How I Find Unadultered Joy in an Angry World

Your mileage may vary, but these six tips help me find gratitude and peace when things seem way too chaotic in the world.

Published December 13, 2024
happy person running through a field
Yurii_Yarema via Shutterstock

These days, it sure does seem like kindness and happiness can be in short supply, but that doesn't mean you can't find joy for yourself even with the chaos. Everyone has their own path to feeling happy, but these are some of the little habits I've found that help me feel joyful and at peace amid the honking horns and pinging news alerts. Your mileage may vary, but there's a good chance some of them may work for you.

Do One Thing Each Day That Won't Be Undone

From the morning commute to the dinner dishes, there are a lot of things that we do every day that just get undone the next morning. This can feel discouraging and make it harder to experience joy in your regular daily life (let alone those moments when someone is rude or the evening news is terrible). I've found that doing one thing each day that won't get undone is a great way to reconnect with what makes me happy.

There are tons of ways to do this, but these are some of my go-to options:

  • Take a phone photo of my cat or kid (or anything that makes me happy).
  • Write in a journal or write a real letter to someone.
  • Watch a how-to video or read about how to do something interesting.
  • Create a miniature piece of art (even a doodle) or work on a larger piece.

Laugh and Make Others Laugh (Sometimes Unintentionally)

You know that old saying that "laughter is the best medicine?" Well, when it comes to finding joy, it actually kind of is. It's difficult to feel sad and stressed, no matter how angry the rest of the world might be, when you're full-on cracking up about something. Same goes for making other people laugh.

A lot of the time, I find that when I make others laugh, it's totally unintentional. Turns out, running into a wall or saying something super awkward is actually kind of an indirect path to joy. But since I can't always predict when I'm going to do something dorky, dad jokes (moms can make them, too) are a good bet. Putting on a favorite comedy movie or show or just watching some clips is also awesome.

Related: 110+ Hilarious Dad Jokes That Are Cheesy, Clever, & Everything in Between

Notice One Thing Right Now That's Wonderful

If people are being rude in line at the store or the receptionist at your doctor's office is impatient with you, it's not always easy to see what's joyful (even if it's right there in front of you). When I start to feel myself descending into despair at the state of the world, I snap myself out of it with a little mindfulness.

Basically, I just try to tune in to what is happening right now around me. For example, if the receptionist is being impatient, I think about how glad I am that I'm not working her job today. Or I might remember that I have my favorite tea in the kitchen and go make myself a cup to savor and enjoy. Noticing and leaning into what's great can shift my focus and improve my mood.

Quick Tip

Another way I do this is by going through all my senses and seeing what I notice. I might hear the wind chimes and remember my parents gave them to me. I might smell dinner cooking or taste the mints I keep at my desk. Each of our senses offers a chance to feel grateful.

Touch Grass or Go for a Walk

woman's hand touching grass
ShotPrime Studio via Shutterstock

My gamer husband talks all the time about how he sometimes needs to turn off his computer and get outside and "touch grass." We live in Minnesota, so the grass is covered by snow for almost half the year, but there's still plenty of joy in just getting outside and absorbing a little sun.

One of my favorite ways to shift my mindset is to go for a walk. This is especially true when I'm dealing with conflict (looking at you, teenage kid) or extra stress. There's just something about the exercise and fresh air that makes me a little bit less anxious and a little bit more joyful.

Related: 10 Ways I Connect With Nature in Winter and You Can, Too

Call a Loved One

Social connection is a pretty big deal when it comes to feeling good about your life. It works in the long term, of course, but it also works in the short term. Think about how calling your best friend or your sister or anyone else you love can give you a much-needed jolt of joy on a day that might not have enough going for it otherwise.

A text or a DM works, too, but there's extra power in hearing the voice of someone I love that helps me reconnect to what makes me happy (and what makes me me). If I'm feeling down or like the world is a dark and angry place, I pick up the phone.

Volunteer for a Cause

You know what's really hard about hearing the news sometimes? There's often nothing at all we can do about it. Violence and war happen locally and around the world, and we find out about it with constant updates on our phones. It's not a great feeling.

I've found that one way to feel like I'm making a difference is to volunteer. My son and I take shifts at a local food bank sometimes, and it helps us as much as it helps those in need. The feeling that there's actually something you can do to improve the world is a really good antidote to the anger and fear we sometimes hear on the news.

Related: My Son & I Volunteer at a Food Bank – 6 Ways It Builds Our Bond

Reconnect to the Joy in Your Own Life

Ultimately, we really just can't control that much in the world. Bad things happen on the nightly news, and people can be rude or angry. The thing we can control, however, is our own outlook. There are lots of ways to do this, and you may have your own great ideas for finding joy. There's a lot of good in the world if we know where to look for it.

How I Find Unadultered Joy in an Angry World