Engage Your Family with Fun Bible-Themed Family Feud Game

Create memorable family game nights or church events with these Bible-themed Family Feud questions.

Updated February 10, 2025
People reading the bible together and playing a trivia
SDI Productions/E+ via Getty Images

You can use Family Feud Bible questions for family game nights, church events, youth groups, or homeschool activities. Family Feud style questions rely on popular opinion for the answers, so you could poll your church members to get common answers from real people.

Printable Bible Family Feud Questions and Answers

If you don't have time to create your own questions and poll 100 people, you can use these ten Bible-related Family Feud questions to play. Each question includes six popular answers. You can use the first five questions for the main rounds of the game, then use the other five questions for the bonus round. Click on the image of the Bible Family Feud game questions and answers pdf to download and print it. If you have any trouble accessing the printable, check out the Adobe guide for troubleshooting tips.

Family Feud Bible Questions

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Family Feud Bible Questions Examples

Family Feud game questions need to be worded so they allow for open-ended answers. They should not be yes or no questions and should have more than one possible answer. Some questions from the free printable are:

  • Give me a woman's name from the Bible that is popular today.
  • Name an animal that would take up the most room on Noah's ark.
  • Name a biblical hero you'd most like to have as a friend.
  • Name a gift the Three Kings brought to baby Jesus.
  • Name a book from the Bible that is longer than most other books.

Printable Bible Trivia and Family Feud Questions

If you are creating a long game of Family Feud, you might need more than ten questions. You can mix common trivia with Bible trivia to create several rounds of the game.

  • Use one or all of the 25 family-friendly questions from the printable Family Feud-style questions PDF.
  • Turn printable Bible trivia questions into bonus round questions.
  • Change the wording of fun printable Bible questions so they start with a phrase like "Name something" instead of a question word.

How to Play Bible Family Feud

You don't need to set up your game like a real Family Feud game, but it's more fun to play that way if you can.

Setting Up Your Game Space

To start, you'll want to set up a play area that resembles the Family Feud TV show stage.

  1. You need two long tables or pews, one for each team. The tables should be placed parallel to each other with a few feet between them.
  2. At one end of the tables, in the center of the space between them, you need a podium. This podium should have a bell or buzzer on it.
  3. You need a game board that everyone can see. You can create an interchangeable board by taping clear document sleeves horizontally on a large piece of poster board. You can also just use a chalkboard or dry erase board.
  4. If possible, you want to poll as many people as possible using your game questions. This gives you real data to use for your game and helps determine bonus round point values.
Ladies Bible Study at dining table in home
fstop123/ E+ via Getty Images

Game Play Rules

You need two teams and one host to play Bible Family Feud. Each team should have at least three players, but can have up to six. The players on one team stand behind one table, while the players on the other team stand behind the opposite table.

  1. The player at each table who is closest to the podium goes first.
  2. These two players stand at the podium with one hand behind their backs and one next to the buzzer.
  3. The host stands behind the podium and asks the first question.
  4. The first player to buzz in with a correct answer decides if their team plays or passes on the round. The host adds the answer to the board.
  5. If the team chooses to play, the host and first player head over to the winning team's table.
  6. Each player down the line takes a turn giving an answer to the same question.
    1. If the player guesses a correct answer, the host adds it to the board.
    2. If the player guesses an incorrect answer, the team gets one strike.
    3. If the players guess all the answers before earning three strikes, they win all the points from the round.
    4. When the team gets three strikes, they stop giving answers.
  7. After a team earns three strikes, the opposing team has a chance to steal the points. The team must agree on one answer to give to the starting question.
    1. If the opposing team gives a correct answer, they get all the points from the round.
    2. If the opposing team does not give a correct answer, the original playing team gets all the points.
  8. The main part of the game includes three to five rounds. The first round has six possible answers. Each successive round has one less possible answer. No round should have fewer than three possible answers. You can assign point values to each round or each correct answer.
  9. The team with the most points at the end wins.

Bonus Round Rules

The winning team from the main rounds now has the chance to earn a special prize. You need five questions for the bonus round and two players from the winning team. If you polled a real audience, the number of people who gave each answer is the point value for that answer. If you did not poll real people, you can assign point values based on which answers you think would be most popular.

  1. Based on your point values, assign a minimum point value the team needs to earn to win the prize.
  2. One of the bonus round players has to leave the room or put on some loud music in headphones so they can't hear their teammate's answers.
  3. The host sets a timer for 30 seconds and starts it after asking the first question.
  4. The first player shouts out one answer for each question. The goal is to give an answer for all five questions in the time limit.
  5. The second player now gets a turn to answer the same questions. This player gets 40 seconds to answer because she cannot duplicate an answer given by her teammate. If she duplicates an answer, the host can say, "Try again," and she can give a second answer.
  6. Add up all the points both players earned. If they earned the minimum amount of points, they win the prize.

Family Feud for the Faithful

Family Feud games are a great way to teach or review biblical material, but they also serve as wholesome family fun. Keep your games fun and interesting by creating your own Family Feud Bible questions based on your current studies.

Engage Your Family with Fun Bible-Themed Family Feud Game