Would You Rather: The Ultimate List of Questions

Published June 16, 2021
Young woman holding a would you rather card game
CoffeeAndMilk/ E+ via Getty Images

Would You Rather is the perfect game for groups of all ages and can help keep the conversation of a party or sleepover going long into the night. Yet, if you've ever found yourself stressing while trying to come up with the best, hardest hitting questions that'll have everyone thinking and rethinking their answers, look no further than this ultimate list of Would You Rather questions.

How to Play Would You Rather

Would You Rather is an incredibly easy game to play; simply, take turns going around a circle and asking one of your friends or family members one of the various Would You Rather questions from this comprehensive list. They have 30 seconds to pick their preferred choice out of the two options, and once they've chosen, you can move on to the next person in line and start the process over again. For those get-togethers with friends and family where you all want to unplug, take a look at this ultimate comprehensive list of Would You Rather questions which you can easily download and print ahead of time.

Pro Tip: If you're running low on questions, mix previous queries together by taking one prompt from one question and a different prompt from a second question, and combine the two together to make a new query to ask the crowd.

Would you rather printable questions

The Ultimate Would You Rather Card Game

You can even take this tech-free approach up a notch by printing off this ultimate Would You Rather card game. Make sure to print these cards out on thicker paper, like cardstock, to ensure that they'll last more than a few rounds. Once printed, simply cut out each rectangle and fold along the dotted lines, either taping the two sides together, or gluing the folded sides closed. The exact style of gameplay is up to you; you can even mix and match categories together to result in some wild and unexpected responses.

Would you rather game cards

General Questions

These questions are suitable for all audiences and span such topics as time travel, being locked in places with animals, speaking to your pets, and being visited by aliens.

  • Would you rather get abducted by aliens or have an encounter with a monster from an urban legend?
  • Would you rather always get a table at whatever restaurant you enjoy most or never have to wait in line at the DMV?
  • Would you rather have to wear sunglasses 24/7 for a month or never get to wear a raincoat again?
  • Would you rather live in the city or in the country?
  • Would you rather live in the 1790s or the 1970s?
  • Would you rather have to visit your doctor or your dentist once a week for a month?
  • Would you rather discover a fossil in your backyard or a time capsule?
  • Would you rather have hair down to your ankles or have your hair cut to resemble a monk's tonsure?
  • Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or trapped in a cave?
  • Would you rather only be able to wear shoes that are a size too small or always have to wear your clothes inside out?
  • Would you rather have to wash your hair with toothpaste or brush your teeth with shampoo?
  • Would you rather be tickled for fifteen minutes every day or have to listen to nails on a chalk-board for fifteen minutes a day?
  • Would you rather only be able to eat cooked foods or never eat cooked foods again?
  • Would you rather only be able to watch Netflix or Hulu for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather be able to speak any language or play any musical instrument?
  • Would you rather travel to the past and remember all of your memories or to the future and have none of your memories?
  • Would you rather get to spend a day with dinosaurs or aliens?
  • Would you rather get lost in a cornfield or stuck in an airport for 48 hours?
  • Would you rather be locked in a room with a crocodile or a python?
  • Would you rather be swimming during a hurricane or snowboarding during a blizzard?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to take cold showers or sleep three hours a night?
  • Would you rather always be told to smile or told to stop being so sensitive?
  • Would you rather constantly feel like you have sneeze or burp for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to speak softly or shout for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather never get caught for telling a lie or be able to spot any lie ever told to you?
  • Would you rather be reincarnated as a different person or as an animal?
  • Would you rather have to walk around with wet socks that never dry or a popcorn kernel that's always stuck in between your teeth?
  • Would you rather be able to have your pet speak your language but not be able to respond to you or be able to speak your pet's language but not be able to respond to them?
  • Would you rather only be able to eat breakfast foods for dinner or dinner foods for breakfast?
  • Would you rather get to hear animal's thoughts or human's thoughts?
  • Would you rather always bite your tongue every time you eat or get a leg cramp every time you walked?
  • Would you rather live on the Eastern or the Western Hemisphere?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to wear summer or winter clothes year-round?
  • Would you rather be a beekeeper or a snake wrangler?
  • Would you rather stumble on the stairs or run into a glass door?
  • Would you rather be in an escape room with the person to your left or your right?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to watch sports or play sports?
  • Would you rather not be able to bend your elbows or your knees?
  • Would you rather be an only child or have a lot of siblings?
  • Would you rather talk in your sleep or sleepwalk?
  • Would you rather start a pillow fight or a food fight?
  • Would you rather have to get up really early or have to stay up really late?
  • Would you rather create a new holiday or a new day of the week?
  • Would you rather skip breakfast or dinner?
  • Would you rather be able to never have to sleep again or never have to eat again?
  • Would you rather forget how to speak or forget how to eat?
  • Would you rather sleep without pillows or without blankets?
  • Would you rather be able to unhinge your jaw like a snake or turn your head 360° around like an owl?

Questions for Young Children

These questions are perfect for young elementary school age children and range such difficult scenarios as eating chocolate or ice cream for a month, catching lightning bugs or butterflies, or having eight legs like an octopus or eight eyes like a spider.

Would you rather card: Questions for Young Kids
LoveToKnow / Getty Images
  • Would you rather be able to win every board game you played or hit the winning shot/goal at every sports event you played in?
  • Would you rather only eat chocolate for ice cream for a month?
  • Would you rather get to stay up all night but still have to go to school or have to go to bed on time but get to miss school the next day?
  • Would you rather build a snowman or sandcastle?
  • Would you rather never have to brush your teeth or clip your fingernails?
  • Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to see in the dark?
  • Would you rather catch a lightning bug or a butterfly?
  • Would you rather always be itchy or have a runny nose?
  • Would you rather always be the best kickball or dodgeball player?
  • Would you rather have a superpower or be able to use magic?
  • Would you rather get to see the inside of a volcano or the bottom of the ocean?
  • Would you rather be a pirate or a knight?
  • Would you rather live in a treehouse or an attic?
  • Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain?
  • Would you rather have a contagious laugh or smile?
  • Would you rather have to wait an hour after a meal to eat dessert or only be allowed dessert on the weekends?
  • Would you rather have a pig's nose or a pig's hooves?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to eat chocolate or vanilla flavored things?
  • Would you rather sneeze bubbles or cry chocolate syrup?
  • Would you rather swim through a swimming pool full of maple syrup or chocolate pudding?
  • Would you rather discover buried treasure or find a portal to a new world in your backyard?
  • Would you rather have a mermaid's tail or a unicorn's horn?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to the sun or the moon?
  • Would you rather have to help fix dinner or wash the cars?
  • Would you rather be as small as a hummingbird or as tall as a giraffe?
  • Would you rather have eight legs like an octopus or eight eyes like a spider?
  • Would you rather have spontaneous fireworks on your birthday or snow during the winter holidays?
  • Would you rather be a professional Lego builder or Play-Doh sculptor?
  • Would you rather learn to use sign-language or learn to read braille?
  • Would you rather win every thumb war or rock, paper, scissors game you played?
  • Would you rather have three eyes or three ears?
  • Would you rather have a two-month long family vacation, and no time off for the rest of the year, or get three-day weekends year-round?
  • Would you rather be stuck in an ant farm or in a mouse trap?
  • Would you rather go to Disney World or space camp?
  • Would you rather have to read books from the back to the front or listen to music from the end to the beginning?

Questions for Pre-Teens

Parents who're trying to plan the greatest thirteenth birthday parties or pre-teens who're avoiding falling asleep at a slumber party, look no further than this list of Would You Rather questions which makes you wonder if you'd rather have to wear a clown's or a mime's makeup every day for a week or if you'd rather always feel like you have to yawn or like you're going to cry.

Would you rather card: Questions for Pre-Teens
  • Would you rather eat a whole jar of hot sauce or have to add pepper to every meal for a month?
  • Would you rather have to sing everything you say or only speak in rhymes?
  • Would you rather get locked in a movie theater or grocery store overnight?
  • Would you rather always feel like you have to yawn or like you're going to cry?
  • Would you rather get stranded on an island alone, without any tools to help you or stranded with your worst enemy and have to share all the tools you need to survive?
  • Would you rather have to live through an alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse?
  • Would you rather always be hungry or always be tired?
  • Would you rather only be able to write with your non-dominant hand or only be allowed to speak backwards?
  • Would you rather never be able to access the internet again or never own a pet again?
  • Would you rather have to have a full school day but only sit in your favorite class or only have to sit through three hours of your most hated class?
  • Would you rather only be able to walk on your hands or walk backwards for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather have to box a kangaroo or wrestle a gorilla?
  • Would you rather be a famous musician or actor?
  • Would you rather get to participate in the Summer or the Winter Olympics?
  • Would you rather get to ride in a police car or a fire truck?
  • Would you rather be an adult in a kid's body or a kid in an adult's body?
  • Would you rather have to sleep with your eyes open or sleep standing up?
  • Would you rather lose all of your fingers or all of your toes?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to eat baby food or have to blend everything in a meal together before you eat it?
  • Would you rather be a sheet of toilet paper or paper towels?
  • Would you rather have your room infested with rats or roaches?
  • Would you rather smell like onions or garlic for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather tour a haunted castle or a haunted lighthouse?
  • Would you rather become famous for an incredible talent or for your ability to find talented people?
  • Would you rather visit the equator or one of the poles?
  • Would you rather be able to make one of your favorite literary characters come to life or bring someone from history back to life?
  • Would you rather be gifted a telescope or a microscope?
  • Would you rather have a new animal or a new invention named after you?
  • Would you rather have to wear a clown's or a mime's makeup every day for a week?
  • Would you rather be a racecar driver or a professional base jumper?
  • Would you rather play in a rock band or an orchestra?
  • Would you rather have to share a bathroom or share a bedroom?
  • Would you rather have to wear dirty socks or dirty underwear?
  • Would you rather have to get gum or a brush untangled from within your hair?
  • Would you rather own a suit of armor or a space suit?
  • Would you rather have lots of energy or lots of ideas?

Questions for Teens

No teenager can pass up on the opportunity to push their friends' boundaries by asking increasingly personal questions, and these Would You Rather prompts are perfect ammunition. Ask your friends such questions as if they'd rather miss high school graduation or senior prom, or if they'd rather get trapped in a movie or a video game.

Would you rather card: Questions for Teens
  • Would you rather be internet famous but never make any money or be unknown but make millions of dollars?
  • Would you rather walk around with something stuck in your teeth or your shirt on inside out for a whole day?
  • Would you rather miss your high school graduation or miss your senior prom?
  • Would you rather have to sing badly in front of your whole family or only eat white rice for two-weeks?
  • Would you rather have to keep a diary for a year knowing your family got to read it at the end or have your most embarrassing moment go viral on social media?
  • Would you rather be in a band that immediately gets famous but fades into obscurity after a year or a band that doesn't get legendary status until after it's broken up?
  • Would you rather constantly be sweaty or constantly be crying?
  • Would you rather go a year without eyelashes or eyebrows?
  • Would you rather have to live without Wi-Fi for a year or only be allowed to use your phone on the weekends?
  • Would you rather only be able to wear one color for the rest of your life or only be able to wear jean material for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather have to speak your most honest thoughts out loud or never be able to speak again?
  • Would you rather never be allowed to look in a mirror again or never be allowed to get your picture taken?
  • Would you rather get to live in a large house but always have roommates or live in a tiny house but get to live alone?
  • Would you rather have to pull your phone out of a port-a-potty or a pit full of snakes?
  • Would you rather never get to listen to your favorite band again or never get to watch your favorite movie again?
  • Would you rather be able to change your eye color or hair color at will?
  • Would you rather lose your sense of smell or taste?
  • Would you rather have to let your ex see all of your past texts or your parents see your internet search history?
  • Would you rather always have a full battery on your phone or always have twenty dollars in your bank account?
  • Would you rather eat dinner in a restaurant by yourself or watch a movie in a theater by yourself?
  • Would you rather get a bad haircut or a bad dye job?
  • Would you rather get trapped in a movie or a video game?
  • Would you rather be the getaway driver in a heist movie or a henchman to a supervillain in a superhero movie?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to sleep in a waterbed or only be allowed to sit in a blow-up chair?
  • Would you rather have a flip phone or have to use dial-up internet for your computer?
  • Would you rather only be able to use a corded landline phone or drive manual transmission cars?
  • Would you rather have to switch clothes with your mother or your father for a week?
  • Would you rather have your younger sibling or your grandparents pick out your outfits for you for the rest of the month?
  • Would you rather have to do all of the grocery shopping for your family or have to do all of the cooking?
  • Would you rather read every book in the world or see every movie ever made?
  • Would you rather be a camp counselor or a neighborhood lifeguard?
  • Would you rather have a bad picture of you put in the yearbook or have a bad picture of you posted in the newspaper?
  • Would you rather trade places with your mom or your dad for a day?
  • Would you rather only be able to send text messages or receive them?
  • Would you rather have a talent for finding rainbows or finding shooting stars?
  • Would you rather not receive any happy birthday wishes or receive no birthday gifts?
  • Would you rather have a big bed or a big bedroom?

Questions for Adults

These Would You Rather questions are a blast with or without a little bubbly to boost the fun; push your friends for their answers about scenarios like whether they'd prefer to clean glitter or milk out of their carpets or if they'd rather be rejected from their dream job or their dream partner.

Would you rather card: Questions for Adults
  • Would you rather see 5 months into your future or 10 years into your best friend's future?
  • Would you rather have your taxes audited or have to go to court for a parking ticket?
  • Would you rather get a parking ticket for being late to adding money to a meter or have your next appointment cancelled when you're five minutes away?
  • Would you rather have your bungee cord snap when bungee jumping or have your parachute line get caught when parachuting?
  • Would you rather survive a plane crash or shipwreck?
  • Would you rather be forced to keep your home's temperature at 50°F or 85°F year-round?
  • Would you rather eat slightly burnt food for the rest of your life or never get to drink another cup of coffee for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather perpetually be 10 years old or 70 years old?
  • Would you rather spill food on your shirt every time you ate or have only be able to walk around in clown shoes?
  • Would you rather own a sports car that can only go up to 70mph or own a beater car that can go up to 140mph?
  • Would you rather never get pulled over for speeding or never have to go through security at the airport?
  • Would you rather be able to change one thing from the past or control one thing about the future?
  • Would you rather always be able to find a parking place close by or never have any red lights when you're driving?
  • Would you rather have no one attend your wedding or your funeral?
  • Would you rather tell all of your darkest secrets to a stranger or tell one secret you've been hiding to your closest friend?
  • Would you rather have to drive around with a spider or a bee on your dashboard?
  • Would you rather always pick bruised fruit for the rest of your life or only be able to eat moldy bread for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather have to clean glitter or milk out of your carpet?
  • Would you rather win a Nobel Prize or win the lottery?
  • Would you rather be on a reality dating show or a reality cooking show?
  • Would you rather never get sick or never incur any debt?
  • Would you rather have five pets and no children or five kids and no pets?
  • Would you rather have to spend a year alone in space or ten years alone on Earth?
  • Would you rather fulfill your biggest dream or resolve your biggest regret?
  • Would you rather die quickly, but painfully, or slowly and painlessly?
  • Would you rather have to donate all of your earnings for the next five years or donate all of the money in your current savings?
  • Would you rather have to hand wash all of your clothes or never have clean sheets?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather be able to wear pajamas but have to commute to work or get to work from home but have to dress up every day?
  • Would you rather live in a cottage in the woods or a castle in the mountains?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to use candles to light your house or only be allowed to bike wherever you wanted to go?
  • Would you rather live without a microwave or a coffee maker?
  • Would you rather be an expert at making homemade bread or never kill a houseplant in your life?
  • Would you rather be rejected from your dream partner or your dream job?
  • Would you rather be buried alive or fall into a coma for ten years?
  • Would you rather have to make your bed every morning or wash your dishes immediately after you use them?
  • Would you rather lower the retirement age to fifty or keep the retirement age but get a five-year, paid leave in your thirties instead?
  • Would you rather only be allowed to read children's books or watch children's programming?
  • Would you rather have to fall asleep with a cricket or low-battery fire alarm chirping in your room?
  • Would you rather be able to remember everything you've ever seen or everything you've ever heard?
  • Would you rather eat a bowl of pasta without any sauce or a bowl of pasta sauce without any noodles?
  • Would you rather be able to read or speak a dead language?
  • Would you rather have loud neighbors or be the loud neighbor?
  • Would you rather never wear makeup again or have to always have on makeup before you leave the house?
  • Would you rather make good money but hate your job or love your job but make minimum wage?

The Fun Never Ends

Fortunately, your Would You Rather fun never has to come to an end thanks to the easiest at-home game of Would You Rather available for you to download and print. So, whether you're prepping for a friend's 21st birthday, need some bachelorette party game questions, or need one more distraction to help wind the energetic kids running around your house down, this seemingly endless list of Would You Rather questions definitely has got you covered.

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Would You Rather: The Ultimate List of Questions