Looking to make big changes in the new year? If you've ever heard the Tao Ti Ching quote, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," then you know that the tiniest actions can lead to big changes. And while we're all about taking big swings to get your new year started on the right foot, this year we're suggesting trying single steps, instead. Thirty-one of them, to be specific.
Whether you take one of each of these simple steps every day or pick a few and build on them, we're all about your thousand-mile journey this year. All of these small changes are bite-sized and so easy to take, but before you know it, you'll be well on your way to a new you.
1. Start the Day With Gratitude
Happy New Year! Starting today with gratitude is the perfect way to dive into a new year with a positive attitude. So, before you reach for your phone and start doomscrolling, spend a quiet moment or two reflecting on what you're grateful for. It doesn't have to be anything super formal — I like to put my hands over my heart and express gratitude to the universe.
Make it a practice: It only takes a few minutes, so why not add this to your morning routine every day before you get out of bed?
2. Pause and Breathe
Today, make an effort to stop a few times (particularly if things are getting stressful), close your eyes, put your hands on your belly, and take three slow breaths deep into your stomach. Do this at least twice today, but try to breathe this way any time you remember. It can have a host of wellness benefits, including reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.
Make it a practice: Since this only takes about a minute each time, it's a great practice to carry on from day to day. Do it a few times during the day, especially if you're feeling anxious or stressed.
3. Take a Five-Minute Walk

No matter how sedentary you currently are, getting out and walking for five minutes can benefit your health and your well-being. You can walk outside or around a local mall — your pace is up to you.
Make it a practice: Walk three times a week, building up from the five minutes by a few minutes a week.
4. Connect With Nature
Whether you step outside on the front porch and watch the world wake up or tend to some houseplants indoors, connecting with nature can feed your soul and make you feel calmer and more relaxed. I like to sit outside on my porch (under cover and blankets in the winter) and watch the world wake up. Even five minutes makes me feel fantastic.
Make it a practice: Make a point to do one activity that connects you with nature every day for a few minutes, whether it's touching grass, hugging a tree, or going for a hike.
Related: 10 Ways I Connect With Nature in the Winter, and You Can, Too
5. Drink an Extra Glass of Water
Today, hydrate yourself a little more than usual by adding an extra 8 ounces of water somewhere in your day. Extra hydration can benefit everything from your skin to your brain, so drink up.
Make it a practice: Carry a water bottle with you and start tracking your water using an app to make sure you get plenty of hydration every day.
6. Stretch
As a former fitness trainer, here's something I observed: almost nobody stretches enough. It's because people think it isn't that important, but it totally is. Flexibility is one of the components of physical fitness (along with muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance), and all three are equally important. Plus, stretching will make your body feel better. So take a few minutes today to stretch or do a few yoga asanas.
Make it a practice: There are stretches for people of all levels of fitness and flexibility. Find one that suits yours and try to stretch for five to ten minutes a day several days per week. Your body will thank you.
7. Clean Out a Junk Drawer or Closet
Having even one drawer a little neater and more organized can make your space feel so much more in control. So, today, spend 10 minutes organizing one of your junk drawers. Toss out things you haven't used in a year and sort things so that everything has its place.
Make it a practice: Make a point to declutter one thing at least once a week.
8. Donate Some Clothing

Speaking of decluttering, spend a few minutes in your closet today getting rid of stuff you haven't worn in the past year or can't see yourself wearing again. Pack up what you plan to get rid of and donate it somewhere to a clothing drive.
Make it a practice: I'm big on getting rid of stuff, so I do this every season.
9. Reach Out to Someone
Having a strong social support system is super helpful for your mental health (and it's fulfilling). So today, focus on building your social support network. You know that person you've been meaning to get in contact with but just haven't found the time? Do it today! You can reach out on social media, send a text, call, or visit. It's up to you how in depth. Heck — you could even write an email or send a greeting card. Check in and let them know you care.
Make it a practice: Make a habit of getting in touch with someone you haven't talked to in a while a few times a month.
10. Don't Use Screens a Few Hours Before Bed
Want to sleep better? Then, cutting out backlit screens a few hours before you go to bed can make a huge difference in how well you sleep at night. Instead, read, write in a journal, meditate, listen to a podcast, take a warm bath, or chat with a loved one.
Make it a practice: I stop screens two hours before bed, and instead take a bath and read or listen to a podcast every night. I've slept a lot better since I started doing it.
11. Spend Five Minutes in Mindfulness
Mindfulness doesn't have to be difficult. It's a matter of focusing on your senses instead of listening to all the thoughts rattling around in your head. And you don't need to be doing anything special — you can be just as mindful doing the dishes as you are when you meditate. Just pay attention to what your senses notice, and if your attention wanders, gently bring it back to your senses.
Make it a practice: Try being mindful whenever you do a sensory activity, such as eating, cooking, or taking a walk.
12. Pay Yourself a Compliment
We tend to be our own harshest critics. So today, meet your own eyes in the mirror and tell yourself a few things that are great about you.
Make it a practice: This is a wonderful daily practice, and it can help build self-esteem.
13. Stop Drinking Caffeine 8 Hours Before Bedtime
I totally get needing your daily jolt to make it through a busy day, but if you're drinking it too close to bedtime, it can make sleep an issue. So do yourself a huge favor and make sure your last sip of caffeine is about 8 hours before you go to sleep.
Make it a practice: Reduce your caffeine intake in general by mixing your coffee half and half with decaf, and switch to water (or full decaf) later in the day.
14. Spend Five Minutes Reading

Not a reader? You can listen to a book on tape or watch a documentary, too. Reading can help you expand your horizons and learn something new.
Make it a practice: I like to read for at least a few minutes every day — usually when I'm on a break from screens.
15. Set Your Alarm for 10 Minutes Earlier
What you do with that ten minutes is up to you — but make it you time. Tell anyone who's up not to disturb you and do whatever you want to with those ten minutes. It's totally worth it.
Make it a practice: I do this every day — my favorite time of day is in the mornings when I'm the only one awake (well, me and the cats). I actually get up an hour or two before anyone else, and I use the time to exercise and/or meditate. I realize that a few hours is probably extreme, but even 10-20 minutes is perfect.
16. Say Yes to Something You Wouldn't Normally Do
I'm not talking about saying yes to someone wanting you to do them a favor (although you can if you want). Instead, I'm talking about saying yes to an opportunity or an activity you've wanted to try. It can be as simple as learning to crochet or agreeing to go on a hike with a friend.
Make it a practice: I try to do this more often than not in my life, and because I've made it a practice to say yes to things, I've found my life has expanded in some really cool ways. Decide what your boundaries are, and what types of opportunities you'd be willing to say yes to, and then follow through.
17. Take the Stairs
Sure, you could take the elevator, but taking the stairs is a small thing you can do to improve your fitness levels. Even if you have to pause at every landing and let your heart rate come down to normal, over time this little bit will add up, and soon you'll be racing up those stairs.
Make it a practice: There are tons of ways you can work more steps into every day, from parking a little farther away to walking a few blocks when you'd normally drive.
18. Set an Alarm to Remind You to Stand
If you sit all day, remind yourself to stand every hour or so by setting an alarm. If you have a fitness tracker, it's super easy to do. Walk around for a minute or two before you sit down and get back to work.
Make it a practice: Get a standing desk or a desk adapter that allows you to stand so you can stand and work for 30 minutes or so before sitting back down. I love mine, and I even put a walking pad under it so I can walk during working hours, too.
19. Take a Social Media Break
Man, social media is stressful! But taking a few days off from social media can reduce stress levels. I've been on an extended social media break — I basically pop on to do something I have to for work, but I don't do any of the scrolling I used to, and I couldn't be happier.
Make it a practice: Set a time limit for social media scrolling — for example, limit yourself to 30 minutes a day and then stick to it. You'll rediscover a bunch of time in your schedule to do meaningful things.
20. Do Something Nice for Someone
Whether it's paying someone a compliment, offering to help somebody, paying for somebody's coffee order, or doing something else, treating another person with kindness can make you feel great.
Make it a practice: Make a point to do someone a kindness at least once a week.
21. Give Someone an Awkwardly Long Hug

It should probably be somebody you know — definitely not a stranger. But hug somebody you care about and hold it a beat. Then, hold it a beat longer. Really drink in the love and concentrate on sending the feeling of connection to them.
Make it a practice: Hug more people. You can decide how long is awkward.
22. Look Someone in the Eye and Smile
I make a point at the grocery store or in similar situations to look the cashier and the bagger in the eye, smile, and thank them for their help. My son works in a grocery store (it was his very first job, and he started in January of 2020 - bless his heart), and I know how terribly people can treat service workers. So, I always try to treat them like the human beings they are.
Make it a practice: You can do this anywhere — not just in service situations. It can feel like a challenge to look a stranger in the eye and smile, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.
23. Tell Someone Thank You
Has someone done something for you or affected your life in a positive way? Let them know you notice and appreciate it by offering sincere thanks. It can be somebody who did something for you today, or you can reach out to someone from your distant past (like a teacher who positively affected your life) and let them know what a difference they made. You'll both feel great for having done it.
Make it a practice: Make a list of people you'd like to thank and tackle it.
24. Go Someplace You've Never Been Before
Always drive past a park and wonder about it? Stop by. Visit a business you haven't been to before. Drive to the next town over and see what's happening there. It's a great way to break out of your routine and discover something new.
Make it a practice: I'm an insatiable lifelong learner, so I love going new places and learning new stuff. Look for opportunities to have new experiences and learn new things regularly.
25. Learn a New Word
Build your vocabulary by learning a new word and then making a point to use it correctly at least twice today.
Make it a practice: If you do this every day, you'll have 365 new words by the end of the year.
26. Add Some Fresh Veggies

If you're cooking something today, add a few chopped, fresh veggies to whatever it is (unless it's cookies or cake, then add the veggies to something else). The fiber and vitamins will do you good.
Make it a practice: It's so easy to add veggies to all sorts of things, from omelets or scrambled eggs to soups to stews.
Related: 20 Warming Winter Soups to Sustain You Until Spring
27. Skip Add to Cart and Put the Money You Would've Spent Into Savings
Yeah — so I love to add to cart. And if I'd saved that money, I'd have a lot more money in savings right now! So kickstart your savings. Today, take one thing out of your cart that you don't really need and put an equal amount into savings.
Make it a practice: Do this enough throughout the year, and you'll have a good rainy day fund started and a lot fewer things that you probably don't need anyway.
28. Change Negative Self-Talk to Positive Self-Talk
Today, make it a point to catch yourself when you crap-talk yourself (c'mon, we all do it). When you notice it, stop yourself and change that negative statement to a positive one.
Make it a practice: The more you do this, the better you'll feel about yourself. Like everything else, negative self-talk is a habit, and you can break it with consistent efforts over time.
29. Celebrate Something Small
Find a small success you've had today and celebrate it. Maybe some of the little changes you've made have started to pay off, or you did something else positive for yourself or someone else. Allow yourself to feel proud and reward yourself with some well-earned me-time.
Make it a practice: End each day by listing all the positive things you did that day. Give yourself some recognition.
30. Keep Your Phone in Your Pocket
There's probably nothing that happens on your phone that can't wait. So put it in your pocket and vow to spend today taking in the world, instead. Set aside 10 minutes every few hours to answer anything pressing that has come up on your phone, and then put it back in your pocket again.
Make it a practice: Set aside times every day when you put your phone away and engage with the world without distraction.
31. Laugh More

Today, set aside some time to laugh. Whether you get together with friends who always make you laugh or watch a comedy special, take the time to have a good, long, belly laugh.
Make it a practice: Make laughter a regular part of your life, whether it's a funny author you love to read, a podcast that cracks you up, or streaming a comedy.
Small Things Make a Big Difference
Make this the year that you bring more joy, self-worth, and wellness into your life by starting now. Just think, if you start today and do every one of these things, in 31 days, you could be on the path to a lighter, brighter life.