whip out something new. Sometimes, they use teamwork. Sometimes, they use emotional manipulation. And sometimes, they just stay at it until somebody opens the door for them. 

They're bold little creatures that way, and I have to give them mad respect. There have been times in my life when I've been deterred by a closed door, and these little goobers remind me that persistence, creativity, and teamwork all pay off in opening the doors that really matter (like the cupboard that contains cat treats).

When You See a Sunbeam, Bask in It

kitten in a sunbeam

We adopted the kittens in late October, and we live in the Pacific Northwest. This is a time of year when sunbeams are in short supply. So when one appears, the cats are all over it, and they make the most of every sliver of sunlight that shines through our windows.

It's a good reminder to take advantage of life's little pleasures when they arise. There's always time to sit for a few minutes in a sunbeam — just ask the kittens.

Going Wild Is Fun

People have asked us if we're nuts having four kittens. Maybe? But what I usually tell people is that it's a few hours of chaos on either end of the day split up by hours and hours of calm.

When they start to play, the kittens lose their ever-loving minds. They thunder through the house, play with toys, wrestle, and hide around corners to "attack" us as we walk down the hall. And they love every single minute of it. It's a great reminder that no matter how hard I work, it's essential to devote time every day to play, too, because playing is important in creating a whole, balanced, fulfilling life.

Everything Is Interesting

kittens watching TV

The kittens aren't just into the cat stuff in the house. They find everything fascinating, from water dripping into the sink to me changing my clothes to a shadow on the ceiling. I totally get this — there's a good chance that I'm at least spiritually a cat because I'm curious about everything, too, and my kittens have reminded me it's a fun way to be. 

If Something Interests You, Investigate It

We call Schnebly Inspector Schnebly because that cat has to check everything out. Everything. All the time. He could be sound asleep, but the second his little ears register a sound, he's up and investigating. And he usually brings at least one of his siblings along for the adventure. 

Sure, this can make it a huge hassle when I'm trying to make the bed or cook something, but I have to respect his willingness to check out anything and everything. He's a bold little guy who reminds me that I choose to live my life boldly, too, and investigate all the things that fascinate me (which is pretty much everything), but maybe just be a little less annoying about it. 

Me Time Is Important

Yeah, the cats are into everything, and they're everywhere, but when they need a little time to themselves, woe be unto anyone who tries to interrupt it. They have hiding spots in the house that I still have no idea where they are, and they'll stay put until their me-time is over.

I could use a little more me time (with the cats present, of course), and their insistence on taking the time they want in the way they want is a good reminder to me that self-care isn't selfish.

Exercise Can Be Fun

One only has to watch the kittens racing through the house, chasing each other, climbing cat trees, and running wildly on their cat wheel to see that they're having a ball. They often do this while I'm doing HIIT on my stair climber (which gives me something amusing to watch and makes it a lot more fun), and Sedona will even run in the cat wheel when I'm on the treadmill. It's a great reminder to me that every workout doesn't have to be drudgery — having fun can be great exercise. 

Be Fearless but Not Reckless

There's a reason people believe cats have nine lives. And while I only have one, I could definitely stand to take a few more calculated risks. 

You Need to Climb to the Top of Things to Get the Best View

I have a fear of unprotected heights, and I also love to hike. These two things can be incompatible, but I try not to let fear keep me from doing cool stuff. 

The cats are fearless, and they're constantly climbing to get to the best view they can. We even had to remove our vertical blinds because Schnebly would walk across the top of them like a tightrope. But boy do they love being up high, and it reminds me that the best views are always worth the scary path it takes to get there.

Be Present With the One You’re With

Cats know when you're phoning it in, and they don't like it. And they're not afraid to force that attention, so it's best to be present from the outset. 

Naps Are Essential

sleeping kitten

I get up godawful early in the morning so I can work out and meditate before I start my day on East Coast time. Which means that I can get a little sleepy in the afternoons. I used to pride myself on being able to power through no matter how exhausted I was. But these sleepy little critters have shown me that it's okay to go all out for a few hours before crashing and sleeping hard in order to fuel up to go hard again.

Be Yourself

All the cats are 100% themselves. They have distinct personalities, and each has a few quirks. Bryce is a little aggressive when it comes to snuggles. Schnebly is a daredevil. Bella is equal parts salty and sweet. Sedona gets into everything all the time and has never met a box she doesn't want to sit in. But they're not afraid to show their quirks — they're lovable simply because they exist.

Love and Snuggles Can Heal a Broken Heart

The last several years have been rough for me. It started with my dad dying, and then all four dogs died one by one. A few friends died, too. And for a while, after the last dog died, I just didn't feel ready to have any more pets. And the world just seemed a little dim. 

Then, one day, I was ready, and four kittens came home with me. Sure, it has been chaotic, but I have returned to a joy I haven't felt in a long time. Loving them day to day has helped me to heal and rediscover myself.

Love Is Unconditional

It doesn't matter what those cats do. Toilet paper messes. Knocked over plants. Hanging from the curtains and shredding my blinds. I love them, and their love and snuggles make it all worthwhile.

Cat Chaos Is Totally Worth It

I knew I'd be getting some snuggly little creatures when I adopted the kittens, but I didn't realize they'd be such wise little teachers, too. Sure, life is chaotic. But it's pretty amazing, too, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

15 Life Lessons I've Learned From My Four Kittens