If you're a Family Feud regular, you've probably nailed most answers to survey questions asked on the show. Below are some Family Feud questions you may not have heard about, making an excellent opportunity for use during at-home Family Feud game nights.
1. Name Something a Cowboy Would Hate to Have Happen
- Loses his hat
- Gets shot in a gunfight
- Breaks a spur
- Gets stepped on by a bull/horse
- Throws a lasso and misses
- Gets bucked off a bull/horse
- His gun jams
- Being surrounded by Indians
- Gets called a cowgirl
- His horse dies/gets injured
2. Name Something You Fill With Air
- Balloons
- Tires
- Diving kit
- Beach ball
- Raft/inner tubes
- Floaties
- Sports balls (basketballs/soccer balls)
- Airbags
- Lungs
- Air mattresses
3. Name Something You Do Not Learn in School
- Parenting
- Manners
- House chores
- Religion
- Common sense
- How to behave
- Being a good spouse
- How to make babies
- Being good at sports
- How to change a tire
4: Name Something That Moves Very Slowly
5: Name Something You Think of in Spain
- Mediterranean
- Food
- Pyrenees
- Dancing
- Bullfighting
- Moors
- Spanish
- Madrid
- Barcelona
- Beaches
- Architecture
6. Name Something People Are Afraid Of
- Spiders
- Heights
- Other people
- Dying
- The dark
- Ghosts
- Snakes
- The IRS
- Being alone
- Their boss/getting fired
7. Name Something That Goes up and Down
- Roller coaster
- Airplane
- Thermometer/temperature
- Elevator/escalator
- Yoyo
- Balls
- Seesaws
- Merry-go-round horses
- My mood
- Zippers
8. Name Something That Makes a lot of Noise
A rock bandGetty Images - A college dorm
- Race cars
- A party
- Crying babies
- Ambulances
- Vacuum cleaners
- In-laws
- Freight trains
- Thunder
9. Name Something You Might Bring on a Date
- Lipstick/chapstick
- Condoms
- Money
- Breath mints/gum
- Flowers
- Phone
- Wine
- An excuse to leave
- New outfit
- Perfume/cologne
10. Name Something That Flies
- Bird
- Airplane/helicopter
- Kite
- Bug
- Bee
- Butterfly
- Time
- Skydiver
- Drone
- The Wallendas
11. Name Something That Makes You Itch
- Bug bite
- Chicken pox/measles
- Poison ivy
- Dry skin
- Wool
- Insulation
- Grass
- Sunburn
- Allergy
- Lice
12: Name Something You Associate With Goldfish
- Fish bowl/tank
- Kids
- Swimming
- Fish food
- Toilet funerals
- Fins
- Water
- Pet
- Small
- Crackers
13. Name Something a Parent Might Disapprove Of
- Drinking
- Smoking
- Drugs
- Sex
- Lying
- Skipping school
- Job/lack of job
- Boyfriend/girlfriend
- Friends
- Clothing choices
14. Name Something You Beat
- Rug
- Eggs
- Opponent
- Game
- Drums
- Fate
- Odds
- Record
- Clock
- Gavel
15. Name Something That Friends Might Swap
- Clothes/shoes
- Significant others
- Jewelry
- Jokes
- Recipes
- Gossip
- Video games
- Favors
- Phone numbers
16. Name Something People Put on Salads
DressingGetty Images - Nuts/seeds
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Vegetables
- Meat
- Bacon bits
- Croutons
- Salt/pepper
- Oil/vinegar
17. Name Something You Might Freeze
- Water
- Ice pack
- Leftovers
- Popsicles
- Meat
- Ice cream
- Drinks
- Vegetables
- Skating rink
- Bank account
18. Name Something You Associate With California
- Oceans/beaches
- Nice weather/sunshine
- Surfing
- Celebrities/movies
- Earthquakes
- Hollywood
- Lakers
- 49ers
- Disneyland
- Palm trees
19. Name Something a Person Might Knit
- Blanket
- Ugly sweater
- Hat
- Mittens
- Socks
- Scarf
- Shawl
- Brows
- Baby booties
- Dishcloths
20. Name Something You Buy by the Roll
- Toilet paper
- Paper towel
- Coins
- Stamps
- Wrapping paper
- Bandages
- Butcher paper
- Film
- Tape
- Wallpaper
21. Name Something You Shake Before Using
- Salad dressing
- Dice
- Ketchup
- Liquid medicine
- Nail polish
- Hairspray
- Protein shake
- Silly string
- Juice
- A cocktail
22. Name Something Offered on Airline Flights
- Snacks
- Cocktails
- Uncomfortable seats
- Soft drinks/water
- Overhead storage
- A movie
- Ear buds
- Magazines
- Pillows/blanket
- Bathroom
23. Name Something Women Leave Lipstick Marks On
- Napkin
- Glass
- Significant other
- Collar
- Wash rag
- Pillow
- Straw
- Letter
- Children/babies
- Pets
24. Name Something You Associate With Superman
CapeGetty Images - Flying
- Strength
- Clark Kent
- Lois Lane
- Super powers
- Kryptonite
- Costume
- Big muscles
- The letter S
25. Name Something People Complain About
- Spouse
- In-laws
- Kids
- Friends
- Job
- Politics
- Money
- Weather
- Bills
- Neighbors
26. Name Something People Dig Up
- Weeds
- Bones/fossils
- Potatoes
- Flowers/plants
- Dirt
- Worms
- Treasure
- Gold
- Garden vegetables
- Information
27. Name Something That Is Associated With Witches
- Hat
- Broom
- Black clothes
- Black cat
- Warts
- Cackle
- Cauldron
- Potion
- Spells
- Halloween
28. Name Something People Try to Sneak
- Alcohol
- Food
- A peek
- Money
- Out of the house
- Ahead in line
- Drugs
- Cigarette
- A pet
- Store merchandise
29. Name Something Associated With the Word Bubbly
Hot tubGetty Images - Champagne
- Personality
- Gum
- Bath
- Soda
- Hot springs
- Friendly
- Happy
- Fish tank
30. Name Something You Might Replace After a Divorce
- Spouse
- Home
- Car
- Bank account
- Clothes
- Sanity
- Furniture
- Attitude
- Dignity
- Priorities
31. Name Something That Squirts
- Ketchup
- Shampoo
- Blood
- Toothpaste
- Octopus/squid
- Water gun
- Spray bottle
- Perfume
- Lemon
- Pimple
32. Name Something You Leave to Chance
- Winning the lottery
- Love
- Getting pregnant
- Job
- Retirement
- Dying
- Skydiving
- Gambling
- Starting a business
- Buying/selling a house
33. Name Something People Eat on a Diet
- Sugar-free food
- Salad
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Skinless chicken
- Fish
- Shakes/smoothies
- Yogurt
- Rice cakes
- Breakfast/protein bar
34. Name Something That Will Exist in 100 Years
- Flying cars
- Androids
- Immortality
- Easy space travel
- Jet packs
- Automated everything
- Teleporters
- Reanimating the dead
- Self-cleaning houses
- Cures for cancer (and other diseases)
35. Name Something You Smell Before You Buy It
Perfume/cologneGetty Images - Produce
- Deodorant
- Soap
- Candle
- Lotion
- Incense
- Flowers
- Laundry detergent
- Air freshener
36. Name Something You Do in Front of a Mirror
- Brush teeth
- Do your hair
- Try on clothes
- Pop a zit
- Dance
- Practice a speech
- "Manscape"
- Work out/flex
- Put on makeup
- Get interrogated by police
37. Name Something Parents Always Say to Kids
- Do your homework
- As long as you live under my roof, you'll follow my rules
- Stop fighting
- Stop whining
- Clean your room
- I love you
- If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do that?
- Don't make me come up there
- No, we aren't there yet
- Go to bed
38. Name Something Sticky
- Gum
- Stickers
- Tape
- Situation
- Glue
- Candy
- Honey
- Peanut butter
- Syrup
- Band-aids
39. Name Something You Ate as a Kid
- Pizza
- Chicken nuggets
- Fish sticks
- Mac and cheese
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Ice cream/popsicles
- Candy
- Hamburgers
- Hot dogs
- Spaghetti/meatballs
40. Name Something Sold on Infomercials
- Workout equipment
- Gadgets
- Skin care/make-up
- Health food
- Worthless junk
- Weight loss products
- Toys
- Hair products
- Cleaning products
- Cooking supplies
41. Name Something You Find in Couch Cushions
- Change/money
- Keys
- Phone
- Old food/crumbs
- Clothes
- Pet hair
- Dog bone
- Remote control
- Dust
- Pens
42. Name Something You Close Your Eyes to Do
KissGetty Images - Sleep
- Sneeze
- Play hide and seek
- Swim
- Blink
- Pray
- Think
- Daydream
- Meditate
43. Name Something You Fix With Tape
- Paper
- Box
- Money
- Glasses
- Toys
- Pictures
- Books
- Cords
- Injuries
- Electronics
44. Name Something You Do Multiple Times a Day
- Brush teeth
- Drive
- Chores
- Talk
- Eat
- Drink
- Walk
- Blink
- Go to the bathroom
- Wash hands
45. Name Something You Hold Carefully
- Memories
- Glass
- Animals
- Babies
- Eggs
- Money/wealth
- Knives
- Someone's heart
- Phone
- Tablet/computer
Playing Family Feud
The benefit of playing Family Feud during game night is everyone in the family can contribute -- even the kids! Likewise, knowing how to answer the questions above can prepare your family to participate in the televised game show itself (if chosen).