110+ Quotes About Keeping Family Together: Bond With Love

The ties that bind family make some of the most important relationships in life. These family togetherness quotes illustrate the importance of family.

Updated July 31, 2024
Happy family outdoors with two moms & two kids
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Family togetherness is important regardless of where you're from. Reinforce your desire to promote keeping the family together with a quote about family unity. These family bonding quotes offer inspiration, build bridges, and foster love and support

Quotes About Families That Stick Together

The bonds of family provide a safe haven in a tumultuous world.
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For many people, there is no one else in the world who will have your back like family members. Quotes about why families should stay together remind everyone what the point of family is.

  • Families are the individual parts that make up the whole world. Humanity depends on their togetherness.
  • Without family bonds, there isn't anything in the universe strong enough to hold people together.
  • When you choose to swim with family, you're creating a natural safety net from the dangers of the world.
  • Your family needs you as much as you need them; that's why it's important to stick together.
  • There's no one in the world more equipped and prepared to help you thrive than your family.
  • The bonds of family provide a safe haven in a tumultuous world.
  • When the storm rages, I'm so grateful I'm in the peace of my family.

Short Family Togetherness Quotes

If you need a safe place, surround yourself with family.
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Whether it's for a social media caption or because you're a person of few words, these short quotes capture all the feels of family togetherness in just a few words.

  • Family surrounds you with unconditional love.
  • Families that play together grow stronger.
  • If you need a safe place, surround yourself with family.
  • Family has your back, no matter what.
  • Families are better together. 
  • I take strength from my united family.
  • Family: united by blood, bonded by love.
  • Having my family together fuels my strength.
  • Grateful my family is together. 

Inspirational Family Unity Quotes

The power created by family unity could keep the whole world alight.
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Family unity gives each member a deep sense of belonging. Use these quotes to uplift your family and express how unified you are.

  • Family unity begins with U - N - I.
  • Family unity is not about being on the same page at the same time, it's about being in the same book working toward the same ending.
  • United, we are family, divided, we are alone.
  • Individually, we are vastly unique, but when put together, we are a total masterpiece.
  • The power created by family unity could keep the whole world alight.
  • Strength in numbers and a united front: These are the benefits of family unity.

Family Togetherness Love Quotes

When our family is together, it's impossible not to feel the love.
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If you love your time together with family, these quotes can help you express those feelings.

  • The loving embrace of family brings all the warmth you'll ever need.
  • The times I feel most loved are the times I'm near family.
  • The love of family can never be replaced, it's one-of-a-kind.
  • Love, to the infinite degree, equals family.
  • When our family is together, it's impossible not to feel the love.

Related: 125 Family Quotes That Show the Love You Share

Quotes About How to Keep Family Together

Quote About How to Keep Family Together
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Keeping your family together physically or emotionally can be a challenge. Use these quotes to encourage family bonds.

  • Families are stuck together by love, so spread it around like glue.
  • Keep your family together by being their biggest cheerleader and their biggest resource.
  • Family isn't a noun. It's a verb requiring action from each member to keep the whole afloat.
  • You may not choose your family, but you can choose to make it yours.
  • Focus on what ties you together, and your family can never fall apart.

Family Togetherness Quotes for Every Family Structure

Sharing bloodlines doesn't bond families together. Love does.
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You may be part of a blended family, an adoptive family, or any variation of other family structures. Regardless of how you define family, your feeling of love and togetherness is forever at the core of the unit.

  • Our shared love and devotion to each other is what makes us a family.
  • Sharing bloodlines doesn't bond families together. Love does.
  • Choosing to be a family together takes far more strength and love than genetics.
  • The day we decided to connect our lives together forever was the day we became family.
  • I choose you as my family, every minute, every hour, every day, forever.
  • We don't share DNA, we share FNA: Family Never Abandons.
  • Together we make a perfect family puzzle.

Staying Tight With Your Siblings Quotes

You are my sibling, my blood, and my best friend by choice.
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Whether you've lost your parents, they're no longer a part of your lives, or you are simply thicker than thieves, sibling sayings can help brothers and sisters recognize the strength of their family bond. Some of these quotes for brothers and sisters may ring true with you.

  • The foundation of a tight family can start with us.
  • As long as I have my siblings, I have a family.
  • Together as siblings, we have all we need to build a strong family.
  • The bond between siblings is strong enough to keep any family together.
  • When siblings vow to stick together, the family can grow.
  • You are my sibling, my blood, and my best friend by choice.
  • We make a great team, sib. You have my back and I'll pick up the slack.
  • Of all I have in this world, it is your love that I hold most dear.

Quotes About the Strength of a Cohesive Family

The strongest people are those backed by a loving family.
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Families who stick together through thick and thin have incredible strength as individuals and as a whole.

  • A strong family is the glue binding each individual to the world.
  • The strongest people are those backed by a loving family.
  • Family togetherness is the driving force behind a loving heart.
  • When you fall in life, your family catches you and stands you back up.
  • The key to endurance and strength is a family standing together.
  • Nothing can break you when you have your family standing beside you.

General Sayings About Your Strong Family

On our own, we each make waves. Together, we form an ocean too vast and strong to be separated.
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From family reunions to personalized holiday gifts, quotes about family unity are great ways to convey how important your relationships are.

  • Like gum to a shoe, you're stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you.
  • Keeping a family together is like building a puzzle. It may be hard to gather all the pieces, but once gathered, they fit together seamlessly.
  • Keeping our family together means doing what's best for each individual and what's best for the family as a whole.
  • On our own, we each make waves. Together, we form an ocean too vast and strong to be separated.
  • Family means Forever All Members Imprint Love on You.

Extended Family Quotes for Kind and Loving Kin

Family can extend far beyond one household.
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Celebrate the unity of your extended family with quotes about larger family groups.

  • Family can extend far beyond one household.
  • Every day with my family is like a family reunion; we're having fun with everyone who wants to join.
  • The further you extend family togetherness, the stronger the entity becomes.
  • Extended family bonding provides a solid foundation for every individual's life.
  • Extending love as far as your family reaches creates a web of love that's unbreakable.

Togetherness Quotes for Families Separated by Distance

Life may carry us apart, but together we remain in each other's heart.
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Families get separated physically when one or more members move or travel to a location far away. Help your family feel tied together even when you can't see each other with sayings about the power of your bond.

  • Near or far, we're only separated by car. As long as we exist, there is no distance across which our family can't persist.
  • No matter where we each stand, together we can look upon the same sun, the same moon, and the same sky, so we are forever one family.
  • You can't see air, but you need it to breathe, and it's always there. Likewise, your family may not be in sight, but we need each other and will always be there.
  • As a family, we make — not take — time for each other. That is the key to a strong chain even though some links don't touch.
  • Life may carry us apart, but together we remain in each other's heart.
  • Oceans apart are not enough to break this family's bond.
  • The moments we talk to each other or think of each other will add up to the greater sum that is our family.

Encouraging Sayings for Co-Parenting Families

In this family, we have two homes, but one heart.
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When parents split up, the ideal scenario is to continue promoting a united front through co-parenting for their children. These phrases capture the spirit of family togetherness for children who don't live with both parents in one household.

  • In this family, we have two homes, but one heart.
  • Family is in our hearts, bonded together for life, no matter where you rest your head.
  • Marriage bound us for a little while, but our children keep us together as a family for life.
  • On the outside, it may look like we've fallen apart, but as a family, we always stay together in our hearts.
  • Recipe for a unified family: 3 cups love, 1 cup empathy, 1/4 cup patience, 1 tablespoon teamwork.

Phrases for Staying United in Emergency Situations

Healing happens when individual hearts combine forces to beat as one at the center of a family.
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From natural disasters to a death in the family, people need extra support in unexpected times of distress. Rally your family to gather together with these quotes about how unity can help with healing.

  • Like a team in the championship game, our family will rally together in triumph.
  • Healing happens when individual hearts combine forces to beat as one at the center of a family.
  • Take away all our possessions, and we are left with one structure held together by love: family.
  • Our family cannot be divided, only rearranged. The end result looks different but still feels unified and full of love.
  • Each member of this family is a first responder; when we hear the call, we don't hesitate to unite and take action.

Quotes for Military Families Who Love and Protect

Though we don't all wear the uniform, we are all members of the same unit.
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Military families face unique challenges when trying to encourage family togetherness. Quotes for military families capitalize on the strength and creativity these families employ to stay bonded. One of these military sayings may express your own sentiments.

  • On the front lines of love, we stick together as a family and win every time.
  • In a lifestyle filled with changing surroundings, our family remains bright as the beacon signaling home.
  • Though we don't all wear the uniform, we are all members of the same unit.
  • When one member of our family is in need, everyone deploys to offer aid.
  • There's an invisible bond that ties soldiers together. It's called family.
  • When times get dark and the road is winding, know we are here waiting and praying for your safe return.
  • We cannot fight alongside you, but we take up arms in our hearts.

Divided but Never Lost Family Quotes

Families who keep loving until they get it right will never be divided.
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When your family is divided, inspirational quotes can help bring everyone back together. Even when family members feel lost, let them know they forever have a place in the fold.

  • A family divided against itself cannot love.
  • While a family can be divided by its individuals, it can never be divided into nothing.
  • All families can be divided into two categories: those who choose each other and those tied together by invisible bonds.
  • Families who keep loving until they get it right will never be divided.
  • You can never divide a family so far that it ceases to exist. Some semblance of it always remains.
  • When you are ready to return, we will be right here waiting.
  • Go if you must, but know that home will still be here when you return.
  • I leave a permanent light on for you in my heart so you always know your way back to your family's love.
  • Never fear coming home, for all you will see are open arms awaiting your embrace.

Famous Quotes About Keeping Family Together

Family means nobody gets left behind. - Lilo & Stitch
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Sayings about family ties and unity are abundant in books, movies, and songs.

  • "Keeping your family together is an extraordinary feat — especially in the face of great conflict." - DeVon Franklin
  • "The family that prays together, stays together." - Mother Teresa
  • "The more we get together, the happier we'll be." - The More We Get Together
  • "Cause more than ever we gon' have to stick together." - Jay-Z
  • "A family stitched together with love seldom unravels." - Quilting axiom
  • "Sticking with your family is what makes it a family." - Mitch Albom
  • "Family means nobody gets left behind." - Lilo & Stitch
  • "Family sticks together no matter what happens." - Jennifer Probst

Promote Family Togetherness

Words of encouragement and comfort about keeping a family together are important in different scenarios. Find the right quote to fit your family and needs so you can express exactly how you feel.

110+ Quotes About Keeping Family Together: Bond With Love